No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



What's Warner Gonna Do?


Mark Warner says he just wants to do a good job as governor of Virginia. But a lot of smart people are looking down the road to 2008.


Tucker Watkins, U.S. Senator George Allen’s hardest working aide, is in my office. He stops by once in a while to fish. Sure, you can fish in an office if you know how, if you know how they’re biting, what bait to use. Tucker Watkins knows how to fish. 


He talks his way to the moon and back and tells me a pack of straight-faced lies about one thing or another. And I tell him more than a few. Mine are straight-faced, too. But that’s not a problem for us.  You see, neither of us believes anything anybody tells us, and only about half of what we see.


And when we have pretty well sliced up most of the folks in Virginia, Democrat and Republican, and have told each other lies that are smooth and plausible and so convoluted that they double back on themselves, we get down to business and Tucker asks the question he has come to ask.


“What’s Warner gonna do?”


There are lots and lots of people who think Virginia’s governor is running for president—and more than that who want him to—Tucker and I among them. (Tucker because, of course, that would mean that Warner leaves Allen alone, and I because… well… two things. I think he’s electable. And I think he’s got the goods to do the job.)   


If you Google the phrase "Mark Warner President," 897,000 hits come up. Some of the more interesting sites:,, and He’s been mentioned everywhere—The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Wall Street Journal.


Says the Times of London: “His appeal is clear—he is a southern Democrat who holds high office, and an election winner in a part of the country that President Bush won easily last month.”


Says George Will, in his hyper-read syndicated column: “An exhortation that echoed here 140 years ago—"On to Richmond!"—may soon be heard from Democrats wandering the country in search of a path out of the political wilderness. They will trek to Virginia’s capital to take the measure of Mark Warner.”


Says Joe Trippi, in a recent Washington Post piece:  “He clearly did something that Democrats have had trouble doing, that is, relating to rural voters. Howard Dean, Hillary Clinton—the standard names—would do a lot worse than study Mark Warner.”


And he’s done something else—actually two things—that lesser folks have had trouble with. Mark Warner has kept his word, and he’s put his money where his mouth is. Ask the good folks of Martinsville and Henry County. He has spent as much time up and down the economically desperate streets of Southside Virginia as he has in Richmond—maybe more. And it hasn’t been just for show. 


Warner, who is chairman of the National Governors Association and who recently had his chiseled mug on the cover of Governing magazine as it’s public servant of the year, has put his own resources into play through several venture capital funds here in Virginia, and he has forced state resources into those areas of Virginia who need them most. And he has proven that he can work effectively with Republicans, staking out a solidly centrist position on just about everything and pulling a sometimes recalcitrant legislature to him.


Even the most disaffected of the disaffected, Give-Em-Hell Zell Miller, the "jawja peach" concedes him that.       


Is all of this the stuff of presidential timber? Back to Tucker Watkins for a moment.


“What’s Warner gonna do?”


I stare at him. He stares at me. Then, without speaking, we both write on scraps of paper, fold the scraps into hard little knots, and exchange them. We unroll them carefully, slowly, thoughtfully. He reads mine. I read his. We both smile.


We both have written "President."


-- January 4, 2005

















Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

