No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



A Letter to the Speaker

With all due respect, sir, how does the Republican Party propose to run on an anti-tax platform? Only eight House Republicans steadfastly held the line against taxes this past session.


Dear Mr. Speaker:


I hope this finds you well and happy.


I can tell that your backside must be quite properly chapped from some of the moves you’ve been making and I enclose a small tin of "Cornbread Marshall’s Amazing Butt Butter" that should give you instant and salubrious relief in that regard. Thanks are not necessary. You’re welcome!


Good for you for sacking Preston Bryant and Chris Jones. By Gawd, that’ll learn ’em!


And putting Morgan Griffith on the FOIA Council? Pure genius! That’ll put those whiny constitutionalists and First Amendment freaks in their places! It’s about time somebody stood up for totalitarianism!


And Lisa Kemler, the Alexandria attorney who represented Lorena Bobbitt? No matter how you slice it, Mr. Speaker, Governor Warner has appointed her to a circuit court judgeship, at least on an interim basis. 


Maybe you feel like he’s cutting into your territory, or perhaps that he has cut you off at the pass on this one, Mr. Speaker, but you do have moves left. You can cut your losses, cut and run, or, if it comes down to it, cut off debate on the matter.


Speaking of celibacy, Mr. Speaker, I bring to your attention The Celibate Eight — Clay Athey, Rob Bell, Dick Black, Ben Cline, Jeff Frederick, Tim Hugo, Bob Marshall and Bob McDonnell. (By the way, Mr. Speaker, this characterization comes from a mutual friend of ours.)


These good Republicans, members of your own caucus, Mr. Speaker, are the only Republican members of the House of Delegates who voted against every tax increase that went up on the board during the last session. And that includes you, Mr. Speaker, and your two independent pals, Lacey Putney and Watkins Abbitt. Del. Mark Cole would have made the ‘Eight’ list but, alas, he abstained on the sales tax votes.


So what’s with that, Mr. Speaker? What’s with all this business about the so-called "renegade" members.  What’s with this retribution stuff you’re laying on? If you’re going to be consistent about it, you’ve got to get good and chapped up at 52 of your Republicans, and your two independents — not just a handful.  (Remember, the bliss of ‘Cornbread Marshall’s Amazing Butt Butter’ awaits you!)


Here’s how I analyze the roll-call votes, Mr. Speaker.  I count HB 1488 and HB 5002, two bills removing business sales tax exemptions, as tax increase bills.  Why would I do that, Mr. Speaker? Well, for starters, your pals, Grover Norquist and Jim Parmalee said they were. And that’s good enough for me. And, hey, Jerry Kilgore and George Allen knew they were! If they could figure it out, my cat could!


So there you have it, Mr. Speaker. Only eight members of the Republican House Caucus — Clay Athey, Rob Bell, Dick Black, Ben Cline, Jeff  Frederick, Tim Hugo, Bob Marshall and Bob McDonnell — talked the talk and walked the walk. The rest of you, like you do so often, talked one game and played another when it came to increasing taxes during the last session of the General Assembly.


Now, I know, sir, that you’re probably asking yourself, "Why’s he being so damned hateful and bringing this up at a time like this?"


The truth is, Mr. Speaker, I’m trying to be helpful.  You see, I noticed, particularly after the GOP convention in Richmond a couple of weeks ago, that you all are still trying to package yourselves as the "anti-tax" crowd. But that’s not what you are. Of the 61 Republicans and 2 Independents who vote Republican in the House of Delegates, 54 of you voted for some sort of tax increase during the last session!


And I’m thinking, if all they’ve got to run on is "No New Taxes," then only eight of them have anything to run on!


Bottom line, Mr. Speaker? You’ve got to get a new gig. Hey, there’s plenty of time. Have a good summer.

-- June 21, 2004

















Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

