Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales


The Mollycoddle Mystique

Mark Warner is "the man" after helping Tim Kaine win the gubernatorial race. He's got a PAC and he's making national appearances. The "Draft Warner" movement is gaining momentum.


Great stars and garter straps! Mark R. Warner is running for president, sort of.


He’s the new liberal-media darling for president - the very dark dark-horse candidate, a Southern gentleman and politician raised in Connecticut and the Democratic dragon-slayer of Republican deficit governments.


What can the Blue Dog say favorably about our sitting governor? In January 2003, Gov. Warner recommended the Dog for admission to the Sorensen Institute for Political Leader at University of Virginia. However, the governor and the Blue Dog quickly parted ways politically during the subsequent General Assembly election.


Needless to say, the Blue Dog is not a member of the Gov. Mollycoddle majority fan club, but as a minority columnist in the Commonwealth who possesses the ability to see farther than the end of his cold dog nose ...   


There must be a cold draft going through Haiti for a Democrat to possess a 75 percent approval rating in the Commonwealth. I'm guessing Warner's coattails are pretty darn long - or Republican Jerry Kilgore is really Mary Sue Terry in drag.


Because honestly, folks, Tim "The Choir Boy" Kaine's winning percentage surprised the Blue Dog, err ...   I meant to say shell-shocked the Blue Dog.


Yessirree, Choir Boy! You have added clout to the Mollycoddle mystique. His Excellency is now being compared to another Southern Democrat governor, Bill Clinton, due to his appeal with moderate and independent voters.


What a bunch of baloney! The Clinton administration's antitrust cops and agency hacks looking over refining and distribution facilities did nothing to stop the oil-company mergers and joint venture mockery of classical competitive systems, but for some reason America loves to celebrate its failures and pay more at the pump.


Bubba this, Bubba that has morphed into Mark this, Tax that.


Err - I meant to say Draft Warner, Draft Warner.


Time rated Mark Warner as one of the five best governors in America. Virginia winning numerous awards for being the best-managed state is a selling point for Warner. His Excellency is the billion-dollar state-surplus crybaby and AAA bond-rating savior of the Commonwealth wrapped up in one.


On the other hand, Warner is known in Richmond as the king of the tax-and-spend hill - his ability to project budget-deficit numbers while spending more and more of our taxes are truly a gift.


However, in terms of the numbers game, that $200 million personal fortune in the cell-phone industry doesn't hurt his image, either. More to the point, it's probably bankrolling this effort.


My friend Deep Throat wrote, "With his bleached- blonde hairdo and big fat wallet, those Democrats are 'Girls Gone Wild' about lean and tall Mark Warner."   "He's a Southerner, at least by adoption ... and by the pro-tax business crowd, but he's not presidential material."


Forgive me, Dry Throat, for not mentioning the words fiscal conservative along with politicians 'Pub Congressman Tom Davis or Dem Gov. Mark Warner. She can't stand Davis, either.


By the way, Davis, who is known as a lukewarm Republican moderate that masquerades as a fiscal conservative nursemaid to the D.C. government, said Warner is "presidential material."


Oh, please!


As for his the fiscal-conservative logic, Warner said, "After 20 years in business, I understand the importance of low taxes - but also of investing for the future."


In 2003, while advocating his fiscal-conservative legacy in Virginia, Warner said, "Virginia's tax system needs to be fixed. The time to act is now. Do not send me any more studies. Do not send me another piecemeal approach that confuses tinkering with real reform."


Before levying the largest tax increase in the 400-year history of Virginia.


Hey, Deep Throat! Have you performed a Mark Warner Web search of late? There are lots of Web hits to be had. Where's that gopher hammer?


Gopher PAC


Warner's name keeps popping up on the Internet like that carnival game where you attempt to hit the popping gopher with a rubber mallet.


Hit the gopher.


Warner's political machine is running wide open and full throttle for the upcoming presidential sweepstakes with the recent victory of fellow Democrat Tim Kaine. 


Warner has formed a federal PAC and placed his favorite Girl Friday at the helm - that being the fabulous Mary "Mame" Reiley, who is in charge of his fund-raising apparatus and political machinery. The Warner Forward Together PAC has 10 people on its payroll.


Forward Together, not to be confused with America Coming Together, has also hired a former top aide to former vice president Al Gore, Monica Dixon. Both are presidential M&Ms - colorful keepsakes for the long road ahead.


Is there room for both heady and full-figured egos?


Grab that Diet Coke, chocolate doughnut and sing your hearts out, ladies: "All together now, all together now, all together now, all together now ..."


Forward Together


America Coming Together


All Together Now


Mame has displayed the ability to throw her weight around with the Virginia One PAC dollars, but she definitely has extra baggage.


Matter of fact, Warner has never quite explained the Mame-Moran cooking the books connection to Virginia Democrats, much less the national media.


As Barbie utters the famous phrase "Math is hard!" to the media hounds.


Oh, Mollycoddle, that might be a problem, don't you think?


No pushover herself, Monica Dixon is the director of field communications for America Coming Together and of course, the unforgivable, bumbling and self-defeating campaign of the Internet inventor Gore. 


Fast forward - Monica is working for Forward Together.


To tour the many presidential campaign PACS:


While promising party unity, as they sharpen their political knives before joining hands to sing out to America: "All together now, all together now, all together now, all together now ..."


Grant us clemency!


Frequent governor


Yes, Gov. Mollycoddle says his "focus is on Virginia," but political reality sings a different tune - as a presidential toot my horn has replaced his Virginia taxing fiddle.


So far, Warner's "focus is on Virginia" schedule has been engaged:


- New York, Nov. 16

- Boston, Nov. 17

- New Hampshire, Nov. 18

- Washington, D.C., Dec. 3

- South Carolina, Dec. 7

- Florida, Dec. 10-11


No doubt, he's earning his frequent-flyer miles focusing on Virginia. Mark, Mark, Mark ... 


Those pro-tax dancing Republicans - Chichester, Hanger, Potts and Norment of the General Assembly - are sure going to miss Gov. Warner's fiddle, but can always join in a taxing choral society for highway improvements with Kaine.


Come on, RINOs, lets join with the Democrats and sing it again: "All together now, all together now, all together now, all together now ..."


Hard-core conservative blogger John Birch requested that I not forget to mention Warner's visit with the one-world government organization earlier this year.   Birch wrote: "Gov. Mark Warner is associated with the Bilderberg group, which has destroyed the United States with free-trade agreements and is working hard to globally enforce international taxes and change our federal, state and local laws without the approval of Congress."




JB is the hammer of the Liberty Bell.


Oh boy! That reminds the Blue Dog of the old 1970s Bob Dylan tune "Talkin John Birch Paranoid Blues," which describes an ultraconservative anxiety attack:


"Well, I fin'ly started thinkin' straight

"When I run outa things to investigate.

"Couldn't imagine doin' anything else,

"So now I'm sittin' home investigatin' myself!"


Hope I don't find out anything ... hmm, great God!" God is great. But how paranoid blue are you?


'Nuff said.


-- December 12, 2005











Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the Augusta Free Press  

His e-mail address is:


Read his profile and back columns here.