Patrick McSweeney

Does Anybody Want to Lead?


Neither the Republicans nor Democrats in Virginia offer a compelling vision for the future. 


The hallmark of the American political party system — the existence over time of two major parties — is under great strain in Virginia. Unlike a parliamentary system, which tends toward multiple parties, the American system accommodates a wider range of issue conflicts within two powerful parties. Even when a third party begins to build substantial support in the American system, one of the two leading parties usually absorbs it.


In Virginia, both Democrats and Republicans are experiencing internal divisions that can be repaired only by extraordinary leadership.


Democrats exulted when Mark R. Warner prevailed in the 2001 gubernatorial election, but quickly learned that Warner’s formula for electoral success was not necessarily a formula for party-building. Democrats win statewide elections through a sort of alchemy. Their candidates must project themselves as moderate and non-threatening, while simultaneously placating the powerful interest groups that constitute the core of the modern Democratic Party.


Warner managed to pull off that balancing act in 2001. Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, the Democrats’ candidate for governor in Maryland this year, couldn’t do the same. The fall-off in support for Townsend among African-Americans is certainly the principal factor in her loss.


It is no less difficult for Republicans to keep their core constituencies engaged and reasonably content. In contrast to Warner, Mark Earley couldn’t count on the support or at least the enthusiasm of several core GOP constituencies in his 2001 gubernatorial campaign. A Republican candidate for statewide office in Virginia should have a substantial advantage if he or she can hold these groups together.


Ronald Reagan found the national Republicans similarly fractured in the late 1970s. Although he was depicted by his opponents and political pundits as too far to the right to lead the GOP, much less the nation, he galvanized Republicans, drew many traditional Democrats to his side and won the 1980 presidential election in a landslide.


Reagan achieved this result through boldness. His compelling vision, not his mastery of inside political maneuvering, was his advantage.


Virginia Republicans continue to add to their majorities in both houses of the General Assembly, but it won’t matter much if they have no agenda. The Commonwealth’s current financial crisis is a real test of both the governor and the GOP-dominated legislature.  Neither has yet provided a coherent solution.


Some of the leaders in the Republican legislative caucus, obviously frustrated by the defeat of the twin sales tax referendums they supported, have openly attacked their colleagues who opposed those ballot measures. These same GOP leaders seem oblivious to the growing dissatisfaction among many grassroots Republicans.


In the face of the centrifugal forces at work in both parties, there is an extraordinary opportunity for a leader to step forward with boldness that Virginians have not recently seen. The public is unhappy with, and distrustful of, both parties, as the last election demonstrated. They want to know who represents them.


Doug Wilder remarked a decade ago that there was only one party in Washington — the incumbent party.  He could say the same today about Richmond.


Tensions within a major party are not unnatural.  Unless someone supplies a vision that turns warring factions toward a common challenge that binds members together in some purposeful effort, a party inevitably loses strength.


Scholars have argued for centuries over whether history is made by unusually gifted individuals or by powerful ideas. It could be that history is made by a combination of the two.

-- December 9, 2002

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