Bacon's Rebellion

The Secret is Out

Bob Lewis of the Associated Press, bemoaning recent television ads released by Kaine and Kilgore.

“Deceptive attack ads have become a staple of big-time, consultant-driven, focus-grouped modern campaigns. Long-outdated quotes or positions are superimposed onto current issues or controversies lacking any of the context about how years of developments have radically changed those issues. Unfavorable conclusions are presented darkly while the mitigating facts critical to an accurate understanding are omitted.”

Now, that was supposed to be a secret! Who told him! If he knows, do you think any of the voters have caught on? Let’s hope not!

In the alternate universe I sometimes imagine, reporters have to run campaigns and political hacks get to sit on the sidelines and get huffy. I figure the ink-stained wretches will be slinging the mud and making with the kidney punches in a matter of days.

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