No Good Deed Goes Unpunished

Barnie Day



Hope Against Hope


Jim Gilmore sounds like a man who wants to run for office again. If you're a Democrat, cross your fingers and pray that he does.


Somebody call the fire department! Jim Gilmore’s pants are on fire!


Has this guy got the hots, the lust, for elective office again, or what? Wouldn’t you think getting sacked by Little Bush would have sort of put a damper on that? 


G’Mo lit up the GOP state convention in Richmond a few days back. Well, actually "lit up" is a very relative sort of term here, which brings to mind a short, diversionary question? 


What does it say about the caliber of the other speakers?


If Gilmore, who speaks with the verve and passion of a middle manager in Cleveland explaining the details of an insurance program, is firing up the crowd, how’d you like to have to sit there and listen to the rest of them? Talk about death by tedium!


Of course, the man who almost single-handedly reduced Virginia to a fiscal laughingstock with the recklessness of his 'no car tax" program, assailed the historic, bi-partisan budget compromise reached during the last session of the General Assembly. 


He called passage of the tax increases that made the compromise possible “extremism in its worst possible form” and said “responsible mainstream leadership in this state, not just Republican leadership, does not support these tax increases and neither do the people of Virginia.”


Uh, Jim? Excuse me. Am I confused, or was it a Republican Senate and a Republican House of Delegates that made passage of those tax increases possible? Help me out on that one.


And that line about "responsible mainstream leadership" not supporting them — help me out with that one, too. All the business groups in the state supported them. The Virginia Chamber of Commerce supported them. Every local government in Virginia supported them. All the town councils. All the boards of supervisors. All the school boards. All the commonwealth attorneys. All the sheriffs in Virginia.  Moody’s Investment Services supported them. Every advocacy group in the state supported them. And the citizens of this commonwealth supported them.


Go over for me, if you would, which of these groups is irresponsible. Would it be the Chamber? Moody’s? Which one?


In fact, Jim, let me give you a little help here. Most of the House and Senate Republicans didn’t get on board with this one until after they got hammered at all of these public hearings around the state.


The speech so moved Boyd Marcus — who probably wrote it — that Marcus got a lump in his throat — probably a hair ball — and proclaimed Gilmore "the leader" of the Republican Party in Virginia, with another elective office in his future.


What would that one be, Boyd? State Dog Catcher?


If Gilmore is "the leader" of state Republicans, what does that make Jerry Kilgore? Bill Howell? John Chichester? 


Oh, I see. It depends on which Virginia Republican Party we’re talking about. Despite all the lip service about cohesion and coming together, and all that blather, there are two distinct ones, for sure. Maybe three. Virginia Republicans are more fractured than they’ve ever been. And the gulf is getting wider.


Chichester is beginning to focus on the state’s transportation needs (and when Chichester focuses, things get hot). Howell is busy exacting revenge on Preston Bryant , Chris Jones, and others, for their leading role performances as statesmen during the budget negotiations. 


And now Gilmore is trying to arm wrestle Kilgore for control of the Flat-Earth wing of the party — that wing that denies reality where all things fiscal are concerned, that wing that believes all challenges, and even opportunities, are best met with “Just say, no!”


What’s the smart Democratic strategy in all of this?


Lay low. Be reverent. Light a candle. Cross your fingers. Send up a prayer. Hope against hope that Virginia Republicans let the coming election become a referendum on Jim Gilmore.

-- June 21, 2004

















Contact Information


Barnie Day

604 Braswell Drive
Meadows of Dan, VA

