The Inmates Are Running the Asylum

If you ever wondered why local governments always run out of money and keep on raising property taxes, the story that ran today in the Washington Times says it all!

Local governments are asking Gov. Warner to amend a bill approved by both Houses of the General Assembly with veto-proof majorities, to exempt them from having to comply with the requirements of this bill.

And what is does this bill mandate that our local governments find so offensive? It forbids government agencies from providing Medicaid and welfare benefits to illegal aliens over 19 years of age. What a novel idea, eh?

But our local governments are up in arms over this bill. Such a draconian bill could put an end to the out-of-control spending of local jurisdictions. How can they continue justifying huge social welfare staffs if they have to cut back to providing such services to illegal aliens? After all, they just don’t have the manpower to screen anyone that comes in through their doors and asks for benefits we’re told—yet they have the manpower to provide all these benefits in the first place.

Do you get the idea that the inmates are running the asylum?

Silly me, I had this ill-conceived notion that such benefits were reserved for the truly needy and were restricted to legal residents only. Now that Gerry Connolly and the other local jurisdictions have explained it to me, I have a much clearer vision of exactly how our tax dollars are being squandered by the likes of Gerry Connolly and out-of-control Boards of Supervisors.