Bloggers: Here is another mission concerning the Kaine vs Kilgore political rhetoric. In today’s front page Metro Section coverage of the Kaine “launch” there is reference to the fact that Kaine is going to help homeowners upset by higher real estate assessments. “Some increases would drive up tax bills by more than 20 percent.”

Please refer to the post below “INFORMATION PLEASE, BARNIE” for what seems to be an existing cure, if the public were aware of it. In reading the end of the Post story it is clear Kaine, Kilgores’s staff, the Post writer, his editors and professor Holsworth of VCU are all at sea.

The sooner we clear away this sort of political underbrush and let the candidates articulate how they plan to balance land use generated travel demand with transportation system capacity and other fact based issues, the better we will all be.

For a good review of the failure to address transortation reality including the fact that building more roads (regardless of where the money comes from) without fundamental change in human settlement pattern see Jim Bacon’s Pavlov’s Pols in the current Bacons Rebellion.