Take THAT, Groveton

Regarding Virginia’s renegade attorney general, Kenneth N. Cuccinelli and his assault on science at the University of Virginia, our own beloved Groveton says there ain’t no such thing as academic freedom.

The case, of course, involves Cuccinelli’s civil investigative demands for info and emails involving former global warming scientist at UVa Michael Mann and five research grants..
As Groveton wrote in a recent blog posting:
“There has never been a right to academic freedom. There is no right to academic freedom. And, God Bless, there will never be a right to academic freedom. So, any criticism of Ken Cuccinelli’s Civil Investigative Demand against Michael Mann as violating the right of academic freedom is null and void.”
My Dear Mr. Groveton, some 800 (eight hundred, count ’em) scientists in Virginia beg to differ. They all have written a letter to Cuccinelli asking him to go away on this one. See: letter.
I realize that Groveton is probably in an airplane over the Pacific somewhere. But when he gets email access, maybe he can explain to us why these 800 scientists are misinformed on academic freedom.
Peter Galuszka