How to spot an illegal beagle

RT-D Jeff Schapiro wrote, “Through press secretary Delacey Skinner, Kaine, the Democratic nominee, indicated that he, too, believes Virginia government should get tough with businesses that put illegal immigrants on the payroll.

‘If we discover a business is willfully violating immigration laws by hiring illegal immigrants, they should not be rewarded with state benefits, such as contracts,’ Skinner said.”

Oh, please! Democrat Tim Kaine is Pro-Herndon Day Labor center but against illegal immigration?

And the flip-flopping list goes on and on and on…

Pro-revenue but anti-property tax…
Pro-choice but anti-abortion…
Pro-gun but pro-Restrictions on Hand guns…
Tough on Crime but anti-Death penalty…
Pro-Gay & Lesbian but against same-Sex Marriages…
Pro-transportation but pro-Environment and controlled growth…

Exactly what does the flipping Democrat Tim Kaine stand for?

~ the blue dog