Setting Barnie Straight…

I’m afraid I must take exception with our friend Barnie Day regarding a recent column of his in the Agusta Free Press. He says:

Members of the flat-earth wing of the party – those on the far right, those who insist that you can build roads without money, who profess disdain for big government but grow it every chance they get, those who want government off our backs but want the government peeping into our bedroom windows and looking over our shoulders whenever we’re in our libraries, those who don’t mind mixing government and religion, so long as it is the right religion, those who prefer borrow and spend to tax and spend –

Hold on, Barnie–that’s an awfully broad brush you’re using to paint your analogy. I never thought of myself as a member of the flat-earth wing of the party, but that surely beats being a bleeding-heart liberal…

There is a major disconnect in what Barnie says, so let me set the record straight:

  1. I don’t want to build roads without money. Rather I want them to stop raiding the transportation fund and allocate the existing money where the roads are needed. Remember the Coalfield Expressway Barnie? And while we’re at it, stealing a bit less from NOVA would be nice too–instead of only returning less than half-a-dollar we send to Richmond, how about giving us back let’s say 75 cents? That could build an awful lot of roads up here.
  2. I truly disdain big government and I’ve repeatedly chastised members of the VRP who advocate big government. Unfortunately, there are a bunch of RINOs in the General Assembly, a number of which are former Democrats who switched parties just to stay in office.
  3. I don’t want government peeping into my bedroom and those who do are RINOs (see point No. 2 above).
  4. I don’t want government looking over my shoulder in the library, either. (Tell me Barnie do you still have use for public libraries? I haven’t set foot in one since the 1970s, although I admit that I use their free online services offerings.)
  5. I don’t want to mix government and religion, but I also know that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles and I’m not about to start dismantling every display of the 10 Commandments or erase the “In God We Trust” tag on every dollar bill.

Barnie, you really need to stop believing the liberal propaganda you keep on reading. It’s your wing of the political spectrum that keeps on telling us that we should be more understanding and more tolerant of other people. So how about having a cool one and become a bit more tolerant and understanding of conservatives?