Post Poll Hiding Its Hole Cards?

The Washington Post poll is out today. When the attacks on its credibility started a day or two ago on Republican blogs, I had a feeling it would be really bad news for Kilgore. It shows a three point lead for Kaine, within the margin of error, similar to earlier polls from other sources showing Kaine up a bit, and no surprise given the Post’s history of oversampling Democrats. Main message: what we’ve always suspected — a tight race.

One thing is missing though — the summary sheet. With the September poll, a full summary of the Post results was provided. That is still linked as a sidebar to this story, but we don’t have the October results to put beside it. Perhaps with some prodding they will post it. (Update note: And perhaps they are waiting to do a story on some of the other questions before they do.)

Lacking that data, and having set that standard of disclosure themselves, there is reason to treat this poll with more than usual skepticism. As you should treat EVERYTHING that appears in the newspapers, in new TV ads and on these blogs (where everybody always tells the truth!) between now and 7 p.m. on November 8. After Halloween things start going bump in the night.

Update! The Post has put up the background info, with one page missing for tomorrow’s story (probably.) Thanks, guys.