So Crazy That You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

A defund-the-police protest in downtown Charlottesville. Photo credit: The Daily Progress

by James A. Bacon

I’ve just returned from a week in Costa Rica. The country is beautiful and the people are friendly. More than that, they’re sane. I saw none of the zaniness that is routinely on display in Los Estados Unidos. By contrast, here at home the lunacy is so loco that it could emanate only from a people educated by a system bent upon extinguishing rational thought, and possessed by a naïveté so extreme that they believe in the social-justice equivalent of unicorns and leprechauns.

Costa Rica defunded its army back in 1948, a fact lauded by many on the left. But the country still has a police force. During my stay, the police were very much in evidence — pistol-packing guards in the airport, motorcycle cops enforcing the speed limit ($600 fines!), and agents who enforce the nation’s strict immigration laws. (Nicaraguans who overstay their visas are quickly booted out.) Maybe Costa Rican nut cases are calling for defunding the police, but they haven’t had much impact. According to Wikipedia, the number of police per 100,000 population in Costa Rica is 297 (2012 figures) — more than that of the U.S. at 242 (2019 figures).

In Charlottesville yesterday, a group calling itself SURJ, which is dedicated to ending “white supremacy,” held a protest downtown to defund the police… this in a small city where, even The Daily Progress acknowledges, gun violence is (pardon the pun) SURGing: nine homicides and 18 injuries since September. In 2021, the city had reported zero homicides, and only five the year before that.

The solution? “Loving and supporting one another,” according to one scribbler on the city’s free speech wall.

Consider the words of a certain Laura Sirgany to The Daily Progress. Her interactions with police have been negative, she said.

An ex refused to return my child and was making violent threats, and the police when contacted said, ‘That’s a domestic situation, and we don’t get involved.’” I’m very close to a person who was in a similar situation, and that situation ended in murder.

Get that? The police did not get involved in a domestic situation. So, Sirgany doesn’t like them, and she joined a protest to defund them. Perhaps it escaped her that if the police were defunded, and if there weren’t any police, the friggin’ non-existent police wouldn’t have gotten involved either! And they couldn’t get involved for anyone else, no matter how dire the situation!

A certain Maria Rincon suggested that police are worthless. ““They just show up after crimes. They don’t prevent anything from happening. And then they lock people up as if that’s going to solve anything.”

Well, actually, when you lock people up, they can’t commit crimes outside the jail or prison, so, actually, you do solve something… at least as long as the criminal stays locked up… which, unfortunately, they probably wouldn’t if SURJ had its way because the same people who want to defund the police also tend to want to empty the jails.

Apparently, the protesters think the best approach is firing the police and hiring psychologists or social workers to go in and defuse crimes before they happen.

Trouble is, the U.S. is experiencing a national mental breakdown and schools are hiring so many psychologists and social workers to deal with mayhem in the classrooms — where the policy of “loving and supporting one another” has not exactly been a resounding success — that there is now a national shortage of psychologists and social workers.

Sending in social workers might work if the crazies know there are police to back them up. What happens when the crazies figure out that the local police department has been defunded, there aren’t any police anymore, and crazies can do anything they want without fear of arrest?

Sheer lunacy.

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78 responses to “So Crazy That You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”

  1. Can these people join a 9-1-1 ‘No Response’ list?

  2. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    There is a solution that will help. Traffic Wardens.

    No guns. No Wants & Warrants checks. License and registration checks only. Tickets, warnings, booting, towing & impounding.

    DUIs, they call a cop to make the arrest.

    1. Also murder wardens, armed robbery wardens, rape wardens, etc.?

      1. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Those are cops as always. Those are also 911 calls. Would you even try to venture a guess at how infinitesimally small the number of times police witness and stop a murder, robbery, or a rape while simply driving around? C’mon try a find a number. Remember youse are the guys who always quip, “when seconds count, the police are minutes away.”

        You don’t get arrested for parking violations, nor are they opportunities to question and arrest. Why should any moving violation be? It’s Stop & Frisk by another name. It’s just a different level of authority.

        1. We don’t get pulled in Virginia for burned out lights, expired inspection and some other stuff any more because it’s racist.

          Richmond and other cities are finding murder is very concentrated in a few areas and that increasing police presence significantly reduces the number of murders and other violent crimes.

          1. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            It wouldn’t be racist if there were no legal opportunities to escalate to search, detain, and arrest. Cops would still be prevented from equipment violation stops. That’s the job of a traffic warden and the maximum extent of such a stop would be a boot. You’re not under arrest and can leave anytime.

          2. How would you recommend an unarmed traffic warden deal with an individual who ‘escalates’ a traffic stop on his own by, say, brandishing a weapon as the warden approaches his car?

          3. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            “You’re free to go, Sir.” The exact same way Meter Maid would deescalate a hostile person parked beside a hydrant, or dozens of others who deal with John Q. Public. Then, it’s a crime for the police.

            The primary difference in the stop is “You were speeding. I need to see your license and registration,” instead of “Do yoo know why I stooped you and may I look in your trunk?”

            All of this is because YOU are dealing with an armed individual who will kill you.

          4. …and may I look in your trunk?

            The answer to that question is always “no”.

          5. Nancy Naive Avatar
            Nancy Naive

            And at that moment, the cop detains you (cuffing you for “your safety”) and calls for his “probable cause on four legs”. If you are precluded by law from escalating, i.e., a traffic warden, by asking to search then escalation cannot occur.

            Remember, you cannot ask, or know for sure, “Why Bennie Barks”.


            And just in case you’re thinking the dog is wrong…


          6. Ask not for who Bennie barks, he barks for you.

          7. How would you recommend an unarmed traffic warden deal with an individual who ‘escalates’ a traffic stop on his own by, say, brandishing a weapon as the warden approaches his car?

          8. I recently learned that you can get pulled over for an expired inspection sticker if it is more than 90 days out of date.

          9. Hope it wasn’t learned from personal experience.

          10. Well…

          11. Deep subject… you’re not alone. Local county deputies where I live used to sit along higher travel roads the first week of the month to bust expired stickers. They don’t seem to be lurking as much since the law changed.

          12. Deep subject… you’re not alone. Local county deputies where I live used to sit along higher travel roads the first week of the month to bust expired stickers. They don’t seem to be lurking as much since the law changed.

  3. James Kiser Avatar
    James Kiser

    Bring it on fine with me if there are no police. I look forward to it.

    1. Randy Huffman Avatar
      Randy Huffman

      Costa Rica has 5.2 Million people, so a bit of apples to oranges. But if were going there, the murder rates of US cities is much higher than the overall US. According to this report done a year ago (so aged), Hampton VA is #65 at around 11, Norfolk 43 at 15, Richmond #11 at 23, and St Louis #1 at 64.

  4. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Will the grass ever get any greener in the US of A than that of Costa Rica? If it does, woke conservatives will be complaintless.

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      And sorta depends on what you want to see and believe:

      “Violent crime in Costa Rica has increased in recent years. In 2021, Costa Rica registered 588 homicides, a rate of approximately 11.5 murders per 100,000 people. Criminal groups transport drugs along the Pacific coast, and the government has reported that many homicides there are related to organized crime and drug trafficking. There are reports of occasional police abuses of detainees and civilians; confirmed cases are generally investigated and prosecuted.

      Overcrowding, poor sanitation, insufficient access to health care, and violence remain serious problems in Costa Rica’s prisons. Recurrent abuse by prison police has not been thoroughly investigated due to victims’ reluctance to file formal complaints.”,problems%20in%20Costa%20Rica's%20prisons.

      1. What’s your point, Larry? Should Costa Rica defund its police?

        By the way, how does the homicide rate compare to that of Panama, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala?

        1. James McCarthy Avatar
          James McCarthy

          Not at all suggested. Silly. Comparable homicide rates in neighboring CA nations are irrelevant. What’s your point?

  5. James McCarthy Avatar
    James McCarthy

    Will the grass ever get any greener in the US of A than that of Costa Rica? If it does, woke conservatives will be complaintless.

  6. “Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) is a network organizing white people for racial and economic justice. SURJ was founded in 2009 amidst the backlash to election of Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States.” Wikipedia

    Seemed that America accepted Obama as President, maybe because he campaigned on CHANGE but governed on SAME. Since SURJ is still around his re-election must not have allayed their concerns. Woke racism lives.

    Defund the Police is well past it’s expire date nationally. The Dems have been avoiding it like the plague. The word does not seem to have gotten to the hinterlands of Charlottesville.

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      As for “the backlash to election of Barack Obama as the first black President of the United States”, there was undoubtedly some of that.

      But Barack Obama was a broadly polarizing figure.

      We are challenged to untangle the fierce political and ideological disagreement he evoked from any race-based hostility.

      My observation at the time was that the general attitude of conservatives matched my own.

      I voted against him and was proud he got elected.

      The race industry, organized most densely in college faculties, sees any opposition to him – and virtually everything else in society – through the lens of race.

      So do students, pictured in the post, in their thrall. Students who, brains switched off, somehow imagine that the absence of policing will create nirvana rather than a hell scape.

      1. Dick Hall-Sizemore Avatar
        Dick Hall-Sizemore

        I get frustrated sometimes at conservatives complaining about progressives seeing everything in society through the lens of race. It is not as if conservatives in Virginia during most of the 20th Century were not fixated on race. As I have commented before, as I grew up in Southside Virginia, everything was defined in terms of race–where one went to school, where one could eat in restaurants, where one could go to the restroom, who one could marry, where one went to church, etc., etc. With Obama’s election, there was hope that the United States would move to a post-racial society. Sadly, that has not occurred yet.

        1. DJRippert Avatar

          The 20th Century ended in the year 2000. I grew up in Northern Virginia during the last 40 years of that century. I remember from about 1970 on. Nobody was fixated on race. I never attended segregated schools. I never saw “whites” vs “coloreds” water fountains. The high school I attended had a large percentage of Black students and I had a large number of Black teachers and coaches. Everybody got along just fine.

          Your upbringing in racist, Southside Virginia may have exposed you to considerable racism. However, more right-thinking areas of Virginia dropped those bad racist habits long, long before Barack Obama became president.

          The Plantation Elite may be over-represented in the halls of power in Virginia but they have not been “typical Virginians” for a long, long time.

          I still live in Northern Virginia and the only racism I see is the racism of the left against Asian-Americans.

          1. I had nearly identical experiences in Virginia Beach when I was growing up.

          2. Not Today Avatar

            How connected to your minority contemporaries are you? You’re my parents’ age, if I’m not mistaken, and among the generation who demanded an end to busing, no?

          3. I was in elementary school in the 1970s and high school in early 80s.

            “Busing” was a minor concern at the schools I attended because the population of the neighborhoods and school districts where I lived were racially mixed. Black, Hispanic and Asian students were present in higher ratios than in the general population of the country.

            We had no serious racial strife at my schools.

            PS – No “generation” demanded an end to busing. Regardless of “generation”, there were/are people for it, people against it, and people who had/have no strong feelings about it one way or another .

          4. Not Today Avatar

            Are you suggesting this was the norm?

          5. Not Today Avatar

            How connected to your minority contemporaries are you? You’re my parents’ age, if I’m not mistaken, and among the generation who demanded an end to busing, no?

          6. Same same in Falls Church long ago. The Feds had a civilizing influence on NVa.

          7. Not Today Avatar

            Do your minority contemporaries share your memory of that time?

          8. DJRippert Avatar

            Yes. I am in touch with a number of them. I see many more annually at my high school reunion. Nobody remembers a segregated school because there wasn’t one. Nobody remembers race based water fountains because they didn’t exist. Nobody remembers racially based brawls because they never happened.

          9. Not Today Avatar

            Not what I was referring to. As an elementary student in the early 1980s my memory is chock full of busing battles, parents yelling obscenities at buses full of kids and holding signs with barely disguised racist sentiment. Are you unaware that those things were occurring? Were your classmates unaware? I suspect many assumed the absence of the N word go home on signage represented some kind of truce but the sentiment never went away. In my neighborhood, we had a significant population of south Asian refugees and the taunts/hostility could be merciless. I feel like there’s a lot of selective memory involved for those who weren’t on the receiving end of these things.

          10. As an elementary student in the early 1980s my memory is chock full of busing battles…

            Where the heck did you go to school?

          11. Not Today Avatar

            I’m really not sure you should be extrapolating the conclusions you’ve made from high school reunion pleasantries . IJS. No one I knew in HS could pick my husband or kids out of a lineup. Everything they know about me comes from Google and LinkedIn. They don’t know my thoughts/feelings about that time. They’ve never bothered to ask and even if they did I wouldn’t tell them. We’re acquaintances, not friends.

          12. No more than you are suggesting that your experience was the norm.

          13. LarrytheG Avatar

            Relative to your time, where did this fit in?

            ” History
            T. C. Williams, a four-year high school, initially opened its doors to eighth graders, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors in 1965, and graduated its first class in June 1967. It was Alexandria’s third public high school and Minnie Howard Middle School was its “feeder” school, for seventh and eighth graders.

            In 1965 the city integrated schools.[5]: 69  In 1971 the city consolidated all high school students into T. C. Williams, so that the school became Alexandria’s only public senior high school serving 11th and 12th graders.”

            And same question as Not Today, do your minority acquaintances feel the same way as you do?

          14. DJRippert Avatar

            I never debated that segregation existed. It did. I just don’t think it happened after about 1970 in Northern Virginia.

          15. Not Today Avatar

            The fact that you didn’t see or feel anything doesn’t mean other students didn’t. Do you know them well enough that they would share their any negative experiences/feelings with you?

        2. The focus on race now is every bit as wrong as it was 70 years ago.

          Kendi and his followers are wrong. The remedy for past racism is not current racism and the remedy for current racism is not future racism.

        3. As I have commented before, as I grew up in Southside Virginia, everything was defined in terms of race–where one went to school, where one could eat in restaurants, where one could go to the restroom, who one could marry, where one went to church, etc., etc.

          How long ago was that?

          1. Not Today Avatar

            Not long enough since many of those who participated in and advanced that lens are still alive.

          2. We have one of them as our president right now.

          3. DJRippert Avatar

            You mean Grand Kleagle Byrd’s eulogist?

          4. Not Today Avatar

            Indeed. Odd how his contemporaries have amnesia and yet he’s the one considered feeble-minded.

        4. James C. Sherlock Avatar
          James C. Sherlock

          Progressives refuse to let the United States move to a post racial society, Dick. And you know it.

          It would spoil their core narrative. They ride that horse everywhere they want to go.

          A lot more of them than white supremacists.

          And I hope both groups burn in the same racist hell.

        5. Bob X from Texas Avatar
          Bob X from Texas

          Obama was the most racially divisive President in modern times.

          1. LarrytheG Avatar

            blacks and liberals loved him… much.. no?

  7. Warmac9999 Avatar

    It is a real shame that these anti-police leftists know nothing about the history of policing.

      1. Warmac9999 Avatar

        I am talking about hundreds of years without police and why they were formed in the first place.

  8. Nancy Naive Avatar
    Nancy Naive

    “Well, that was relaxing! Now, what can I do? Oh, let’s bash the ol’ alma mater. That’s pretty effortless.”

    1. LarrytheG Avatar

      yep. Indeed. no shock though.

      1. Donald Smith Avatar
        Donald Smith

        Still nibbling on the ankles of content creators, Larry? Color me not surprised.

        1. LarrytheG Avatar

          I would imagine if JAB spent more time in Costa Rica, not as a tourist, he might know more of the truth of life in that country compared to this one.

  9. Defund the police may be the dumbest self-inflicted wound of a slogan in recent memory. How it got started I still have no idea.

    1. Nancy Naive Avatar
      Nancy Naive

      Republicans are an equally likely source. Who always complained about “false flags”, even around here?

      1. Unfortunately, I think it was an overreaction to the excesses in policing violence over a the last 8 or so years. But it’s politically damaging, not to mention stupid policy-wise. If anything, our police forces need more training and oversight, which costs $$.

        1. Not Today Avatar

          It hasn’t been 8 or so years, it’s been decades and I don’t see it as an overreaction, but I can agree the slogan was/is dumb. I saw someone say recently that police culture eats training for breakfast. Training isn’t the answer to systems that hire, promote, and allow individuals with authoritarian tendencies to have free reign.

          1. Yeah, agree on your point about decades. I just think the last 8 years or so since Ferguson police conduct has seen increased media coverage. You’re right that training by itself won’t solve the ‘garbage in’ problem, but still US law enforcement is like at 10% of the training that EU police go through.

          2. LarrytheG Avatar

            re: ” Training isn’t the answer to systems that hire, promote, and allow individuals with authoritarian tendencies to have free reign.”

            But these folks do exhibit their behaviors and apparently they are overlooked, not noted, not recorded and not dealt with by the leadership until it blows up in their face.

            Has happened over and over and over and each time, cries of “reform” and promises of it – until it happens again.

          3. James C. Sherlock Avatar
            James C. Sherlock

            “These folks”. You should be ashamed of yourself.

          4. Not Today Avatar

            It always comes back that pesky history thing. The core of American policing isn’t protect and serve; it’s subdue and control (unspoken them) at all costs. The systems are functioning as they were designed/evolved to function.

  10. Eric the half a troll Avatar
    Eric the half a troll

    “So Crazy That You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”

    Much as you try…

    1. James C. Sherlock Avatar
      James C. Sherlock

      If by the right you somehow mean the American Psychological Association, you are finding conservatives under beds in a strange place.

      You are also in denial.


      It starts
      “Demand for mental health treatment has continued to increase as many psychologists report no longer having the capacity to see new patients, according to a new survey by the American Psychological Association.”

      “Nearly 8 in 10 psychologists (79%) said that they had seen an increase in the number of patients with anxiety disorders since the beginning of the pandemic, and 66% saw an increase in demand for treatment for depression. Nearly half (47%) said they had seen an increase in demand for substance use treatment (up from 43% last year) and 64% saw an increase in demand for trauma treatment, (compared with 62% in 2021). Additionally, two-thirds of psychologists reported seeing an increase in the severity of symptoms among patients in 2022.”

      So enjoy your reverie. It is based on a false vision of mental health in America.

      1. LarrytheG Avatar

        I wonder if they have this problem in Costa Rica or Central America?

      2. Nancy Naive Avatar
        Nancy Naive

        Sacklers. They’re a uniquely American problem… well, excluding Russian oligarchs.

  11. And why was Costa Rica able to defund its army in 1948?

    The Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance of 1948 requires the United States to assist Costa Rica in the event they are attacked or invaded by foreign forces. Of course, they are also required to assist the US if we are attacked or invaded, but one has to wonder how they might do that without an army.

  12. Jonathan DeWilicker Avatar
    Jonathan DeWilicker

    Not one mention in any of these shootings that 99.9% of all of them in the last 20 years have been done by a black perpetrator. The lone exception in the last 5 years was a white woman killing her boyfriend in the last 6 months. I cannot recall a single incident in the last 20 years of a white on black murder, however I can cite 6 black on white murders in the last 10 off the top of my head:
    1) A black man beat his underage girlfriend and her mother to death with a hammer and burned their house down on Rugby Avenue, then drove their stolen car to his apartment complex and parked it outside their house.
    2) The two women raped and murdered by that serial killer who’s name escapes me
    3) A black boyfriend executed his white girlfriend by emptying a clip into her car just a few months ago. She was a mother of 3.

    But all we hear from the media (when it’s not complete silence) is “White supremacy” We are averaging one major shooting every two days and have been since the “summer of love” in 2020, and 99.9% of these are ALL black perpetrators, why is that never discussed?

  13. Bob X from Texas Avatar
    Bob X from Texas

    Social workers should respond to every 911 call.
    If more than 5 social workers are killed on any call the police would respond to draw lines around their bodies.

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