Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales

Travelin' Man

Mark Warner has been touring the country, bragging how he conned the General Assembly into enacting a tax hike. He's not boasting about that $1 billion revenue surplus, though.

Recently, Mark Warner has been spotted working on out-of-state projects. The Governor professes loyalty to the Commonwealth, and says he's focused on his state's future challenges in his final year in office, but he spends his free time as chairman of the National Governors Association.


Our governor travels about the country boasting to other state Democratic Party organizations and national Democrats about how a Northern Virginia millionaire businessman capitalized on Republican internal strife.


And how the GOP's legislative train wreck helped him acquire the governorship in conservative-leaning Virginia.


And how he personally championed a massive tax increase by hoodwinked pro-tax Virginia House and Senate Republicans to play his stoolies.


You know whom I'm talking about? Those no-good and hapless ever-loving tax-and-spenders, so-called fiscally conservative, dimwitted GOP politicians that participated in secret tax meetings at the governor's mansion.


After the 2004 Republican-dominated Virginia legislature finalized Warner's billion-dollar tax increase, Warner was busy planning his spending spree with those Republican-supplied funds.


Warner had full knowledge that the state's revenue surplus was trending high, and that the economic outlook for the state was extremely good due to Bush's tax cuts.


Moderate, pro-tax Virginia Republicans, who see as far as the end of their nose, never bothered to look at the state's economic and financial forecast.


Yes, national Democrats have good cause to shout with delight and take pleasure in those facts!


The Daily Progress reported recently that Warner told House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith that he did not know size of the surplus. Morgan said back, "I truly believe the governor because he looked me in the eye and said, 'Morgan, I did not know.'"


Hey Del. Griffith, the Blue Dog has oceanfront property in Wyoming I would like to sell.


But discovering Warner's true intentions are like searching for the popular 1990s cartoon character, Waldo?


Remember Waldo? That gangling, bespectacled boy in the striped shirt and ski cap was camouflaged somewhere inside a detailed illustration.


Warner and Waldo have a lot in common - both are nerdy and brainy individuals that enjoy playing childish games, such as hide and go seek, but with Warner it's a numbers game.


Warner needs to grow up and admit the 2004 tax increases were a mistake.


With a billion-dollar revenue surplus projected, conservative and anti-tax politicians are foaming at the mouth and looking forward to the upcoming session. How can Virginia's citizens honestly continue to believe Warner's administration?


Let me count the ways ... there's 1.4 billion of them.


The Blue Dog has heard that revenue honeymoon is definitely over ... because Republican General Assembly members have special plans for the Da Guv this upcoming session.


Do you think the temperature just got hotter on the Third Floor?


I do.


By the way, where's my state tax refund, Mr. Governor?


-- January 4, 2005














Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the August Free Press  

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