Patrick McSweeney


Moving Ahead on Transportation


Deprived of new tax revenues, government should invite the private sector to help address Virginia's transportation challenges.


A petulant few of those who promoted the sales tax ballot measures in Hampton Roads and Northern Virginia appear to want no consideration of alternative solutions. These folks are determined to prove, even if everyone must suffer, that their solution is indeed the only one.


Fortunately, Gov. Mark Warner is not among them. Obviously disappointed by the rejection of the ballot measures by the voters in those two regions, he nevertheless announced that he would look for another way to address the transportation problems in Virginia's most heavily populated regions and invited suggestions about what other options can be pursued.


Two things are essential to a serious debate over what to do next. First, every legislator should have access to all the information necessary to an informed decision.  Second, the dismissive tone of those who supported approval of the sales tax referendums whenever other options were suggested must be replaced by a more constructive attitude.


Some proposals should quickly be eliminated. A change in the state formula for allocating funds in the Transportation Trust Fund, for example, will not solve the problems in Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads.  There isn't enough money in the fund no matter how it's allocated.


Raising more money for the Transportation Trust Fund is neither politically viable nor advisable from a policy standpoint. One consequence of the rejection of the sales tax referendums is that a statewide tax increase is also off the table. Even if more tax revenues were poured into the fund, the wasteful, pork barrel character of transportation spending would be left untouched.


There is another way to address current transportation problems without raising taxes or changing the funding formula. Vital transportation projects can be financed through tolls and fares or by payments from property owners who will directly benefit from the project, as will occur along Route 28 in Fairfax County.


Virginia should also move aggressively to invite proposals from private entrepreneurs to finance and construct transportation projects on a user-financed basis. This should include potential enhancements of existing facilities where congestion can be relieved through new user-financed lanes or through imposition of tolls on all lanes, both existing and new.


Immediate reduction in congestion is possible through demand management strategies such as congestion pricing and rescheduling work hours.  Longer-term strategies should include new land use approaches designed to rescue the frequency and length of trips.  The adverse consequences of sprawl were unquestionably on the minds of many of the voters in Hampton roads and Northern Virginia who voted to reject the sales tax measures. The improved linkage between transportation and land use planning so often mentioned by Gov. Warner can't come soon enough.


Another element of a comprehensive approach to existing transportation problems in the more urbanized regions is private transit and paratransit. State government should implement strategies to encourage private investment in mini-buses and vans to meet the needs of those not served by scheduled bus and rail transit.


One thing should be obvious: Government can't do it all. It we want a more efficient and flexible transportation system; we must give the private sector a far greater role. There are many possible solutions. Private entrepreneurs should be encouraged to test solutions at their risk, not the taxpayers' risk. This approach is likely to be more innovative and cost-effective than a bureaucratic approach.


Let's get on with the debate.

-- November 18, 2002







Contact Information

McSweeney & Crump

11 South Twelfth Street
Richmond, Virginia 23219
(804) 783-6802
