The Problem with Local Elections

by Joe Fitzgerald

I once told a candidate for Harrisonburg City Council that ten thousand people would show up to vote and more than half would never have heard of him. Referring to the expense and effort of campaigning, he asked, “Why the Hell am I doing this then?”

The answer might be to give the voters a fighting chance. City Council actions affect day-to-day lives more than decisions made in Richmond or D.C., but the elections themselves are, if not hidden, at least subsumed into races that get more attention.

State and federal Democratic campaigns in one three-year period, 2012-14, hired at least eight people full-time and paid 30-plus months of office rental. Even allowing for the relatively low pay (and brutally long hours) for campaign organizers, that’s somewhere north of $200,000 over that period, just on one side of the political aisle. The Republican side would be close to the same. That rough guess of $400K over three years doesn’t include state senate and delegate races at a quarter million a pop for strongly-contested races.

City Council races bring in and spend much less money and are harder to analyze. For instance, one council candidate had the Planning Commission chair design a website for him and claimed it was a $4,000 donation. The astonishing thing about campaign finance in Virginia is how much is actually legal, not just in what is raised but in how it’s reported.

In Harrisonburg, local races sort of hitchhike on the larger races. Hence the observation that half the voters haven’t heard about the local races. Every 12 years there’s a City Council race with no presidential or U.S. Senate race on the ballot, but even in those years there are more votes cast in the Sixth District Congressional race, which is opposed but one-sided, with the Republican on the ballot having a roughly 60-40 advantage.

That’s about the same advantage a Democrat has running for City Council in Harrisonburg. Since Ted Byrd won in 2014, no Republican has won, and a strong argument could be made that George Hirschman, a Republican running as an independent, won more because of his name recognition as a TV weatherman than for any policy stance. The advantage for a Democratic candidate means local races can be decided in Democratic Party caucuses, which are not only low turnout but can be badly-run. A few hundred people chose the 2022 nominees in caucuses that ignored state and national party rules.

Besides lower turnout, party primaries and caucuses differ from general elections in that the majority of voters show up for a particular candidate. In November some voters will show up not even knowing who or what is on the ballot. In the spring, a candidate can win by contacting 200 people they know. That’s no way to choose the people who’ll be voting on permanent changes to land uses and spending hundreds of millions of dollars.

When there were more daily reporters working in Harrisonburg, the processes and the candidates might have received more scrutiny. That’s not the case now. The voters can only be expected to gather so much information on their own. So while voters as a whole were not paying attention, while Harrisonburg slept, the city wound up with a governing council that doesn’t represent the city’s mainstream and that most couldn’t name.

Joe Fitzgerald is a former mayor of Harrisonburg.

Republished with permission from the Still not sleeping blog.

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17 responses to “The Problem with Local Elections”

  1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
    Dick Hall-Sizemore

    Another example of the need for a well-staffed, vigorous local newspaper.

    1. how_it_works Avatar

      As well as an electorate capable of reading and understanding it.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        Facebook is the answer to both questions!


        1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
          Dick Hall-Sizemore

          Oh, sure. Facebook is a reliable source on elections.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            it’s how “news” is now distributed instead of local newspapers… ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. Fred Costello Avatar
    Fred Costello

    Why not give each candidate a public page on the government website that allows questions from voters and statements from the candidate?

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      perhaps on the dept of elections website and questions submitted and hopefully answered?
      Perhaps donations!

      I like it.

      But it WOULD require some staff to maintain it and moderate it, yes there are folks out there that
      would abuse the heck out of it and of course if
      they got moderated, they’d sue for censorship…

      second thought.. good concept… very hard to do…

      1. Fred Costello Avatar
        Fred Costello

        Let the candidate moderate his page and let everyone know that he has the authority to do so.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          He/she would have to have 24/7 staff to do that… these days the wackos are everywhere.

    2. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      The statements would just be BS.

      1. Your cynical side is showing, sir…


    3. LarrytheG Avatar

      There is potential to do this. It might even be a non-partisan group like VPAP willing to put the questions up to the candidates and post candidates answers and allow questions …

      and see which candidates choose to participate…

      local news is toast unless we come up with a way
      for Google and other online advertises to pay a certain percentage into a fund that supports
      local news… I think something like that is done in Europe.

  3. This is a strong argument for breaking the stranglehold the democrats and republicans have on the process for determining who will be on the ballot for local elections. I think we need to find a way to stop the two major crime families, I mean political parties, from putting forth candidates in their names. Probably not possible, but I can dream, can’t I?

    I can remember when “growther” and “no-growther” meant a lot more than “democrat” and “republican” to those who were voting in local elections. I often did not even know the party affiliation (if any) of those running for my Board of Supervisors. I voted for a person, not for a particular political party.

    I’d like to see a return to those days.

    1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
      Dick Hall-Sizemore

      You are probably in the minority. I was an election official this year. One of the questions we got frequently from voters, after they got their ballots, was, “Which ones are (fill in party)?’

      1. James Wyatt Whitehead Avatar
        James Wyatt Whitehead

        You have to do your homework for that answer. Sadly, that does not happen with most voters.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          that’s what the tables are for in front of the precincts, right?

      2. I most likely am, but I can dream, can’t I?

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