Patrick McSweeney



In Defense of A Strange Notion

Every four years we hear the cry to abolish the electoral college. It's worth remembering why Virginia's founding fathers adopted it in the first place.


Every Virginian — indeed, every American — should take the time to read the proceedings of the June, 1788, Virginia convention on the ratification of the Constitution of the United States. Without this background, it is virtually impossible to have a full understanding of perhaps our most vital political and constitutional traditions.


The Virginia convention, which was held in Richmond, included among its delegates many of the most prominent leaders of the day: James Madison, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, George Mason, Edmund Pendleton. Their speeches remain remarkably fresh.  Their insights were truly prescient.


The Bill of Rights would surely never have been added to the Constitution as the first ten amendments had Henry, Mason and other delegates not forced Madison to agree to support that action. Opponents of the proposed Constitution were concerned about the loss of individual liberty and the erosion of state sovereignty. They believed that the prevention of those harms required the addition of explicit language to the Constitution. 


Henry worried that state governments would be no match for a central government. The autonomy of the states would be weakened gradually but inevitably by the federal authority. The ultimate result would be what Henry’s faction called consolidation, which is an unhealthy concentration of power at the national level.


The opponents of the Constitution feared that mere parchment barriers would not contain the federal authority. The states were no match, in their view, for the national government to be established by the proposal Madison urged the delegates to ratify. Madison countered that he valued individual freedom, but that the separation of powers and other features of the proposed Constitution provided sufficient protection.


Both sides shared the belief that a federal system was necessary to preserve individual liberty. Their common objective was not only to safeguard the parochial interests of Virginia, but also to decentralize government so that individual rights would not be threatened. To them, a consolidated government without strong and sovereign states would be unwise and unacceptable. The two factions disagreed over how far to go in guaranteeing state autonomy.  Despite prevailing on the eventual inclusion of a Bill of Rights in the Constitution, Henry’s faction was unwilling to ratify the Constitution because it posed an unacceptable threat to state sovereignty and liberty.


Today, both major parties have abandoned all interest in preserving a strong role for the states in our system. Any politician who dares to declare his or her support for states’ rights is likely to be labeled a racist. Meanwhile, Congress continues a relentless course of reducing states to mere administrative districts.


We have forgotten the warning of the Founders. A nation without the built-in inconvenience of two tiers — autonomous states and a limited federal authority — cannot assure liberty. There is no doubt that this two-tiered arrangement is cumbersome, but then so is the separation of powers of the federal authority itself. They are the price of personal freedom.

Every four years we live through a Leap Year, the Olympics, a presidential election and the cry for abolition of the Electoral College, which is just another constitutional device to preserve state sovereignty.  Once again, we must quell this call for ill-advised reform.

The danger of consolidation that an earlier generation of Virginians perceived at the 1788 convention remains. A nation of 300 million people who directly elect their president would have been a nightmare to them.


To avoid that nightmare, we should try to understand why the Constitution was designed as it was.


-- November 15, 2004
















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