Chart of the Day: Immigrant Assimilation by Birthplace

Immigrants to the United States from Canada and the Philippines are the most assimilated of major immigrant groups, according to a new Manhattan Institute report, “Comparing Immigrant Assimilation in North America and Europe.” The report ranked populations based on measures of economic, cultural and civic assimilation.

For the most part, the United States does a better job of assimilating immigrants than Europe, notes the author Jacob L. Vigdor, although Canada does the best job of all. Assimilation rates also vary within the U.S. by metropolitan area.

Speaking of assimilating Asians, see the Weldon Cooper Center’s new statistical snapshot of the Asian population in Virginia. There are 400,000 Asians living in the state now, 5.5% of the population. Better educated than the native-born population, Asians also make significantly higher incomes.