The Jefferson Journal

Chris Braunlich


Unleash the Private Sector

Many localities are too financially strapped to execute Tim Kaine's pre-K initiative for at-risk tots. He could bypass that bottleneck by engaging private daycare providers.


Elected on a promise of universal government preschool for all, Gov. Timothy M. Kaine has all but abandoned that near-term goal, if not the rhetoric, in favor of a program aimed toward at-risk children.


The Governor's latest proposal concedes that costs are far higher than he originally projected. He’s made a small concession to the notion that private providers need to be a part of the mix. And he’s thrown a weak lifeline to local governments being asked to pick up a huge share of the expense.


Unlike ideologues of both the left and right, Kaine is willing to forgo a touchdown in order to get his team into field goal position. But he’s about to hit some financial limits.


The Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) is currently available only to kids who qualify for “free” meals in schools (families of four earning $26,845 or less). Kaine would expand that to include kids receiving “reduced” price meals. Targeting at-risk kids makes sense: The evidence is pretty clear that quality preschool better prepares these youngsters for kindergarten. (There’s also some convincing evidence of a “fadeout” effect by 4th grade, but that’s a subject for another column on K-12 education).


VPI budgets quality preschool at $5,700 per child – an assumption that is far from reality – and computes state funding through the Local Composite Index used to fund K-12 schools. That leaves localities largely responsible for funding up to 80 percent of the real cost, which is much higher than the arbitrary state “assumption.” Kaine’s proposal tries to correct both by acknowledging the actual average state cost of $6,790 per child and guaranteeing that state will fund at least half that amount.


Finally, Kaine would require that localities choosing to participate in any expansion must partner with private providers for at least 10 percent of any new slots created – a proposal aimed at resolving facilities shortfalls.


Although the Governor's plan is better than earlier iterations, it still would impose significant new financial burdens on local governments at a time when many face a fiscal crunch from declining real property values.


While the state currently funds the current pre-school program for nearly 18,000 children, only 70 percent of those slots are filled. The rest go empty largely because localities are choosing to spend local tax dollars elsewhere. More than half of those unfilled slots are in less than 10 percent of localities. They include Loudoun, which funded none of its 400+ slots; Prince William, which funded 36 of its 723 slots; Fairfax County, with nearly 1,000 seats unfunded; and Alexandria City, with a gap of more than 500 empty seats.


The Prince William County School Board has already passed a motion opposing the Kaine proposal because of its cost. Does anyone really expect Loudoun County to start a multi-million dollar program when the county is looking at a $250 million shortfall? Will Fairfax County create new seats for pre-schoolers even as that school system proposes student fees, higher class size, and elimination of new textbooks to help bridge the county budget gap?


In areas like the City of Alexandria, where quality preschool costs $9,800 per child, Gov. Kaine’s proposal would help, but it would not change the underlying fiscal dynamics. The changed formula would create fewer than 70 seats.


Nor is there a guarantee that new facilities will be added by having local private schools “partner” with local school systems. All too often, schools add prohibitive regulations designed by lawyers more interested in covering butts than covering children. As Tracy Armentrout, administrator for Creative Wonders Learning Center in Stuarts Draft noted: “We don’t really need what the government has to offer.”


There is one sure way to build capacity, however: Unleash the private sector instead of tying it to bureaucratic public school systems. Create and enforce high quality standards that ensure at-risk children will learn and be kindergarten-ready, and then let the private sector do the job. Avoid the mistakes that states like Florida made in spreading standards and money too thin.


And then offer parents scholarships they can use for their children at the accredited public or private preschool of their choice. Giving poor parents the power of the purse creates incentives for private and public schools to invest in and create new quality programs that will meet the needs of at-risk children and build capacity to serve more kids.


Of course, public school systems – even those that don’t or won’t step up to the plate themselves – will oppose anything that smacks of giving parents such choices. For them, the issue isn’t about educating kids: It's ’s about controlling education and the dollars that flow with it.


But if we’re serious about the need to prepare at-risk children for kindergarten we should focus on the kids, not the system. And by creating alternative pre-K scholarship programs in grossly underserved counties and cities, we can let the competition for excellence begin – and see which programs would help kids the most.


-- January 14, 2008









Chris Braunlich is a former member of the Fairfax County School Board and Vice President of the Thomas Jefferson Institute for Public Policy, the leading non-partisan public policy foundation in Virginia.


You can e-mail him here:


The views expressed here are Braunlich's and do not necessarily reflect those of the Jefferson Institute or its Board of Directors.