Category Archives: Humor

An Epidemic of Stars and Medals Inflation

by Thomas M. Moncure, Jr.

We live in a time when every kid gets a trophy just for participating. Grade inflation has made C’s obsolete … where we still have grades. Awards shows seemingly appear on TV every week. And – if the last session is any indication – every person and organization in Virginia is eligible for a commending resolution from the General Assembly. (See Commendations.)

An inflation of symbols and merit has particularly afflicted the military. Every corporal now sports enough ribbons and badges to be mistaken for a South American general. Flag grade officers have several rows of ribbons up to their shoulders. Soon, these officers will need to have sashes – a la the Girl Scouts – to display all the ribbons. And as a sash might cover other badges on their uniforms, they may need a sash-bearing aide in tow. Or, they could just pin badges on their pants, North Korean style.

George C. Marshall was a veteran of World War I, Army chief of staff, and architect of victory in World War II. He was promoted to five-star general to put him symbolically on par with British field marshals. In his formal portrait at the end of World War II – wearing five stars – he displayed a mere three rows of ribbons. Continue reading

Barbie, Liars, and Newspapers Circling the Drain

by Kerry Dougherty

Warning: I’m a tad grouchy today. You see, I’m a hyperactive gym rat who hasn’t worked out since last Tuesday and has been slowed down by surgery. That happened Wednesday, by the way, when a skilled orthopedic surgeon sawed off part of my leg.

In other words, I’ve had way too much time to brood.

So, I’m starting the week with a litany of irritants that have totally ticked me off.

Number one: I’m sick of feminists protesting that Margot Robbie was cheated out of an Oscar while her male Barbie co-star Ryan Gosling got one.

How many of these same women protested when Riley Gaines was cheated out of her place on a podium by a man, Lia Thomas?

If that’s you, just shut up. No one wants to hear from you.

Plus, I actually watched Barbie on HBO Saturday night.

That may be the worst movie I’ve ever seen. The absolute worst. Worse even than Oppenheimer which was a total yawn, although many people pretend they liked it because it’s about a smart guy and lasted three hours. They think raving about this bore makes them appear intelligent.

It doesn’t. Continue reading

There Were Giants in the Earth

If one gets off the interstates and four-lane highways, there are interesting things to see along the roads of Virginia.  This fellow watches over traffic on Rt. 45 between Farmville and Cumberland Courthouse.

The Elephant in the Room Has a Welcome Sense of Humor

by James C. Sherlock

University of Virginia President James Ryan announced today that he oversaw an important effort to solve one of the University’s most pressing problems.

No, not anything you can imagine.

He announced that he and, of course, a committee, have officially changed the logo of that school from UVA to … wait for it … UV.

Thus potentially making Mincer’s perhaps the most profitable small business in Virginia over the next few years.

Not only would they get to mark up the price of their current inventory of UVA logo sportswear to reflect its now-collectors-item status.

But they would get to sell everyone the new stuff.

But, then again, it is April 1st.

The video.

Good for Ryan.

Just not nearly as good as it would have been for Mincer’s.