No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



Who Will Wear Warner's Cloak?

The lesson of last week's election was simple: Voters want pragmatic politicians, like Mark Warner, who govern from the center. The big question now: Who will succeed him?


The flat-earth wing of Virginia’s Republican Party is no more.


Didn’t you hear? They ignored the map notation that said “Dragons Lurk Here” and sailed their ship right off the edge of the universe Tuesday. Thank you, Grover Norquist.)


Tsk. Tsk. Let us mourn for them.




Okay, that’s enough. The headlines read, generally, “State-wide tickets set for November.” The closer truth would have been: “Welcome to Mark Warner’s Centrist Virginia,” for that is the realization that we woke to Wednesday—a new era in Virginia politics, a new Old Dominion—one that has learned that good politics is not always good policy and now eschews the fringe extremes, left and right, and now demands to be governed by Warner’s centrist template.


What is that template? Warner lays it out in Notes from the sausage factory, a forthcoming book on Virginia politics:  “I think they’re [the people of Virginia] pleased that we found a ‘sensible center.’  They know that political platitudes and incendiary rhetoric do not pay our teachers, build our roads, or keep us safe from crime.”


He could have easily included, “And neither do pandering, gimmicky real estate tax schemes.”


Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, had promised scorched Earth retribution against House Republicans who joined Warner in forging a bipartisan budget compromise last year. Instead, he… well… got scorched—and so did five of six opposition candidates his organization backed.


The anti-taxers’ lone win came when Chris Craddock, a youthful youth minister, ousted Fairfax Delegate Gary Reese. Any doubt about where Craddock will fit into the political firmament came Tuesday night when he was quoted by one of Virginia’s bloggers as saying Jesus brought the voters to him.


Mug shots of the five other targeted incumbents graced "Virginia's Least Wanted" posters distributed by the anti-taxers, but the incumbents proved otherwise Tuesday and won handily—most by wide, wide margins. Preston Bryant shelled his challenger 3-1. “This election was a referendum on me and the actions I took last year," Bryant told The Washington Post. "My opponent made sure that was the case.”


He spoke a larger certainty: This election was a referendum on centrist government in Virginia, what Larry Sabato, director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia, described to the Post as “the war between the moderates and the conservatives in the GOP.” Think “small scale” war.


Statewide, less than four percent of the eligible voters bothered in the governor’s race; only 2.6 percent in the lieutenant governor’s contest. A handful of rural counties logged less than a hundred voters: Bath 91, Bland 97, Charles City 73, Highland 77.


How many thrashings will it take before the Republican Right gets the message? Well, that’s hard to say. They clearly didn’t get it last year. They didn’t get it Tuesday. And they won’t get it between now and November, unless they figure out some way to pretend that Bill Bolling and Bob McDonnell are not on the ticket.


They’ve got problems—no doubt about it—their biggest one being that they don’t realize yet that they have a problem.


Is there no comfort for them anywhere, in any of this?


As luck would have it, there is. Warner’s centrist cloak is not one-size-fits-all. No—it is one that he has stitched together himself, a pragmatic, results-driven, business-oriented approach to government that resonates across the spectrum of Virginia politics.  But if he is to pass it on, alterations will have to be made.


Who will wear it best? Kilgore? Please. The smart money would be on Tim Kaine. But that’s not an automatic, either. Should be, but it’s not. You see, there is a complication. Wouldn’t you know it? Russ Potts, the Independent up in Winchester, has called his tailor in.  

-- June 20, 2005











Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

