Democratic candidate John Edwards withdraws from AG race

Email from a Roanoke gay activist/attorney: “John Edwards has announced today that he is not running for Attorney General this year. It seems reasonable to assume that, among other things, he could foresee a tremendous, brutal, battle over his heroic consistent record of voting for LGBT rights, including against all versions of the evil State constitutional amendment.”

Roanoke Times, “Roanoke senator drops statewide nomination bid”

Blue Dog:

Here’s the real story … the State Senator John Edwards was lagging behind in contributions to Democrat AG candidate, State Senator Deeds (but Creigh is not looking good financially – by any means).

But more to the point, Mr. Edwards has never been known for campaigning in the trenches.

It’s not his style.

Back in 1992, John Edwards blew his big chance to run for the 6th District Congressional seat because he did not organize the local Democratic caucuses.

The straw that broke his back? Rockingham County Democrats and locals who resided next to Skyline Drive Parkway voted for Steve Musslewhite in the county caucus due to a bogus “property rights” issue involving the state park. These folks arrived in vans and buses from the west side of the mountain to vote against “environmentalist” Edwards.

Hmm …

If Democrat John Edwards won the party nomination, he might have possibly beat GOP candidate Bob Goodlatte in the November election. After all, the seat was occupied by Roanoke-based Democrat, Congressman Jim Olin, for 12-years.

In 2001, Edwards lost the Democrat primary for AG to Delegate Donald McEachin by 4-percentage points. He should have won that race as well. Democratic AG candidate Donald McEachin boasted about his NRA F-rating and lost big to Kilgore that year in rural Virginia.

Now, State Senator Creigh Deeds, who patron the hunting & fishing constitutional amendment, will become the lone AG Democrat candidate in 2005.

And local valley ‘Pubs say small town attorney, Creigh Deeds, could possibly win the statewide race.

Thoughts, comments?

But I think we’re headed for a Kaine-Baskerville-Deeds ticket for the Dems.