No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day




Hard Times


Richmond, 1865.... Henrico, 2005... The barbarian still lurks within us.


The peculiar population of that suburb were gathered on the sidewalk; bold, dirty-looking women, who had evidently not been improved by four years of military association; dirtier, if possible, children; and here and there were skulking scoundrelly-looking men…hard at it, pillaging the burning city.

"To Appomattox—Nine April Days," 1865, by Burke Davis, Eastern Acorn Press, 1959

Mothers clutched their children for protection, people screamed as they were knocked to the round, a stroller was demolished, cars inched through the crowd.

"iBook Sale Creates Chaos," by Olympia Meola and Alexa Williams, The Richmond Times-Dispatch, August 17, 2005

If you’re having trouble discerning which event was which here, you are forgiven. Behaviors were so similar, according to eyewitnesses, it is not immediately obvious.


Not since Del. Algie Howell’s "droopy drawers" bill has Virginia made such international headlines as she did when Henrico County decided to unload a thousand or so used lap-top computers. Blared Great Britain’s The Register: "US iBook Sale Ends in Pandemonium."


Well, it did. Folks were trampled. A few were injured.  The T-D reported that 17 were treated, mostly for minor stuff. Apparently, there was enough boorish behavior to last most folks a lifetime.


“I can’t believe people are so barbaric,” said Grace Wang, a rising senior at Henrico County’s Godwin High School, according to the Times-Dispatch.


Evidently, a crowd began gathering just after midnight at the Richmond International Raceway sale site. By morning, depending on which account you believe, it had swelled to between 5,000 and 10,000 people and had taken on a "surly" tone.


And all of this for a shot at a $50 piece of out-dated computer junk? Go figure.


Times must be a little harder than I thought. Still, it’s not quite as bad as things were in 1865. Davis details one Richmond dowager’s treatment of her last hen, upstairs in one of the city’s mansions, “tethered to the bed, stuffing her with dried peas in a vain attempt to fatten her for the pot.”


I don’t go looking for these comparisons. They just seem to fall into my lap. I really have been reading Davis’s (he’s my neighbor here in Meadows of Dan) gripping account of the last days of the Confederacy, including the nighttime split by train to Danville and this observation of it by 18-year-old John Wise, grandson of General Henry Wise, one of Virginia’s former governors:


“I saw a government on wheels. It was the marvelous and incongruous debris of the wreck of the Confederate capital. There were very few women on these trains, but among the last in the long procession were trains bearing indiscriminate cargoes of men and things.


“In one car was a cage with an African parrot, and a box of tame squirrels, and a hunchback. Everybody, not excepting the parrot, was wrought up to a pitch of intense excitement.”


That’s sorta how it was at the computer sale this week, the only difference being the squirrels seemed to be in charge.


The good news? Henrico still has about 8,000 laptops to sell. Maybe this time they’ll decide to do it right and bust open a barrel of hard liquor.


Who knows, maybe it would even produce some soothing sing-a-longs.


Writes Davis, quoting a young Richmond diarist:  “People were running about everywhere with plunder and provisions. Barrels and boxes were rolled and tumbled about the streets… Barrels of liquor were broken open and the gutters ran with whisky and molasses… The air was filled with yells, curses, cries of distress, and horrid songs.”


No word yet on exactly how Henrico will handle the rest of these machines. But stay tuned, this could be good. And if you happen to witness some of this first-hand, keep a diary. Folks might be reading you a hundred years from now.


-- August 23, 2005












Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA




Read his profile and back columns here.