Bacon's Rebellion

Oh Phil! Phil! How’s Your Day Going?

It’s time for Phil R. to chime in, and where better than here on Bacon’s Rebellion?

The mailman brought me a bit of a surprise today, a copy of the fake Club for Growth mailing challenging Kilgore on taxes. But it is only sort of a fake, since it is based on a real Oct. 10 news release from the Club for Growth. You have to really hunt to find the Kaine for Governor disclaimer printed on the right side of Kilgore’s photo, but it’s there.

The best place to see it for yourself (if you are not on the Republican primary voter list like we are) is at the Washington Post’s blog. They have the full PDF posted. I’ve seen it discussed on a couple of other blogs as well. Our readers should chime in.

When I first saw it on line, I thought it was really from VCFG. Then I read today it was a Kaine mailing, but used real rhetoric questioning Kilgore on taxes from a Club for Growth news release. It even goes so far as to state that the text was originally “approved” by the Virginia Club for Growth — wouldn’t want anybody claiming plagarism or failure to disclose.

First thought, there Phil goes again — right in character, shooting at a Republican who doesn’t meet his measure of perfection and putting purity above victory. Second thought — how deceptive of the Kaine campaign. But it’s growing on me. As a tactician, it’s growing on me. In my reporting days I used to say that the meanest thing I ever did to a politican was quote him accurately.

This mailer is going in the permanent collection. It won’t change the outcome, but it will sow confusion and resentment on our side and it must be ruining somebody’s day. I hope it is causing the Club for Growth the most grief, frankly. To my D friends: A tip of the hat, guys — I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Another old rule of mine: Never underestimate the Republican Party’s gift for self-destruction.

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