No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



The Show


The General Assembly is in session -- a time when otherwise respectable people don clown ears and run around honking their horns. 


Tie the dogs, hide your silver and send your children inland. The General Assembly is back in town. The show started a week ago Wednesday.


The forecast? Windy. Real windy. And partly cloudy.


This will be a so-called "short" session, but everything about it—the hours, the talk, the food, the drink—will be long. If you’re unfamiliar with this spectacle, a couple of things to keep in mind. 


This is an election year. All 100 seats in the House of Delegates will be filled by folks who face the wrath of the electorate come November. So what’s that got to do with January and February? Please. The fact that this is an election year will affect everything you see and hear during this session, just as surely as black holes exert influence on everything in the heavens.  Think of this as resume time. This is when the delegates spruce up their resumes. Most of them hope to be hired again in November.


This is Gov. Mark R. Warner’s last session. He will be a little bit cautious. Why? Lookit, his legacy is made.  He made it last year, in spades, pulling together the miracle of a Republican-controlled, southern state tax increase that has vaulted him to the national stage and short-listed him for the Democratic presidential nomination in four years. He’s not going to put that at risk. He shouldn’t. Don’t expect him to. But make no mistake, he will still be a player. Last year he was the franchise. This year he will be a player.


This will be the marquee session for Lt. Governor Tim Kaine and Attorney General Jerry Kilgore. Both have eyes on Warner’s job and the shoving back and forth is underway. The general consensus among impartial observers seems to that Kaine has wiped the floor with Kilgore in two debates already. Look for Kilgore to counter during the session, maybe with this ludicrous "enhanced" death penalty initiative he’s unveiled. 


Kilgore, blind to the morality imposed by DNA, is painting himself "Mo’ Better Deader" when the rest of the civilized world is beginning to give pause to the notion of state sanctioned killing. Maybe he’ll borrow from the Robert McDonnell book of memories… er…play-book (sorry) and propose "Covenant Death." (With that one, we’ll drag your corpse through the streets of Richmond and hang yo’ sorry self from the James River bridge!)


McDonnell won’t be the only one throwing elbows during the session. The down-ticket field is crowded with folks on both sides who want to replace either Kaine or Kilgore and the hum and buzz they’ll put up during the session will surely put you in mind of a locust year.


This will be the "Let’s Kiss and Make Up" session for Virginia Republicans. Or at least it could be. Already they are showing signs of some cohesion, one-upping Warner’s proposed transportation spending plan with one of their own that proposes to shift money out of the general fund into transportation. The seismic fault line that runs through the Republican Party in Virginia is still unpredictable, though. What’s dormant today has the potential to rattle your teeth tomorrow.


And then there is the so-called "surplus." You’ve heard of that? You want to watch it spent twenty-five times? At least twenty-five? Stay tuned.


And what else? Did I mention the bi-partisan conspiracy that’s aimed at ousting Speaker of the House Bill Howell? Did I mention that skullduggery? No? Well, you can’t tell anyone where you heard it, but it’s for real and here’s the low-down on it…


Rut-row. Sorry. I’ve used up my allotted space. And I’m out of time. We’ll come back to that.


-- January 17, 2005













Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

