Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales

Memo to Republicans


Stop whining. If Tim Kaine is raising big bucks from out-of-state contributors, go out and find your own money. Or fix the campaign finance law.

It's big news in the state. Tim Kaine is the "Five Million Dollar Man."


Rumors had been floating around about a huge contribution windfall earmarked for Kaine's gubernatorial campaign, which is looking more and more like the frontrunner in the race.


Contribution-wise, that is.


That left the opposition to reply in-kind.


Jerry Kilgore and his entire GOP campaign was busy spinning away in the media and within the 'Net pages of the Virginia political gadflies claiming that Kaine is an understudy of Howard Dean and the Democratic left wing.


Not true, says the Blue Dog, because Lt. Gov. Kaine supported conservative-minded U.S. Senator Joe Lieberman during the primary season.


And it's a fact, Joe Lieberman was not even close to the Howard Dean message of liberalism and bigger government.


Neither is the Richmond choirboy Kaine, because he's more of a political moderate--mainstream, so to speak--and doesn't qualify as a left-wing liberal.


In retrospect, Dean was blindsided by the Democratic Leadership Council and by John Kerry in the Iowa caucus. How much money did the DLC send to Iowa in order for Dean to blow a $40 million bank account? I doubt seriously he's behind the Tim Kaine contribution.


Sorry I had to clear the air--that misinformation dog doesn't hunt in Virginia.

Here's the real dope on the contribution. Members of Gov. Mark Warner's staff were assigned to the Democratic National Committee fund-raising unit about three weeks ago because the stakes have risen.


Right now, fund-raising efforts for General Assembly candidates during the session are illegal, so don't expect many dollars to be circulated for either top statewide candidate.

It's all coming from outside the state contributors and sources.

It's a fact of political life that Gov. Mollycoddle needs Tim Kaine to win in order to challenge U.S. Sen. George Allen in 2006 or run for president in 2008. The DNC and DLC are vested members in the Warner campaign. He's their last gasp of ever hoping to be able to win a Southern state.


But the state GOP committee has been obviously caught flatfooted--again.


Republican chair Kate Obenshain Griffin's press-release response was really lame. The GOP chair should stop crying and whining about the contribution and ought to act like a leader by rallying her troops to match the donation.


If given the proper motivation, the GOP political machine in Virginia could do that in a day.


If you're going to make an argument against the Democratic contribution, it should be based on the need for more stringent and restrictive state campaign-finance reform, and not the same old political name-calling from past campaigns.


Large political contributions from outside the state are not right, but they are allowed within the current state law. As Virginians, we the public need to question whether big money has a say and should influence future elections in the Commonwealth.


Both state and federal laws regarding political action committees are in need of a major fix.


Federal PACs in Virginia provide nothing more than a money-laundering operation for national candidates. The Commonwealth has become a cesspool for that political mob activity.


The first gubernatorial candidate that advocates legislation correcting the system will have my vote. The Blue Dog says action speaks louder than words.


Rid your individual campaigns of the out-of-state political baffle-garbage and bling-bling.


Otherwise, I'll consider your lackluster campaigns only deeper pockets for the special interests.

-- January 31, 2005














Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the August Free Press  

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