Patrick McSweeney


That Confederate Flag Again


Nearly 140 years after the Civil War, the old Stars and Bars still inflames passions. But that's no reason to ban it from the political realm.


Why do Virginia Democrats act surprised when former Gov. L. Douglas Wilder, a fellow Democrat, publicly tears into one of their own? He has been openly criticizing members of his party for decades.

Wilder’s latest attack targeted a Democratic congressional candidate, Ben “Cooter” Jones of “Dukes of Hazard” fame. It seems Jones has used as a campaign prop an automobile featured in the old television series. That tactic offends Wilder because a Confederate flag is displayed on the automobile. By Wilder’s reckoning, any use of a Confederate symbol is “of great concern to the broad body of responsible Virginians” because it sends a racist message.

Ironically, on the day of Wilder’s attack, a federal appeals court in Richmond decided on a 6-5 vote not to reconsider an earlier decision of a three-judge panel of the same court, which struck down a Virginia statute barring state license tags displaying a Confederate flag. The two events dramatize once again the double standard some apply to the display of Confederate symbols, the division among Democrats over how to deal with the flag, and the futility of demanding that people stop expressing themselves about matters of deep concern to them.

Symbols can have power beyond reason. There is something about the Stars and Bars that evokes especially powerful responses, both positive and negative. It’s as if the most polarizing, terrible and costly conflict in American history is still engaged.

Adding further irony is the fact that Ken Burn’s series on the Civil War began yet another airing on Virginia public television stations shortly after the Wilder-Jones flap arose. Whatever prompted that war, it’s obvious that Virginians have not resolved the emotions involved and the issues surrounding the conflict.

It’s doubtful that Wilder’s demand will do anything but stir passions on both sides. When so much emotion is involved, it is naïve to assume that passions will be lowered by ignoring the issue that triggers such a response or, worse, by suppressing the use of a symbol that has so much power. Far better to encourage honest expression and appropriate use of the symbol.

What we should all fear is the degradation of free speech protections by those insistent on using the courts and government in general to ban particular expressions or public displays thought to be “insensitive” or “offensive.” Is there any justification for denying First Amendment protection to the display of the Confederate flag while guaranteeing such protection to all other symbols? Of course not.

The use of symbols in political campaigns is a related issue. Is it wrong for a candidate to introduce an issue that provokes controversy? The answer is an emphatic “no.” Controversy is what politics is all about. If there were no controversies or differences among the people, there would be no need for campaigns and elections. The political arena is the very place where such matters should be aired.

Despite Wilder’s implicit suggestion that Ben Jones is a racist or a cynical candidate appealing to the racist sentiment of certain voters, the 7th District Democrat is a decent man who is proud of his Southern heritage. It will be a sad day indeed when a candidate — or any citizen, for that matter — cannot express particular views and sentiments merely because others have concluded for reasons of their own that those expressions are “offensive.”

-- Sept. 30, 2002






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