WP columnist Morse is ‘stomping mad’ at both candidates

It’s Easter morning!

Oh yes, and FORGIVENESS is in the morning air. Both ‘Pubs and Dems can be angry at each other, but we have the power of forgiveness thanks to the one above.

The Blue Dog just returned from early morning Sunrise Easter service and breakfast at my favorite Evangelical church and the Dawg is feeling pretty darn good.

With church being so early in the morning, I forgot to buy my other Sunday Bible, err … the Washington Post, but the WP is Online! In the Sunday Outlook section, there’s a good article by Democratic pundit Gordon Morse, “Off to an Unimpressive Start” concerning the Kaine and Kilgore’s property tax proposals.


Morse concludes in the article: “Adlai Stevenson once advised against running for office in a manner that demonstrates your unfitness for the job. Kaine and Kilgore should bear that in mind.”

Apparently, WP columnist Morse (another Warner sycophant) is stomping mad at both candidates this time. But look on the bright side, at least Gordon Morse is not another Gov. Warner “Stepford-pundit” like his RT-D counterpart, Jeff ‘Good-Copy’ Shapiro.

The VA conservative blogging community (i.e. One Mans Trash) are simply sick & tired of reading Richmond Jeff’s ‘good copy’ because he is constantly washing Gov. Warner’s dirty laundry until it’s clean for public consumption.

He’s also good at removing ‘Kaine-stains’ …

But did you realize Gordon Morse was the chief speechwriter for Democratic Gov. Gerald Baliles back in the late eighties and served with his administration. During his tenure, the Virginia State budget nearly doubled and taxes were raised numerous times under Gov. Gerald Baliles — who loved spending our taxes as much as collecting them.

Yes, siree Gordo! He worked for Gov. Gerald ‘budget-busting’ Baliles, who is better known for raising VA’s sales tax and the gasoline tax (as part of a $422 million-a-year transportation tax package that was a bust as well). Baliles is now attempting to resurrect his political career as your favorite special-interests US Senator.

How apropos considering the Christian holiday of resurrection and redemption?

Oh, that was mean of the Blue Dog 🙁

Please forgive me, Mr. Baliles?

And I’m really sorry to bust the ‘Barnie for Senate’ fan club bubble as well. But Democrats can pick their poison here and now, because it’s either ex-Gov. Gerald ‘the Tax Governor’ Baliles — or Gov. Mark ‘the Revenator’ Warner as the 2006 Democratic US Senate candidate.

Geographically speaking, Gordon Morse is a native of the Shenandoah Valley — so he is fairly knowledgeable about raising state pork and knows all the clever ways to politically spin a tax increase.

After all, Baliles is the main reason then incoming Gov. Wilder had to cut state government 15-percent across the board. That’s probably the reason why the WP columnist never publishes anything good about the ex-Gov. and current Richmond Mayor Doug Wilder or his trusty sidekick and campaign manager Paul Goldman.

I’ll need to hop back in the pickup truck before I really get in trouble — and go to town again to purchase a hardcopy of the Washington Post. Then it’s off to Grandma’s house I go — with the wife and our children.

I’m looking forward to Sunday’s Easter Dinner (and today, I’m forgetting about that ‘low-carb’ starvation diet) with turkey & country ham and mashed tatters and corn pudding and pickled eggs. And topped off with Grandma’s chocolate Coca-Cola cake for dessert.

Yummy, yummy … That’s eating right.