Goldman/Holsworth on the Kaine-Kilgore Campaigns

Paul Goldman, long-time Doug Wilder confidant and “Secretary for Change” for the city of Richmond, is known for his occasional e-mail missives, which I’ve dubbed Goldmangrams. Here’s his latest, which is unusually succinct:

My good friend Larry Sabato, head of the UVA’s Center for Politcs and highly regarded seer of things campaign-wise, is known for his one-liners: but right now, he is playing second fiddle to the newly quotable Professor Robert Holsworth of the upcoming VCU public administration and politics team.

Sorry Larry, but the Holsworthism quoted below has got the Oscar for best one-liner unless you UVA folks can really get something cooked up in the next two months.

“The emails coming out of both the Kaine and Kilgore campaigns resemble a student body election rather than a governor’s race,” Robert Holsworth told Goochland Republicans at their luncheon.

New technology yes, but the same ole, same ole, for sure, whether electronically transmitted, or written by a quill pen and sent by horseback.