All Hail Deena Flinchum

Bacon’s Rebellion contributor Deena Flinchum has hit the big-time. The Wall Street Journal printed her letter to the editor in the most prominent position of its editorial page today.

Her letter supported a recent Journal editorial that took a hard line against proposed laws involving illegal emigration, noting recent efforts in Arizona and Utah. Flinchum unflinchingly states that any immigration reform should not include a tradeoff between “amnesty” for undocumented workers and tougher enforcement.

“A quarter of a century after supporting the (1986 Immigration Reform and Contract Act) we are still waiting for the enforcement that is not only more accurate now but much easier to deliver than it was back then,” she wrote.

The Flinchum missive was twined with another by Cecilia Wang of the ACLU and Linton Juaoquin of then National Immigration Law Center attacking the Journal editorial.

To be sure, I do not agree personally with Deena or the Journal but it is great to see a fellow BR blogger out there smacking ’em in the big leagues.

Peter Galuszka