No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



Right Wingers Get One Right


Agreeing to pay Michael Moore $35,000 was an atrocious idea. The man can say whatever he wants -- but not on the state's dime.


Thank you, Dick Black. Thank you, Bob Marshall. Thank you for pointing out the outrage of any university using tax dollars to pay anyone $35,000 to speak.


Such was the absurd intention at George Mason University — to pay 35 Big Ones to filmmaker Michael Moore, who is on a college campus sweep across the country with his register-to-vote-and-vote-against

-Bush tour. 


You know what? I am going to vote against Bush, and for the Kerry-Edwards ticket — for a lot of reasons.  But I resent Moore’s shake-down cruise. What enrages me is that, when called on it, he tried to hide this one in the First Amendment.


Said he in a Washington Post write-up of GMU’s dis-invite, thanks to letters fired off by Black and Marshall, explaining that he’s coming anyway: “I’m going to show up in support of free speech and free expression.”


(Uh, Michael? Michael? Excuse me. There is nothing "free" about anything you’ve got to say if you’re trying to bill Virginia taxpayers 35 grand for saying it.)


When I tell you that I know free speech issues when I see them, you can take it to the bank. And you can take this to the bank: This is not a free speech issue. This is not a First Amendment issue. This issue is about greed and stupidity: Moore’s greed; GMU’s stupidity.


(The Moore flap and that student news paper thing down at Hampton last year makes you wonder, some days, how some of our quarter-million-dollars-a-year college presidents get to where they are.)


Good grief, $35,000 is more than a lot of brilliant, hard-working assistant professors across Virginia make in a year. It is more than thousands of our school teachers make. It is about what our legislators are paid in two years!


Insiders tell me the asking price at the University of Virginia was $50,000!


Look, college campuses are exactly the place for the trade of ideas and the trafficking of fervor and passion. Exactly the place. And Moore is entitled to bash Bush until the cows come home, if that’s what he wants to do. And if somebody wants to pay him private money to do it, fine by me, but... 


Memo to GMU President Alan G. Merten: If you’re entrusted with Virginia tax dollars, don't be stupid and try to give them to folks like Michael Moore!

Two points: The money is not yours to give; he doesn’t need it anyway.


The larger potential problem here is that the legislature will now rush to find some fix to this with an ill-conceived law of one sort or another. This was a lapse in thinking, in judgment. We don’t need legislation to fix it. Please. 


The blackest day in North Carolina’s history in the last century came in 1963 when the legislature, in the grip of anti-communist fever, passed what became known as the "Speaker Ban Law." I don’t have space for it here, but you can read about it elsewhere. Just know that it was dreadful.


Was it characteristic that Black and Marshall would be the two members of the 140-member legislature to cry ‘foul’ on this one? 




A certain amount of the "right-wingness" cloak that drapes them is mere role-playing. Both are fearless; both have more common sense than they let show some days. But here’s the thing: Neither is a drum-beating Bushite. This was not a Kerry/Bush thing with them. 


This one had more to do with the shoes they wear.


The shoes they wear? Yep. "How so," you say? I have come to believe that a person’s shoes better reflects the quality of his or her thinking than any other single bit of clothing.


You don’t believe it? Check it out. You’ll start noticing. 


These guys wear sensible shoes.


-- October 18, 2004













Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

