An Apology

I owe an apology to my readers. I broke one of my own cardinal rules. There is no place in Bacon’s Rebellion for insults. Insults do not constitute an argument; insults only diminish the effectiveness of an argument. I would chastise anyone else who employed the rhetoric I used in the previous post (“The Worst of All Conceivable Solutions”) and so I must chastise myself.

The final paragraph of that post refers to various politicians and pundits as “brain dead” and “Terri Schiavos.” That was obvious hyperbole. But it was also out of place. That kind of language does not promote a civil discourse, which Bacon’s Rebellion is all about. I regret using that language, and I apologize to any politician, pundit or reader who might have been offended by it.

I hope that readers will follow my words, not my personal example, in keeping Bacon’s Rebellion a forum where people who disagree can interact civilly.