A Different Voice

Mike Smith


Ozzie and Harriet Were Idiots!

And so were our teachers 50 years ago. The issue isn't school funding formulae: The entire big government school culture must go! We must return to family-based schooling.


In his July 10 column, "Ozzie and Harriet School Funding," Chris Braunlich compared the one-size-fits- all "Ozzie and Harriett" school-funding model of the 1950s to the varied needs of a more diverse school population today. Making funding more humane and more efficient sounds like a nice idea. But attempts to fine tune government schools cannot work.


Government schools are designed to brain wash children into thinking what the government wants them to think. The entire system must go!


We must have as complete a separation between state and schooling as we have between church and state. What we get now is the "religion" of Big Government. Big Government Liberalism has replaced Christianity as the moral core of education. Government schools are the "seminaries" where children are made to march in lock step with the religion of Big Government. To save society we must return to a Christianity-based, home school system where parents are in charge of their children--- as were our founding generations.


The purpose of the government school, as envisioned by the Prussian state in the wake of its humiliating defeat by Napoleon, was to forge loyal citizen- soldiers. This translated in America into as a perceived need to separate children of immigrant parents from old customs and religious influences — especially Catholicism -- and make "true Americans" out of them. From fear of large, mostly Catholic immigrated populations, the homogenized Protestant religious influence of early government schools under the likes of Horace Mann eventually became hostility to all Christian influence under John Dewey.


Along the way, Europeanized, secularized academia picked up the religions of Darwinism and Socialism. Hostility towards business and "too much" private property led to worship of government as the answer to all our problems. Results include the New Deal and Great Society, which have turned Americans into serfs. Americans now believe that private effort cannot cure poverty nor handle emergencies. Government schools have replaced Christianity with an unstated Marxism: The word Darwin is itself now purged from 5th grade science books as "too controversial."


Socialism is the economic paradigm, against which capitalism is seen as inherently dangerous, even evilly "selfish." The Welfare State has replaced the monastery as dispenser of health and welfare. The government encourages birth control and shrunken families are replaced by "social security," which is itself bankrupt.


This Titanic won’t float much longer. It will drag us down economically, as it already has intellectually and spiritually, no matter what funding formulas are used. School vouchers and tax credits are only a transitory solutions-- fraught themselves with danger of government control. Ultimately we have to separate the content of education away from the government which trashes our values. English habits of limited government and the rule of law are necessary to freedom, progress, and even morality.


It would be hard to find a more Christian people, in spite of nearly a century of persecution, than those wonderful Mexicans. What they lack is what we have— but are losing: The very ideals and habits which the government schools are working diligently to destroy. Thrift, hard work, honesty, perseverance, Christian ethics— even charity towards the less able. All of these are re-created as shallow "because I say so" virtues under the secularized government schools.


Visit the halls of American junior academe and the walls are festooned with posters not unlike those that plastered the American conscience at the depth of World War II— or of more recent unhappy memory, the Soviet Union. It will take a generation. Moses had to lead his people in the desert for 40 years to undo the Egyptian influence. No doubt it will take as long to wean Americans from Big Government— especially Big Government Schools.


The next generation of Ozzie and Harrietts will see Mom at home baking cookies— and home-schooling her own children. But only if we conservatives have the vision and the leadership.


-- August 7, 2006









Mike Smith describes himself as an Ignorant Hillybilly broadcasting meditations on culture, economics and government from high atop Turkey Ridge in Greene County, Va.


He can be contacted here: 

