Panhandling Politicos Hobnob with Richmond Lobbyists

by Kerry Dougherty

File this under “Virginia Democrats have no shame.”

On second thought, perhaps it should be filed under “Patrick Wilson is the best newspaper reporter in Virginia.”

Wilson, some of you may remember, was an ace reporter at The Virginian-Pilot for many years until the Richmond Times-Dispatch stole him away. I know Wilson and he’s an absolutely tenacious investigator who can sniff out impropriety in government and report fairly on it.

For instance, during the past year he’s provided Virginia with shocking details about the Parole Board scandal — you know, the gang that “waved its magic wand of freedom“ over murderers and set them free — that other news outlets were too lazy to dig up or report.

Now, in classic Wilson style, he’s reporting on the small-but-telling hypocrisies that pop up whenever the General Assembly is in session.

Make that “special” session. Lawmakers are back at the Capitol for two weeks to rubber stamp Gov. Ralph Northam’s spending plans. Because this session is special, legislators believe they are not bound by state law that prohibits fundraising while they’re doing the peoples’ — or rather the governor’s — business.

The ever-attentive Wilson noticed that on the first day of the session – -Monday — a 9:30 a.m. meeting was cancelled.

The majority party in the General Assembly kicked off a special session with a morning fundraiser at the John Marshall Ballrooms, inviting lobbyists to join Democratic legislative leaders for breakfast at 8 a.m., according to an invitation, Wilson wrote.

Democrats also canceled a tentatively scheduled 9:30 a.m. meeting Monday of a study group on campaign finance reform, which has never met even though it has a Nov. 1 deadline to issue a report.

Yep, Democrats actually cancelled a meeting to study Virginia campaign finance laws to attend a swanky breakfast that circumvented a law that forbids them to raise money during a session. This law was designed to put some distance between big money and legislation.

Tickets to the breakfast cost $500 for a single, $750 for two and $1,000 for four.

State law is murky about whether lawmakers may raise funds during a special session. Even the University of Virginia’s Larry Sabato isn’t sure, according to a story earlier this year in the Times-Dispatch:

“Maybe they technically can raise money” during a special session, said Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, noting that he is not “100% certain” on the issue.

“But doing so is clearly against the spirit of the law, since this so-called special session is just a sleight-of-hand maneuver around the GOP’s refusal to have the normal length session.

“Anybody who raises money during this extra session is creating an issue that their opponents can and should use against them on the campaign trail and in TV ads.”

All 100 delegates are up for re-election in November. Looks like the Dems just handed their opponents an issue.

Guess they didn’t figure Wilson would find out about their chicanery.

Talk about sleight-of-hand. Even if it is illegal to raise money during a special session, these panhandling politicos will argue that the session didn’t begin until noon on Monday. As long as they’d wiped the egg off their faces and stuffed their pockets with lobbyists’ dollars by 11:59 a.m., they didn’t violate the law.

Someone please remind these legislators that actions can be legal, but wrong.

This is one of those times.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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8 responses to “Panhandling Politicos Hobnob with Richmond Lobbyists”

  1. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Jeez, Kerry. A direct shot at Steve.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Really? How so? Hey, the reality is that this loophole could have been closed long ago by either party and I didn’t see a rush to do it with the GOP in charge. It stinks. Wilson was right to point out the extra hypocrisy of scheduling a meeting on campaign finance reform, and then cancelling it for the fundraiser. That DOES belong in some hit piece mailers and broadcast ads. 🙂

      The ban on fundraising in session is largely for show. My observation was that if you could buy them in session, you could buy them before or after session….The ethical lobbyists (and that’s most of them) very, very carefully avoid discussions of money while meeting on issues. It is a good reason to cut the meeting off and leave. But the shakedowns on the morning sessions start or evenings before are pretty blatant and it is impossible not to talk about issues. Both sides do it. (When I was Caucus Exec Director, we could hold our event during session and did! Always before crossover so more issues were still hanging.)

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        relevant: ” Both sides do it.”

        not right, yep. Partisan outrage? uh huh. snore…

        nothing to see here – it’s poop – the “type” is less important.

        I’ve said before and say it again – lobbyists per se are not inherently evil nor corrupt (though there are exceptional examples) . They CAN perform a valuable function that actually saves money for staff time – but as true with anything “free” – trust but verify.

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        I thought you were on the buy side?
        In DC, a House Speaker passed out checks on the floor…

        A former colleague was a Page when he was young. He said it made him a cynic. Under the balcony, out of view, were all these white men (1970s) in suits who would literally stand with their thumbs up, or down, during votes to remind the idiots, who we voted into office, which way to vote to recieve their money.

  2. “File this under “Virginia Democrats have no shame.”

    Replace the word ‘Democrats’ with the word ‘politicians’, then remove the word ‘Virginia’, and I agree 100%.

    1. Stephen Haner Avatar
      Stephen Haner

      Again, the added element of the cancelled ethics meeting does give this a bit more panache! That’s a very fair shot. And wouldn’t it be nice if some candidates indeed did make these a reforms an issue! Some senators in both parties have, to their credit (Suetterlein, Petersen).

      1. “Again, the added element of the cancelled ethics meeting does give this a bit more panache! That’s a very fair shot.”

        A fair point. While hypocrisy is endemic among politicians, the democrats do seem to be more likely to engage in the level of “in-your-face” hypocrisy necessary to boldly take such an action.

  3. The story has been picked up by The Virginia Star. “Virginia Senate GOP Criticizes Decision to Postpone Campaign Finance Reform Meeting on Same Day Democrats Hold Fundraiser” at

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