Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Wasting the Court’s Time and Our Tax Dollars

by Kerry Dougherty

Anyone remember John Allen Muhammed?

In 2002, with the country still on edge from the terror attacks of 2001, Muhammed and a young accomplice, Lee Boyd Malvo, began shooting innocent civilians from the trunk of a car in the suburbs around Washington D.C. In all, the two psychopaths killed 10 random strangers. Some victims were pumping gas, others were crossing strip mall parking lots or loading groceries into their cars.

The capriciousness of the killings terrified Virginians and Marylanders. After-school activities were cancelled in some places and people were wary of getting out of their vehicles.

When the two were finally apprehended, authorities decided that Muhammed’s first trial should be in Virginia. After all, they reasoned, he was charged with capital murder in the Old Dominion. If convicted and sentenced to die, the sentences in Maryland wouldn’t really matter.

The trial was held in Virginia Beach Circuit Court. As is usual in that city, the case was handled professionally and with dispatch.

Four weeks after jury selection ended a verdict was rendered: guilty. The penalty: death.

Other trials were held in Maryland, but Muhammed was put to death by lethal injection in Virginia on November 10, 2009, just seven years after his shooting spree.

His younger accomplice was sentenced to four life terms in Virginia and six in Maryland. A new law in Virginia that makes juveniles sentenced to life in prison eligible for parole after 20 years in prison means Malvo is eligible for parole this year.

One more reason to celebrate Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s election: there is little chance Youngkin’s appointees to the parole board will free the Beltway Sniper.

Why do I bring this up now? To illustrate that justice is usually rendered swiftly and without a lot of fanfare in Virginia. Our federal courts, with their famous “rocket docket,” are similarly inclined.

Which brings us to the Johnny Depp defamation suit against his ex-wife Amber Heard in Fairfax Country. That trial – with its circus-like atmosphere – is in its 7th week and the jury is expected to resume deliberations today.

The trial itself has been a YouTube sensation, proving that too many Americans need to get out off their derrières and back to the office. Every moment spent watching this grotesque she said-he said soap opera costs the viewer a dozen IQ points.

This dysfunctional couple, married for just two years, put their addictions, their temper tantrums, their imbecilic and repulsive behavior on display for almost two months.

In doing so they’ve left their reputations – to the extent they had any – in tatters. It’s hard to imagine any director hiring either actor again. Their erratic and violent history renders them uninsurable.

Why should Virginians care about two Hollywood narcissists beating each other up for money? Well, for one thing, their endless hissy fits are costing taxpayers lots of money.

No one that I can find has added up the cost of the trial so far, but for six weeks taxpayers have been on the hook for the salaries of sheriff’s deputies, courtroom personnel, the judge, bailiffs, court reporters, clerks and others. No doubt added security was needed to protect the stars of this sick psycho-drama from the fans who packed the courtroom every day.

The case centers on an op-ed Heard wrote for The Washington Post alleging that she’d been the victim of domestic abuse. While she didn’t name her ex, Depp claims she was clearly writing about him. That newspaper piece damaged his reputation, Depp claims.

Surely this entire trial has permanently damaged his reputation far worse than a single op-ed.

Depp is seeking $50 million from his ex-wife and she has countersued him.

The jury could render its verdict as early as today. If I were a member of that panel, I wouldn’t award a dime to either repugnant party.

The courts are there to render justice for those accused of committing crimes and to adjudicate legitimate civil matters. This courtroom carnival in Fairfax County is not only a waste of time and money but a gross misuse of the courts.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed and Unedited.

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13 responses to “Johnny Depp and Amber Heard: Wasting the Court’s Time and Our Tax Dollars”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    The only other Virginia trial I can think of that was a big circus involved John Wayne B. and Lorena. Finally, Americans could place Manassas, Virginia on a map. How in the world did Johnny and Amber end up in a Virginia court?

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      I believe Virginia is a valid location because Washington Post online division has offices in NoVA. WaPo of course being where Amber published her OpEd. From a legal viewpoint, they said Virginia law is a little more favorable to cases like Depp’s compared to say California.

    2. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      I believe Virginia is a valid location because Washington Post online division has offices in NoVA. WaPo of course being where Amber published her OpEd. From a legal viewpoint, they said Virginia law is a little more favorable to cases like Depp’s compared to say California.

  2. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    One thing I have heard from others I refuse to watch the trial and I try to change the subject is if there are any children involved they should both permanently lose custody and contact with the children.

  3. Peter Galuszka Avatar
    Peter Galuszka

    Energy Now. There’s a very simple reason why Depp filed in Virginia. The state has very weak (SLAPP) restrictions (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). California has tough ones. These are designed to get rid of frivolous lawsuits and prevent public figures from tying up the media with nonsense. The fact that the Post has operations in Virginia is totally irrelevant.. They have operations all over the place. Plus, they were not named as a defendant. Depp’s name never came up in Heard’s OPED.

    1. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

      Good info Peter. As far as Virginia NoVA offices of WaPo. just saying what I heard from mass media (hearsay).

    2. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      If weak SLAPP restrictions were the only reason, he’d have filed in Florida.

  4. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    Now imagine our country without the civil court system.
    Marbury v. Madison.
    Dred Scott v. Sandford.
    Brown v. Board of Education.
    Mapp v. Ohio.
    Gideon v. Wainwright.
    Miranda v. Arizona.
    Roe v. Wade.

    Oh yeah, and Marshall (nee Smith) v. Marshall… in 2017,

    “I am,” he told those in the court, “going off the handle officially. I am tired of this case. I’ve told you that from the beginning. I beg you to recuse me. I beg you to recuse me. I don’t want to deal with you people anymore. This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous.”

    Judge Wood went on to say, “I am not going to spend a lot of time cutting at nits and gnats for people that are fighting over 20 billion, $10 billion that they didn’t earn. They didn’t create this wealth. It was created by a third party, and they’re just fighting over it. They can’t agree on anything. They can pay lots of lawyers. They can pay lawyers until hell freezes over. But they don’t want to agree to anything. They just want to pay lawyers.”

  5. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    My favorite lawsuit…

    A woman who claimed a CAT scan she received at a hospital in 1976 made her unable to use her psychic powers was awarded $988,000 by a jury last week.

    The eight-member Common Pleas Court jury deliberated about 45 minutes before awarding Judith Richardson Haimes $600,000 plus $388,000 in interest on her malpractice claim against Temple University Hospital.

    Haimes, 42, contended an allergic reaction to a dye injected during the exam gave her severe, recurring headaches that forced her to give up her practice in New Castle, Del., two months later.

    You’d have thought she’d have seen it coming….

  6. WayneS Avatar

    It’s hard to imagine any director hiring either actor again. Their erratic and violent history renders them uninsurable.

    Perhaps, but I doubt it.

    I have no idea who Amber Heard is, but Johnny Depp makes money at the box office, and, as ‘they’ say: “any publicity is good publicity”.

    I don’t think the folks who make movies will shy away from either of them because of this.

  7. WayneS Avatar

    It’s hard to imagine any director hiring either actor again. Their erratic and violent history renders them uninsurable.

    Perhaps, but I doubt it.

    I have no idea who Amber Heard is, but Johnny Depp makes money at the box office, and, as ‘they’ say: “any publicity is good publicity”.

    I don’t think the folks who make movies will shy away from either of them because of this.

  8. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Johnny Who? Amber Who? Another click-bait Kerry piece…

  9. wa6ilt Avatar

    Didn’t one or the other have to pay court costs?

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