What Did Democrats Learn from Tuesday’s Spanking?

by Kerry Dougherty

And the news just keeps getting better.

Seems Democrats learned next to nothing from Tuesday’s spanking in Virginia. Turn on any cable news network — except Fox — and pundits on the left are declaring Glenn Youngkin’s victory a win for racism. They can’t stop yapping about white supremacy, culture wars and dog whistles.

MSNBC’s Joy Reid, for instance.

“You have to be willing to vocalize that these Republicans are dangerous,” Reid said on MSNBC Live on Election Night. “That this isn’t a party that’s just another political party that disagrees with us on tax policy… at this point, they’re dangerous. They’re dangerous to our national security because stoking that kind of soft white nationalism eventually leads to the hardcore stuff.”

Lieutenant Governor-Elect Winsome Sears — the first black woman elected to statewide office in Virginia, the first immigrant AND a Republican — would like a word with the cable news ignoramus.

“I wish Joy Reid would invite me on her show — let’s see if she’s woman enough to do that — I’d go in a heartbeat and we’d have a real discussion without Joy speaking about me behind my back, if you will,” said Sears during her appearance on Fox’s “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Wednesday afternoon.

“[Reid] talks about white supremacy,” Sears continued. “Does she know that I ran against a white supremacist? I mean. Joy. come on. Get your facts straight and then come talk to me. I’m waiting for you.”

Reid would be wise to duck. This former Marine would leave her begging for mercy.

That well-known intellectual, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, actually accused Virginia Democrats of nominating a candidate who was too “moderate” to win. Apparently this New Yorker believes that a radical socialist would have emerged victorious.

It’s clear she’s never stepped foot in the Old Dominion.

Sen. Tim Kaine, who actually occupied the Governor’s Mansion and lives in Virginia, refused to blame McAuliffe or his Trump-centric negative campaign for the loss, instead pointing the finger at Congress.

If only they’d passed the trillions of dollars in “infrastructure” and approved free pre-school, he moaned, McAuliffe might have won.

That is the problem with Democrats. They believe they can buy votes by promising freebies. Like dogs snapping up treats, they believe a sated electorate will roll over and follow the person with the Milk Bones.

What an insult to Virginians.

With a buffoon in the White House, inflation eating into earnings and Virginia’s kids failing standardized tests at an alarming pace because schools were closed by the present governor’s tyrannical orders, Kaine actually believes more swag would have turned this Democratic debacle around.


Only Democratic operative Jim Carville gets it. In an interview on NPR he blamed the left’s “wokeness’ for the loss.

“Well, what went wrong is this stupid wokeness,” said Carville, who was Gov. Bill Clinton’s campaign manager in 1992.

“Don’t just look at Virginia and New Jersey,” he added of the Garden State, where Democratic incumbent Gov. Phil Murphy barely eked out a second term.

“Look at Long Island, look at Buffalo, look at Minneapolis. Even look at Seattle, Wash. I mean, this ‘defund the police’ lunacy, this ‘take Abraham Lincoln’s name off of schools,’ that — people see that,” he continued.

Carville, known as the “Ragin’ Cajun,” said such policies have a “suppressive effect” across the country, and he suggested that progressive Democrats “need to go to a woke detox center.”

Carville… pleaded with them to begin talking “about things that are relevant to people” and “get rid of this left-wing nonsense, this claptrap I hear.”

”But we have got to stop. We have got to get off of this. These people have got to understand they’re not popular around the country. People don’t like them. And they’re voting because that’s the only way that they can express themselves and how much they disagree with this ,” Carville said, adding later, ”People don’t want to ride in the car with you. They don’t want to ride next to you in the subway. ”

He’s right of course. (Then again, last week he was defending the tiki torch dirty trick as being a good move.) But I hope Democrats ignore him.

Keep cancelling Abraham Lincoln and yammering about dog whistles and pronouns.

And bring on the mid-terms.

This column has been republished with permission from Kerry: Unemployed & Unedited.

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19 responses to “What Did Democrats Learn from Tuesday’s Spanking?”

  1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
    James Wyatt Whitehead

    Democrats are going to learn how to shovel snow. Cold winter ahead on Capitol Square.

  2. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    Pssst… better start working on tearing down the jobs report, Kerry.

    1. John Harvie Avatar
      John Harvie

      Last three months of jobs reports this morning revised and SUBSTANTIALLY upped, even though beforehand not bad. 😉

  3. LarrytheG Avatar

    well, even Don Lemon is saying the Dems have gone stupid…. on woke and defund….

  4. energyNOW_Fan Avatar

    Carville also criticized CNN and NYT for not doing a better job communicating the progressive agenda. I agree with the sentiment that the Dems approach seems to be almost bribery sending Trillions of helicopter dollars out there to buy support. Money talks, so I am not quite sure why it (re: the COVID money) did not work in Virginia.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      Actually , truth be known, why are the stimulus bills stalled in the House when the Dems have a majority?

      Dems are split between moderates and progressives.

      Yep – totally true – the moderates are not on board with the scope and scale of the money.

      The GOP is split also between those loyal to Trump and his lies and normal traditional GOP trying to maintain legitimate conservative principles, while many of their fellow GOP hew to lies and conspiracy theories.

      And Youngkin realizes this and threaded that needle.

      And now we’re going to see how he governs and how much of it will involve the GOP crazies …in Virginia.

      The Dems got sandbagged on Critical Race Theory – by their own woke selves… I agree.

      Youngkin and the GOP needs to keep in mind that they won by about 1% of the vote – Dems were repudiated but not exactly rejected and Youngkins challenge will be to govern for a couple of years with a split GA and then hope to get the Senate at next election.

      He can screw this up if he goes too much “right” and/or makes a mess of issues…

      Youngkin deserved to win.

      The Dems were idiots on “woke”, no question and voters told them so.

      1. Kathleen Smith Avatar
        Kathleen Smith

        Absolutely right. I am one of those Dems who changed sides for these very same reasons. Enough “woke” and more “work”.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          yeah I knew you did from some of your prior comments. But again – look at what is going on with the two stimulus bills in Congress – a Democratic majority – and could sail through in theory but it’s not because of the Dem moderates who have refused to go along.

          And rejection of defund-the-police – in Democratic cities!

          And I’m betting you too don’t want to see folks like Amanda Chase or Corey Stewart or other Trumpsters have roles in a Youngkin administration.

          The Dems went too far left but also don’t miss that 1% margin – he’s governing a split electorate.

          I’m waiting to see how he sets the tone.

          1. Last time I checked, 50.82% minus 48.40% was 2.42%. That’s almost two and one-half percent.

            Certainly not a landslide, but way more than 1%.


          2. Matt Adams Avatar
            Matt Adams

            Couple that with the relative infrequency of Virginia electing Republican Governor let alone 3 positions with nearly identical percentages (denoting straight ticket voting). It’s not the nothing that they are no clamoring to say it is.

          3. I LOVE THE BILLS…….I think we need 80K IRS agents to chase down those criminal foreigners who are getting $450K each[though Bug-out Biden called that ‘garage] to insure they pay their ‘fare share’ of taxes so Elon Musk can get his tax credits for his electric cars.

  5. VaNavVet Avatar

    Typical drivel from Kerry complete with name calling and divisiveness.

    1. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “VaNavVet • 20 minutes ago
      Typical dribble from Kerry complete with name calling and divisiveness.”

      It’s highly ironic that you get your dander up about “name calling and divineness” when you call her writing “dribble”.

      Pot is looking for you kettle.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Critiquing her work is not name calling as you will note that I called her “Kerry”.

        1. Matt Adams Avatar
          Matt Adams

          You didn’t critique her work, you called it dribble. Which you were corrected, to critique her work you’d have to address on the content. You did not.

    2. Matt Adams Avatar
      Matt Adams

      “VaNavVet • 20 minutes ago
      Typical dribble from Kerry complete with name calling and divisiveness.”

      It’s highly ironic that you get your dander up about “name calling and divineness” when you call her writing “dribble”.

      Pot is looking for you kettle.

    3. FYI – The correct term is drivel. It is a noun. It means “nonsense”.

      Dribble is an action performed with a basketball or soccer ball.

      1. VaNavVet Avatar

        Thank you.

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