No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



Reading the Mason-Dixon Poll

Mark Warner is the most popular governor in the history of the Mason Dixon poll, and voters aren't buying the GOP flat-earth agenda. Things are looking up for Tim Kaine.


Roses are red…

 Violets are blue…

 I’m schizophrenic…

And so am I


So goes Republican politics in Virginia these days. Or, if poetry isn’t your gig, perhaps this line from a Ricky Skaggs tune will help you understand what’s going on in at the moment, if the latest Mason-Dixon poll is to be believed, and it is:


“Life is too long to go on living this way!”


Translation? Virginia voters are rejecting the Republican message.


Message? It is… well… a little schizophrenic. It goes something like this: We want smaller government, we want the government off your backs—but we want the government hiding under your bed, and peeping in your windows, and looking over your shoulders when you’re in our libraries, and we want the government poking its nose into your family business when you’re making private life and death decisions in our hospital rooms.


Confusing? Not to Virginia voters. They understand completely. And are rejecting it.


You think I’m making up this notion of Republican dichotomy? Consider this: John Chichester and a handful of senior Republicans in the state senate fired a shot across the bow of Jerry Kilgore’s plan to make transportation a general fund line item earlier this week by issuing a public letter saying, in effect, “Forget it. Not gonna happen,” and Ken Cuccinelli, leader of the senate’s Flat-Earth caucus, announced the formation of a political action committee to oppose the senate’s centrist Republican leadership.   And all this hyperventilation over the so-called “surplus”?


Virginia voters are rejecting that, too. Virginia Republicans seem to have landed, somehow, inexplicably, on a “borrow-and-spend” mentality.  Virginia voters aren’t buying that line.


They’re more sophisticated than that. They know you can’t borrow yourself out of debt.


The National Association of Governors reports that 42 states finished in the black this year—a development driven largely by corporate profits, a hot housing market, rising retail sales, and a decided up-tick in personal earnings (read that one “capital gains.”)  And this is somehow bad? Virginia voters know better.


Memo to Mark Warner: Go into hiding. There is nothing you can do to make your approval numbers go higher than they are now. (At 74%, they're the highest in the history of Mason-Dixon polling.)


Memo to Tim Kaine: Go with him. Shadow this man’s every step. He will make you the next governor of Virginia.


Despite some seeming effort to the contrary on the part of both, Jerry Kilgore and Tim Kaine find themselves facing this reality: This election has become a referendum on the governorship of Mark Warner. If that holds, Kaine will be the beneficiary, and will be elected… unless… unless… 


Unless Russ Potts, the Winchester Independent finds a way (finds the money) to insinuate himself into the conscience of Virginia’s electorate between now and November. He’s got the right message. If it was up to the state’s editorial writers, he’d be elected today.


Right now, though, the lack of funding has locked him into what amounts to a sound-proof room. That could change. He’s at 9 percent in the latest Mason-Dixon poll—and gaining.


If Potts finds break-out money between now and November, all bets are off. He understands—and has since the beginning—what the poll only confirmed:  Virginians are putting a fast fade to the divisive social issues that are the staple goods of the Republican raison d’etre―and of the Kilgore campaign.


He understands that this campaign will be won by the candidate who can best give articulation to Mark Warner’s brand of centrism, to the bread-and-butter issues of government, to transportation and education, and such.


And a word or two about the West Virginia debate. The pundits and the pointy-heads would have you believe that Kilgore “won” it.  Don’t you believe a word of that.


There is an adage in boxing that applies here: You don’t need a referee in a boxing match. Put a 10-year-old ringside and he or she will tell you who won the match.


That’s how it was the other day in White Sulphur Springs. I was there. It wasn’t even close. While the state’s political writers and academics who follow Virginia politics were telling each other that Kilgore “won,” I checked with the 10-year-olds  They saw it like I did—Kaine mopped the floor with him.


-- August 8, 2005











Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA




Read his profile here.