The Wonk Salon: April 13, 2011

How the Feds Can Save Failing Schools
Center for American Progress
School systems have proven they can’t turn around failing schools. Turn the job over to the Feds.

Ryan Proposal Would Reduce Federal Medicaid Payouts to States
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities
Rep. Paul Ryan wants to convert federal Medicaid dollars to block grants. If his idea had been implemented in 2000, Virginia would have lost $5 billion by 2009.

States Unprepared for Nuclear Emergency
New America Foundation
Few states are prepared to cope with a radiation release from a dirty bomb, nuclear plan mishap or any other source.

The Electric Grid: a Bottleneck to Renewable Energy
World Resources Institute
Renewable energy is great… except for the fact that the United States electrical grid is totally unprepared to handle it. State renewable portfolio standards need to grapple with hard realities.