No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



A Cheap Lesson, As Lessons Go

Score one for the Republicans: Gov. Warner deserved to get his hand slapped for the way he accounted for staff expenses. Now, get over it -- it's not a big deal.


I was tempted to use that old line about Caesar’s wife to open this column, but thought better of, for two reasons: I couldn’t remember exactly how it went, and it would have been just a little much, actually.


So, Gov. Mark R. Warner has had his hand in the cookie jar, moving a million dollars from other agencies to cover the expenses of his own office? Excuse me while I yawn.


A million dollars? Are you kidding me? Please. These legislative money committees drop that much change on the floor most days.


Sometimes the biggest enemy of any political organization, administration, etc. is a slow news cycle. What’s usually left on the cutting room floor can flare up into Pearl Harbor headlines during a slow news cycle. 


How slow was this one? I was reading Preston Bryant ’s expose of the evil and sinister Richmond-

Reykjavik axis when he bells went off on this one. Headlines blared across the state and it led Tom Whipple ’s clip service with the top six slots the following day.


But that’s all this is — slow news cycle stuff. Almost all. There are a couple of minor points that need to be made. 


State Auditor of Public Accounts Walter J. Kucharski gave the disarrayed Republicans something they haven’t had all summer — a touch of cohesion — with the breathless, deeply intoned, news . Thank you, Walter. They’ve been looking for some excuse to have a group hug for a long time. Thank you for giving it to them. 


(Don’t ever let folks tell you Kucharski doesn’t know which side of the bread gets buttered. Yeah, he’s up for reappointment. Yeah, the Republicans will reappoint him.)


And let’s not forget Del. Leo Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach, hands-own winner of Chicken Little’s The-Sky-Is-Falling Award. Leo compared this one — a budgetary housekeeping practice that reaches back through other administrations — to the collapse of the Enron Corporation!


(Leo, I think what you need to do it get yourself a brown paper bag and breathe into it for a little while.  Maybe lay down for a few minutes. And, hey, don’t let your prescription run out next time.)


Love, hate, or be indifferent to Mark Warner, he has brought business acumen, and discipline, to the governor’s office unseen in years and years. From cutting useless and obsolete boards and commissions to streamlining the state’s cumbersome procurement process, nearly every move he’s made has made sense. And if you look beyond the hype, this one did — sorta.


Staffers immediately trotted out the fact that other governors routinely appropriated staffers from other departments to help shoulder the load in the governor’s office, the effect being that they were paid for by one office budget, while working in another.


At least Warner, they said, was up front about it.


Okay. Fine. Excuse me while I yawn again.


Here’s the thing. That kind of lame excuse making, of story-telling, of jumping up and down and pointing to others who’ve done it, too, doesn’t cut it. It doesn’t become you.


My instincts tell me this flap was planned, managed, and choreographed very carefully, start to finish. And that it worked. I might be wrong. But I don’t think so. 


Sure, this is nickel and dime stuff and the coverage and scrutiny is out of all proportion to the facts of the case, but when someone turns on the light on in the kitchen and there you are, flat-footed, with your hand in the cookie jar, well, there you are.


What to do? Show some class. Put a check mark by the opposition on this one. They scored. Give it to them graciously. And learn from it. This was a cheap lesson as lessons go.


-- November 1, 2004










Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

