The Shape of the Future

E M Risse


The Estates Matrix   


Estates, the organizing constructs of human society, have undergone dramatic conversions over the past 700 years. In the process, the Fourth estate has relinquished its once-decisive role.


The phrase “The Fourth Estate” captured the unique and important role of the print media (aka, Journalism) in early 19th Century Great Britain. It also was a cogent description of the power of the press – print and briefly electronic media – in the later part of the 19th and most of the 20th Century in the US of A.

The question is: Does the term “The Fourth Estate” still apply to those who “gather” or “distribute” the “news”?   After examining the Estates Matrix, the answer appears to be “no.”

The Estates Matrix is presented as a “draft” to stimulate discussion. Every time frame and the content of each cell of The Estates Matrix is open for examination. The Estates Matrix is intended to provide a “Conceptual Framework” as defined in the prior End Note Eight. With this Conceptual Framework one can understand why MainStream Media is declining as a source of information upon which citizens can rely to make informed decisions. As suggested in Part I, there is also a “Great Bonus” – a look at a “Big Picture.”  Much more on that later.


The inspiration for The Estates Matrix was derived from the need to understand how the Fourth Estate evolved and the parameters of MainStream Media’s apparent decline. Here is a sneak preview of the conclusions that can be drawn from The Matrix about MainStream Media:

Journalism, having morphed out of the Fourth Estate, becomes one of the competing Enterprises of the Second Estate while informed Individuals and Households become the fourth leg of the four legged stool necessary to support a functional urban society. The current Fourth Estate is, however, without intelligence, leadership or self awareness.

The Matrix suggests why MainStream Media no longer represents citizen interests and also why Fundamental Change in governance structure – and in a broader scope, Fundamental Change of the overall management of contemporary society – is important. The Estates Matrix may be thought of as a primer on shaping and managing contemporary civilization reduced to an 8 ½  x 11 sheet of paper.


Attacks Are Anticipated


As suggested at the end of PART I, "The Morphed Estate," the idea of Estates and The Estates Matrix will be attacked by those satisfied with the status quo. Business- As-Usual flacks will toss up red herrings. Scholars from a score of academic disciplines will sniff with disgust. So will “seasoned journalists.”


The proponents of Business As Usual will argue that “business as usual is good enough for us.” They will tar anyone suggesting that the trajectory of contemporary civilization is unsustainable as an enemy of “growth and prosperity,” appealing to the misconception that continually escalating Mass OverConsumption is required for citizens to be safe or happy.


The current trajectory of civilization is characterized by:   

  • More and more humans

  • Each consuming more and more resources per capita, and

  • Cumulative consumption growing at geometric rates

The result is greater and greater negative impact on the natural systems needed to support economic prosperity, social stability and human life. (See End Note Ten.)


Business-As-Usual investments in misinformation promote growth, consumption and short-term profit at the expense of general prosperity and conservation as well as the happiness and safety of citizens. These Business-As-Usual perspectives contribute to an unsustainable trajectory for civilization. (See End Note Eleven.)


Scholars rely on peer review for their status.  The Estates Matrix stomps across the turf of a score of “disciplines.”  While many thoughtful citizens have broad interests, scholars must build their reputations by exploring small slices of reality without upsetting their peers. The Estates Matrix cuts across many disciplines to provide a broad Conceptual Framework. (See End Note Twelve.)


Finally, expect the biggest fuss from those who do not want to reconsider the conventional wisdoms and form the ranks of "seasoned journalists” for the reasons outlined in PART III (to come).


Preliminary Notes


Before exploring the implications of The Matrix, one needs to understand the context.  The following notes provide an overview.


From about 13,000 years ago until 706 years ago (1302), a three-legged system evolved to manage human society (aka, Civilization). There were many twists and turns over these 12,300 years, and clearly the process did not “start” 13,000 years ago or at any other date certain.  (See End Note Thirteen.)

At the start of the 14th century, the three components that controlled society were “Clergy,” “Nobility” and “Commoners.”

The three components, or centers of power guiding society, were termed “Estates” or “Estates of the Realm.” In 1302 there were many variations of the system across the territory that is now the European Union.


The Estates Matrix illustrates how this “stable” three legged system evolved over the last 706 years to a more unstable four-legged system.  This new four-legged system requires a more careful attention to Balance if the structure is to meet the needs on any of the Estates as well as all of the citizens in all of the Estates.


Of critical importance was the fact that in 1302 from 60 percent to 99 percent of the population in any specific kingdom, principality, city state or tribal area were not “citizens” and did not have a standing or a voice in any of the three Estates. “Commoners” were, in reality, a few who stood at the top of groups such as guilds, non-nobility land owners, traders, merchants and similar groups.  Frequently a “commoner's” place at the table was dependent upon a commitment to not represent disenfranchised slaves, servants, serfs, peasants, etc.,


One further note:  It is important to understand the definitions of “Household,” “Organization,” “Agency,” “Enterprise” and “Institution,” as provided by the GLOSSARY. In summary, Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions are defined to include all of the Organizations created by citizens beyond the Household.


Of particular importance in the context of the Estates Matrix is the definition of “Institution.”

An Institution is a cause- or belief-driven Organization hat is not an Enterprise created to generate a profit or an Agency established by citizens of a jurisdiction to carry out a governance function for the benefit of the all citizens.

Institutions support the members, founders or management of the Institution. Institutions include Organizations with religious, educational, cultural and political programs, goals and objectives.  Institutions include, among others, foundations, labor unions, professional and trade associations, universities, hospitals, museums, political parties, political action committees, conservation advocates, chambers of commerce and other consumption advocates, churches and think tanks.


Some of the vast growth in total wealth generated between 1302 and 2008 “raised all boats.”  However, much of it has ended up in Institutions.  Each Institution has its own agenda and its own resources to implement that agenda to benefit the Institution. That agenda may support or undermine the goals of Agencies, Enterprises, other Institutions or the health, safety and welfare of citizens (individuals and Households).


Anatomy of The Estates Matrix


The Estates Matrix is composed of seven columns and six rows.  The following notes introduce the Columns and Rows of The Estate Matrix. 


Click on the image for a larger, more legible

version of the matrix. We suggest printing out this one-page graphic or opening a second window so you do not have to jump back and forth to follow the column by column and row by row descriptions that follow


Column 1 – The Estates


Column 1 is headed “Estate Designations.”  This column identifies four Estates plus an important category titled “No Estate.”


Over time (moving from Column 2 to Column 7) we will see each of the Estates evolve and morph as The Renaissance, The Reformation, Modern Science (as distinguished from the Classical Science of the Greeks, Romans, Arabs and scholars of the “Middle Ages”), The Enlightenment, The Industrial Revolution and Contemporary Urban Civilization evolved from 1302 to 2008.  Five separate Estate Conversions are explored in depth below.


The importance of the “No Estate” category becomes clear when one notes the percentage of the population identified with each Estate.  The “No Estate” category is very important in the management of human societies over the period of The Estates Matrix.  Without those in “No Estate” there would be no one to raise the food or fight the wars. (See End Note Fourteen.)


Prior to the American Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, the emancipation of slaves and finally woman’s suffrage, it was not considered to be an issue of importance that many humans were not citizens and thus had no Estate. In 1302, the vast majority of humans had no Estate to call home, no Organization to rely on to represent their interests. In other words, many humans were invisible pawns who were controlled / owned by individuals or groups that were members of the three Estates. (See End Note Fifteen.)

A convenient way to come to grips with the scope of The Estates Matrix is to note the shift in the percentage of population associated with each of the five Estate categories over time.

The percentages in parentheses (X %) are the approximate percentages of the total population of kingdoms / principalities / dukedoms / nation-states / etc. total population who identify with and take actions (vote, buy, support) that primarily benefit each Estate. (See End Note Sixteen.)


This is an inherently confusing concept because almost all individuals take actions that support and take other actions that undermine the best interest of Households, Enterprises, Institutions and Agencies with which these individuals have some important relationship. Some citizen actions support, and at the same time, undermine the interests of an Organization to which that citizen is a member.  The “percentage that support” represents a gross estimation of the bottom line “net balance” of all those actions. (See End Note Seventeen.)


An enormous contribution by the American Revolution, the Haitian Revolution, the emancipation of slaves and woman’s suffrage in what is now the First World was the dramatic shrinking of the number of humans with No Estate.


Much of the human population on the planet outside the First World is still about where the US of A was in 1837. There are variations from society to society and nation-state to nation-state but slavery, servitude and an array of other limitations on human rights persist. Several very “modern” nation states – the United Arab Emirates and Singapore come to mind – have a percentage of citizens among the total resident population that is akin to 14th Century Europe.


Even worse is the fact that in the US of A the “No Estate” population is still about 20 percent of the total even with women having the right to vote and a constitution that guarantees equal rights.


Row 1 – The Time Frames


The next step in understanding The Estates Matrix is to recognize the time frames for each Column. Row 1 establishes six time frames.  These time frames mark significant turning points in the evolution of The Four Estates.


Column 2.  The second column covers the time from 1302 to 1790 and represents the “base case” for the Transformations and Estate Conversion in the territory that has become the European Union.  During this period, The Renaissance (1300 +/-), The Reformation (1500 +), Modern Science (1543), The Enlightenment (1700 +/-) and The Industrial Revolution (1740 +/-) laid the foundation for the evolution of Contemporary Civilization. Human activity during this time frame laid the groundwork for the emergence of a science-based technology and the competitively driven urban society that exists in 2008.


The year 1302 was selected as the start date because that was the year King Philip IV of France called the First “Estates General.”  The Estates General was called together – and organized as a constituent assembly – to generate support by “society in general” for, and spell out limitations on, the authority of “The Church” (aka, Clergy) vis a vis the other two segments of society, the Nobility and Commoners.  The three Estates were also depicted as “clerics, knights and workmen” in this time period. (See End Note Eighteen.)


Important prior landmarks such as the Magna Carta in 1215 could also have been chosen as the starting point for the Column 2 time frame. However, in 1302 there was something formally called the “Three Estates.”  An alternate starting point for this time frame might be 1400, which marks the approximate end of the cyclic epidemics of Bubonic Plague, or Black Death. (See End Note Nineteen.)


Other dates to consider for the start of this time frame would be 1492 (Columbus’ first voyage) or 1543 (the year most often given for the dawn of Modern Science).


The ending point of the first period is 1790.  The exact span of this period is not as important as the recognition that over 500 years +/- there evolved a broadly recognized system of three “Estates” that shared responsibility for governance and management of society in what is now the European Union.  These three Estates were articulated in a range of “national” contexts.  The details of the Estates varied but were similarly configured.


Column 3. The third column is dated 1789, a date certain and in a place certain: France.  This is the year of the last Estates General called by King Louis XVI.  The 1789 Estates General, with the three Estates formalized into a three-chambered “assembly,” was charged with articulating the Fundamental Changes needed to bring the governance of France into harmony with the scientific, political and philosophical thinking of the time.  The need for Fundamental Change in France was brought into focus by the American Revolution in which many individual Frenchmen participated in significant ways.  The French government also supported the American Revolution as a way of opposing its arch enemy at the time, Great Britain.


The 1789 Estates General is notable because Louis XVI refused to implement the changes recommended by the assembly.  He, his wife Marie Antoinette and many others were beheaded for failure to make those changes. Because of the importance of the French Revolution, there is a great deal of information about the economic, social and political status of France in 1789.  For example the population was about 27 million and the percentages of population in each of the three Estates shown in Column 3 of The Estates Matrix is quite well documented.


Column 4. The time frame for Column 4 is 1775-1794 and the focus shifts to the US of A.  The period from 1775 (the Declaration of Independence) to 1794 (five years after the US of A Constitution went into effect) was a period during which many Fundamental Changes took place. Tying down a specific year is not as important as summarizing the status at the end of this period.  For this time frame, and each of the four time frames (Columns 4 through 7) that focus on US of A, the population of the nation-state is noted.


Column 5.  The year 1837 in the US of A was a way-station between the War of 1812, which ended the overt threats to the nation-state's existence, and the Civil War, which ended slavery and opened the door to the full impact of the Industrial Revolution in North America. By 1837 expansion of the middle class, due to urbanization driven by the Industrial Revolution as well as other economic and social changes, was clearly evident in Western Europe.  The shift from a nonurban (agricultural) to an urban focus of the economy and of life in the US of A primarily occurred following the Civil War.  The year 1837 was chosen, not because this year was important in the US of A but because it was the year that the Fourth Estate was identified.


In 1837, Edmond Burke is said to have noted the presence of the media -- print journalism at the time -- in the Gallery of the British Parliament and stated: “Yonder sits the Fourth Estate, and they are more important than them all (the other three Estates).”  From this time forward, the media has been known as “The Fourth Estate.”  Most important, the press (later the media) accepted the responsibility to represent those not in the other three Estates.  This embrace of the needs of humans was a critical step in decreasing those in the “No Estate” category.


Column 6.  The year 1950,five years after the end of World War II, is an important place to take stock.  Economic and social interests had coalesced into Agencies, Institutions and Enterprises representing a broad spectrum of interests. The social, political and governance reforms following the Civil War up through the New Deal fundamentally changed Agencies not just at the federal level but at the state and municipal levels.  While there was change, the basic three-level system that served the agrarian society was still in place in an urban, urbane, world-class nation-state.


By 1950, Enterprises – primarily large corporations whose managers were responsible for optimizing profits – had become a dominant force. “What is good for General Motors is good for the United States.”


Churches, political parties, labor unions and other groups had forged new Institutions.


In the US of A, the power of the press (media) was clear before the Revolution.  The media articulated the rationale for the Revolution and provided the information that allowed it to exist and expand.  The 1837 date was, as noted above, just a way-station but the importance of the media grew steadily during the 19th and early 20th Centuries. MainStream Media, anchored by the rise of professional journalism and of the first families of Journalism, staked out a broad responsibility and vehemently defended its independence and accepted the moral responsibilities as the Fourth Estate.


Column 7. The last column presents current conditions and, as we shall see below, is represents a fundamentally different composition of the Four Estates. This new configuration underlies the need for Fundamental Change in governance structure.  Beyond Fundamental Change in governance structure – the structure of Agencies – there is a need for Fundamental Change in the management of society as reflected by the lack of focus for the hundreds of millions of citizens who now comprise the Fourth Estate. Thus, the year 2008 provides and appropriate place to summarize the current status of the Four Estates.


Time Frame Overview


One should not be mislead by the number of columns allocated to different time frames.


There are far more years between 1302 (or the birth of modern science in 1543) and 1790 than there are between 1790 and 2008.  While these 500 years are lumped together as a single column, a vast number of important events and transformations occurred between 1302 and 1790.


A second point is that while The Estate Matrix focuses on the US of A for the first time between 1775 to 1794, a lot happened in the territory that became the US of A between 1607 and 1775. (See End Note Twenty.)


Third and most important, many think of the later part of the 20th and the first years of the 21st Century as being times of an increasingly rapid rate of change.  Some, Alvin and Heidi Toffler, for example, have made a cottage industry out of this perspective.


While the period 1950 to 2008 is thought of as a period of great change, most of the inventions, innovations and discoveries that have fundamentally changed society – and especially human settlement patterns during this period – were made between 1880 to 1950. (See The Shape of the Future, Chapter 2 and the discussion of “past shock” in Chapter 31.)


Much of the apparent change in this period can be explained by the percentages that fall in each of the Estates in 2008.  There has been incredible impact of prior changes on individuals and on Households.  This is because the ideas, and possibilities of the period from 1302 to 1950 is finally catching up to the majority of citizens.  The root causes of that individual and Household change – the real drivers of that change – occurred decades and even centuries before.


For this reason it is important at this point to look again from a different perspective at the entire time period covered by The Estates Matrix.


Profound Transformations on the Way to an Urban Civilization


Before examining the five Estate Conversions illustrated by The Estates Matrix, it is important to examine in more detail the Profound Transformations noted earlier.  These Transformations provide the context for the Estate Conversions examined below and one of the Transformations is composed of the five Estate Conversions.

The “Profound” Transformations are overarching and widely recognized society-wide changes that took place over the past 700 plus years from 1302 to 2008, the time frame depicted by The Estates Matrix. (See End Note Twenty-one.) 

The Four “Profound” Transformations that occurred between 1300 to 2008:

  • The Renaissance / Reformation / Modern Science / Enlightenment / Industrial Revolution, 1400 to 2000. No documentation needed

  • First World Transformation from an Agriculture- based Civilization to an Urban-based Civilization, 1800 to 2000. (See End Note Twenty-two.)

  • Five Conversions of the Four Estates [1790 to 2008] Detailed Below

Transformation One.  The Black Death as articulated by David Herlihy. (See End Note Twenty-one.) Herlihy makes a convincing case for The Black Death opening the way for the later Transformations buy removing millions of people from what is now the European Union between 1346 and 1400.  This decimation provided opportunities for individuals and groups to “move up” and take charge of places and processes that had been the domain of those that died in the plague.  This Transformation changed the status quo that had evolved over the prior 300 (“feudal”) years.  The pre-Black Death society was, according to Herlihy and others an ossified three-Estate system riding on the backs of millions who had no Estate.


Transformation Two. The Renaissance / Reformation / Modern Science / Enlightenment set the stage for the Industrial Revolution and the rise of Contemporary Uurban Civilization. Some scholars will argue that each is a separate “transformation,” because each is so important in the evolution of contemporary Civilization. For the purposes of The Estates Matrix they are considered together for the following reasons:


Each can be studied as a unique “movement” but they overlap and all reinforce one another.  Except for Modern Science (1543) there is no broadly accepted start date (and in some cases starting location or event) for the components of Transformation Two.  The impact of all five “movements” (including the Industrial Revolution) was not felt by the majority of the citizens until long after the most important landmarks of the movements were “history.”  The five “revolutions” that make up Transformation Two set the stage for Transformation Three which is deemed by many as the most important Transformation in human evolution. (For further background on how Transformation Two impacted society in general, and human settlement patterns in particular, see Part One (Chapter 1 through Chapter 4) of The Shape of the Future.)


Transformation Three. A major focus of The Shape of the Future is what might be called The Urban Transformation. Driven by The Renaissance / The Reformation / Modern Science / The Enlightenment and The Industrial Revolution, the economic, social and physical foundation of human society in the First World shifted from 1800 to 2000, a span of just 200 years.  As noted in End Note Twenty Two, Peter Drucker suggests that this transformation is the most important Transformation in human history.


The Urban Transformation is deemed more important than the shift from hunter-gather societies to agriculture / traders / crafter societies from 13,000 years ago to 1800.  It was not just far more rapid: It left a far different human civilization.


In summary:  Between 1800 and 2000, the First World went from a place with a five percent urban population and ninety-five percent nonurban population to one with ninety-five percent urban and five percent nonurban in just 200 years.


The two largest general classifications of citizens in the US of A:

  • Yeoman Farm Households (and the traders and crafters who directly serviced this nonurban population), and

  • Household servants in both urban and nonurban settings essentially disappeared in this 200-year span.

The Third Transformation is obviously of critical importance to human settlement patterns. The importance is outlined in Chapter 1 Box 2 of The Shape of the Future which is reproduced as APPENDIX ONE.  The dynamics of this period is demonstrated by the two graphs in this Box. These graphs document the most important, far-reaching change during the span from 1794 to 2000 in the US of A. During this period a Fundamental Change in human economic, social and physical activity affecting human settlement pattern took place.


(As an aside, these urban citizens have the same genes as those of 13,000 years ago because one aspect of the Urban Transformation was to suspend the application of Darwin’s laws of natural selection as suggested by the population growth curves found in APPENDIX ONE.  That, however, is a different story for another time.)


In 1794 (or 1800) 95 percent of the population was engaged in subsistence / commoner agriculture as well as other activities directly related to this pre-industrial agriculture. The second largest category of labor after farm hands and yeoman farmers consisted of domestic servants. Only 5 percent of the population was engaged in urban activity.


By 2000, the numbers had completely reversed, with 95 percent of the population engaged in urban activities and the number of domestic servants far smaller than the number of lawyers, police persons, accountants, school teachers or persons held in jails.


If one considers those who provide domestic services on a contract basis to several clients to be service workers as opposed servants who live in their employer’s residence, there are more jailers now than there are domestic servants.


Transformation Four. The Fourth Transformation is composed of the Five Estate Conversions between 1775 and 2008.  These Conversions were also driven by Modern Science, The Reformation, The Renaissance, The Enlightenment and The Industrial Revolution. The Estates Matrix portrays these dramatic conversions.  They might also be called a morphing, metamorphoses, transmutations, transmogrifications or transfigurations.


What ever they are called, they fundamentally changed the functions, roles and participants of the Three Estates - Clergy, Nobility, Commoners and No Estate - that existed before 1775 in the US of A and before 1790 in the EU (specifically France) to the current configuration of First World society where power is shared by Agencies, Enterprises, Institutions and Citizens (individuals and Households).


Arguments can be made that other changes should be considered Transformations.  Future refinements of The Estates Matrix may include more factors.  In this Backgrounder, the importance of listing these Transformations is to set the context for the Estate Conversions.


Five Conversions of the Four Estates and No Estate


The Four Profound Transformations outlined above shaped contemporary civilization.  The  Estates Matrix examines the fourth of these Profound Transformations – the five Estate Conversions.  These Conversions impact the governance and management of contemporary civilization.  The following section provides a row-by-row summary of the Conversions in each of the Estates including No Estate over the time span established by The Estates Matrix.


Before going into detail it is useful to get an overview.  An example of the scope of the Estate Conversions depicted in The Estates Matrix is illustrated by the following:   APPENDIX ONE reproduces Chapter 1 Box 2 of The Shape of the Future.


Here is a paragraph from that Box with the Vocabulary refined to reflect the words and phrases used in GLOSSARY:

“Prior to 1740 (the approximate start of the Industrial Revolution), it was the sovereign, the Church or some other elite class that made most of the decisions impacting human settlement pattern. Industrialization, urbanization, democratic governance, economic competition and the resulting increase in individual freedom have enabled individual citizens and Households and their Organizations to make decisions with far-reaching collective impact on the human settlement pattern.”

The Estates Matrix provides details on the Fourth Transformation – The Five Estate Conversions.  This examination is not just of “historical” interest, it demonstrates what has happened to MainStream Media but also why Fundamental Change in contemporary governance structure (Agencies) is imperative and why there needs to be other new (non-Agency) innovations to manage civilization.


As we will see in PART IV, The Estates Matrix provides a platform from which to consider and evaluate potential future Conversions.


Row 2


The second row is labeled “First Estate.” In the initial time frame this cell is labeled “Clergy.” This is the terminology widely used in designation of Estates from 1300 to 1790. Perhaps the term should be “Church” because the First Estate included not only those who served as active members of the clergy but also to the administrative and organizational structure of the Roman Catholic Church. After The Reformation, various Protestant denominations assumed similar roles, such as the Church of England in Great Britain and the Commonwealth.


Roles of the “Clergy” -- we are referring here to the “this worldly” roles as opposed to the “other worldly” roles -- in the 1300 to 1790 time frame included provision of schools, hospitals, social welfare programs, records of population statistics, granting licenses to create Households (marriage licenses), taxes for a number of public purposes, support of the arts and moral guidance, especially at the Household, Cluster and Neighborhood scales.


From Column Three on, the term used for the First Estate is “Agency” as defined in GLOSSARY. As noted above, Agency is one of the three organizational types beyond the individual / Household that are formed by citizens. The others are Enterprise and Institution.


It was from 1775 to 1794 in the US of A, that a fundamental shift in the responsibility for health, safety and welfare as well as education took place - from the Clergy (church) to public Agencies. While many of the direct functions were, and still are, carried out by Institutions, the responsibility for ensuring that these Institutions exist and meet the needs of citizens is a responsibility of Agencies (aka, the governance structure).


In this time frame, the role of the “Clergy” was transformed in the US of A by the concept of “religious freedom” and “separation of church and state.”  By and large, the “this worldly” role of “the organized church” shifted to Agencies of governance.  It was not that the Agencies carried out all these tasks but that Agencies were now responsible to see that there were Organizations to secure the health, safety and welfare of all citizens.  Over time Institutions, Individuals and Households and some Enterprises – e. g. private, for profit hospitals and colleges – took on these responsibilities.


By 2008 the vast majority of the actions were not taken by Agencies but by Institutions - not for profit corporations that are defined as Institutions in GLOSSARY. “Public Utilities,” limited profit corporations and other “regulated” Institutions act like Enterprises or have Enterprise subsidiaries.

The shift of the First Estate “worldly role” of the Clergy to Agency, and the shift of the other-worldly role of the Clergy to Institutions is the First Estate Conversion.

As noted in PART I, and further discussed in PART IV, “separation of church and state” assumed that the church (Clergy), when separated from the state (Agency), would remain an Estate with primary responsibility for “other worldly” activities.  As we shall see, the Conversion of the church to just another Institution resulted in individual church denominations evolving to compete for, and primarily represent the interest of, its members and not society as a whole.


One role of the Clergy (Church) prior to 1974 was to create and maintain the sub-municipal level of governance (the Parish) that did not require a license (charter) from the Nobility (Second Estate) to exist. This role atrophied with the establishment of multiple churches without coterminous “congregation territories.”  This vacuum at the Cluster and Neighborhood scale exists to this day.  It is partially and incompletely filled by property owners associations, civic associations and sub-municipal ward / magisterial / councilmanic (sic) districts.


The First Estate Conversion created Agencies at three levels:

  • Nation-state

  • State (province)

  • Municipal

As noted below in “TIME OUT” and in PART IV, this three-tier structure has ossified and failed to evolve to reflect economic, social and physical reality that now finds New Urban Regions the most important building block of contemporary civilization and a vastly increased role for inter-regional and international economic, social and physical Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions.


Row 3


The third row is devoted to the Second Estate and the first cell is labeled “Nobility.”


In the US of A, the Second Estate made a Fundamental Change similar to the First Estate at the time of the Revolution. Before 1775, the Second Estate was the Nobility and after 1794 the role of the Second Estate was assumed by the well-to-do, landed gentry.


Some of the roles of the Nobility - defense, regional security, taxes for roads and navigation, licences (charters) to create urban enclaves and creation of Enterprises shifted to Agencies with some role for Institutions.


However, the landed gentry controlled political parties and held the senior positions in Agencies and Institutions in time frame three (column 4).  Over succeeding time frames the control of the Second Estate shifted more and more to the well-to-do and to the Enterprises they owned.

The rise of stockholders fundamentally changed Enterprises.

While a well-to-do owner might have multiple objectives for the Enterprise he / she controlled, the advent of stockholders / investors put the emphasis squarely on profits.

Since 1837 laws and regulations to protect the interests of stockholder / investors have changed the dynamics of Enterprises  Enterprises now reflect the interests of managers and of investors.  These interests may not be the same with respect to details of operations but they are both focused on profit.  Managers now like to claim they are looking out for the interests the large number of “owners” who have interests via mutual funds and retirement programs.  This introduces a third focus of interest, that of the fund manager (aka, “Masters of the Universe”).


Since 1950 the role of Enterprises has increased exponentially within the Second Estate.  By 2008 there is almost exclusive domination by Enterprises.  While Enterprises were frequently owned or controlled by the very wealthy in prior time frames, the focus has shifted to management and stockholders.  It is the Enterprise, in particular the Corporation, that is the focus of the Second Estate at the present time. (See resources cited in End Note Ten.)

A shift from Nobility to Enterprise is Estate Conversion Two.  Both Conversion One and Two are initiated in the third time, column four frame (1775 to 1794). However, the Second Estate (Enterprises) continued to change over succeeding time frames while the First Estate (Agencies) changed far less.

Like Agencies, there are “levels” of Enterprise ranging from Dooryard, Cluster and Neighborhood to Village, Community, subregion, Region an on to Multi-regional, nation-state and multi-national.  Due to a failure to understand the organic structure of human settlement patterns, "out-of-scale" Enterprises contribute to dysfunctional human settlement patterns, as will be documented in the Backgrounder, "The Problem with Cars" (forthcoming).


Row 4


The Third Estate (Commoners) depicted in the forth row is far more complex than the first two.


From 1794 to 2008 this Estate experienced as much Fundamental Change as the First (Clergy) and the Second (Nobility) Estates. However, there is not a single landmark event or time frame for the Conversion such as there was in Row 2 and 3. The role and importance of the stalwarts of the pre-1775 “Commons” - trade, crafts, finance, insurance, banking, merchants, markets grew after 1775.


As noted in Row 2, after 1775 the Clergy (church) lost its own Estate.  It became part of the Third Estate as an interest group outside the realm of Agencies (First Estate) – “separation of church and state” – or Enterprises (Second Estate) – because it was not a for-profit organization. Some of the roles of the church in governance at the Dooryard, Cluster and Neighborhood scales has shifted primarily to Individuals / Households but most are floating in limbo.  Some activities of the church are carried out by Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions. The governance and security at the Village and Community scales was shifted to Agencies.


The biggest change for the Third Estate during the 1775-1794 time frame was that large numbers of yeoman farmers joined the Third Estate.  This enabled the merchants / craftsmen, et. al, to gain political swat.  This change was more theory than reality during the early administrations, when Agencies and Enterprises were controlled by the well to do and the landed gentry.  That changed with the election of Andrew Jackson in 1828. The core of Jackson’s platform was to expand the status and opportunity of the “common man.”


By 1837 the early stages of the Industrial Revolution were expanding the number of industries and the population of  factory workers.  The larger factories were controlled by the Second Estate but the workers, especially the skilled workers and managers, became part of the Third Estate.

By 1950 the Conversion of the Third Estate created a substantially different configuration of interests.

By this time the Third Estate had morphed from an Estate of farmers, craftsmen, merchants with a non-urban orientation to an Estate with an urban orientation.  Managers, senior factory workers, independent farmers, and white collar office workers had coalesced into something called “The Middle Class.”  Institutions had become much more important but had not yet displaced informal groups and like-minded individuals who made up The Middle Class.


By 2008 The Middle Class has by many measures disappeared. Perhaps it is more accurate to  say that most of those that were in the old Middle Class became “otherwise occupied.”  They are running as hard as they can in an attempt to keep up with those at the top of the economic food chain.  This mad scramble to keep up fuels Mass OverConsumption and Business As Usual.


The former member of the Middle Class, the Running as Hard as They Cans (RHTCs), are profiled in depth in PROPERTY DYNAMICS.

Institutions now dominate the Third Estate.

It is useful to repeat that an Institution is a cause or belief driven Organization and that Institutions support the members, founders or management of the Organization. Much of the wealth that was once controlled by Households has ended up in Institutions.  Each Institution has its own agenda and its own resources to implement that agenda to benefit the Institution.  That agenda may support or undermine the goals of Agencies, Enterprises, other Institutions or the health, safety and welfare of citizens (individuals and Households).

Like Agencies and Enterprises, Institutions operate at all levels of settlement patterns with Institutions that focus from the Dooryard and Cluster scales to one with a Global orientation.

This is an appropriate place to point out that to achieve the status of an Alpha Community there is a need, not just for functional Agencies at the Community scale (and at all levels above and below the scale of the Community) but that there is a need for Community Enterprises and Community Institutions.  This means not just a functional governance structure but Institutions such as a Community hospital, a Community college, a Community theater, etc.


Time Out


At this point it is useful to depart temporarily from the row-by-row survey. Now that the scope and intent of The Estate Matrix is clear from the review of Rows 2, 3 and 4, it is instructive to consider the following overview with respect to governance and the broader concept of the “management of civilization.”


For perhaps three million years – since before human ancestors migrated out of Africa –  humans evolved the Three Estates / No Estate structure.  It started with extended Households, bands, clans, tribes and evolved in fits and starts.  However, by 1302 this structure was widely accepted in the territory that became the European Union. This evolution is further explored in PART III.  Over the next 500 years Two Profound Transformations laid the ground work for the Estate Conversions.


When the US of A was created, the Three Estates were transported into a new context.  The Clergy and the Nobility were stripped of controlling power.  The ideal was to eliminate No Estate.  However, all humans did not become citizens until indentured servitude was curtailed, slavery made illegal and women gained full participation in the governance process. As indicated by the percentage who occupy the No Estate category, this goal still has not been achieved, even in the US of A and other First World nation-states.

One of the reasons that this (and other parameters of safety and happiness) have not been achieved is that the governance structure – the framework of the First Estate (Agencies) was not optimum in 1789 and has not evolved in any significant way since that time.

The US of A governance structure put in place by the Constitution in 1789 can be characterized as a three-level, three-branch system.  We might call this a 3X3 system.  The three branches (executive, judicial, and legislative) were intended to avoid the concentration of power that the Nobility had agglomerated, specifically in Great Britain just prior to the Revolution.


The First Estate was seen as the “government” but there was no comprehensive conversion of powers that were held by the three pre-1775 Estates.  There was no conversion of the Three Estates powers to the three branches of government and it would have been a mistake to make such a conversion.  It would be “convenient” to think of the role of the Commoners becoming the legislative branch but that is clearly not the case.


The role of Clergy split in two, the role of the Nobility split in three, the role of Commoners fragmented and while many within No Estate gained standing in one of the three “new” Estates, there were many others that did not.


In retrospect, there was real genius in the three branches, although there was precedent for three branches in the system in Great Britain forged over the prior 709 years (or 560 years, depending on whether the starting date was 1066 (Norman Conquest) or 1215 (Magna Carta).  There were also practical politics in the two houses of Congress and most state legislatures that have served citizens well.


There was less genius in the three levels of governance: nation-state, state (province) and municipal.  These three levels were hangovers from the Roman Empire and before.  Adding the “County” to manage the judicial, legislative and administrative functions in nonurban areas where the vast majority of humans existed did not contribute much. A 3.5X3 system is not a substitute for a 7X3 system.


In the most favorable light, the three level structure reflected a society with five percent urban citizens and 95 percent nonurban.  The nonurban humans were primarily surfs, peasants and tenant farmers eking out a subsistence living and becoming cannon fodder in time of crisis.  They made up much of the No Estate cohort.


The Northwest Ordinance of 1791 codified the 3.5X3 system, applying the three-plus level structure to govern the new territories as they became part of the US of A.


Urban society now exhibits six levels of organic structure below the nation-state. In fact these levels existed prior to 1775 in nonurban settlement patterns. However, this reality was not reflected in the governance structure because this structure relied on the pre-1790 three Estate structure. (For a more complete discussion of this issue see Chapter 15 of The Shape of the Future.)

As seen in the European Union in 2008, the nation-state is not “the” all-important level of governance that it was thought to be in 1794.  What worked in 1794 does not work in 2008.

The profound need for Fundamental Change in governance structure is a result of the Estate Conversions and emergence of organic levels of human activity and human settlement patterns.  Beyond the need for change in governance structure, there is a need for Fundamental Change to evolve an effective way to manage civilization that goes beyond the “improvement” of governance or the restructuring of “government.”


Finally, as we shall see below, there was no entity to fill the void in the Fourth Estate when MainStream Media decamped and became just another form of Enterprise in the Second Estate. 


As will be explored in PART IV, an important goal is that no single Estate should concentrate power or dominate the other Estates.  There is historical documentation of attempts to exert control of one Estate by another, as when Henry VIII (Second Estate) created and then controlled the Church of England in place of the Roman Church.


Now back to a review of the remaining Rows:


Row 5


The fifth row is devoted to the Fourth Estate. While there are no entries in prior time frames, the Fourth Estate (journalists and journalism, aka The Media) did not just “appear” in 1837. Some aspects of  “Journalism” (reporting, recording – at this point “remembering” – and dissemination of information) were practiced long before the emergence of functional writing 5,000 years ago.


The history of the Fourth Estate is briefly reviewed in PART III of this Backgrounder.  Suffice it to say, what is now “The Media” played the key role in all the events of 1302 to 1790 (Column 2) especially after the invention of moveable type circa 1455.  The media was an important catalyst in the events of time frames two (Column 3) and three (Column 4).


The Fourth Estate, however, did not become a “recognized entity” until it was identified and named in Great Britain by Edmond Burke, as reported by Thomas Carlyle and others. Burke observed that the power of the press in 1837 made them “The Fourth Estate.” He applied the still commonly accepted First Estate, Second Estate, Third Estate categorization of the components of societal management of the time.  This is another argument against the proposition that the three Estates disappeared between 1775 and 1815. (See End Note Twenty-three.)


The original Fourth Estate had its peak influence in the late 19th and the first half of the 20th Centuries. After the second World War, it appeared to be growing in influence because of the emergence of television – joining radio and print journalism – as components of MainStream Media.

In fact, the impact of the Fourth Estate was on the decline because of the Fourth Estate Conversion.  Large journalism Organizations were becoming Enterprises by 1950.

These corporations were frequently owned by the immediate family of a “golden age publisher” but they transitioned to stockholder-owned Enterprises by 1950 or soon thereafter. By 2008 they are almost exclusively Enterprises which are controlled by stock holders, profit margins and return on investments, as noted in PART I.   Employment of those with formal training in “journalism” peaked in radio in the early '80s, and in print media in the early '90s.  The total number of journalists produced by colleges and universities continues to grow but they now apply their skills in advertising and other parts of the “Spin Sector.” The average age of print media Journalist reflects the lack of entry level job opportunities. (These issues are further explored in Part III.)


The shift from assuming a “separate” role in the Fourth Estate to taking part of the Second Estate is perhaps the most profound, and surely the most unrecognized of the five Estate Conversions. When MainStream Media (MSM) left the Fourth Estate, there remained the “alternative media.”  We will explore who filled the void left by MSM after a review of Row 6.


Row 6


The sixth row, No Estate, is critical, as suggested earlier.  The “Process of Civilization” can be characterized as the Conversion of those with No Estate into one of the three (and later four) Estates.  Fairy Tales are often stories about humans in No Estate moving into one of the Three Estates.  This is where the most significant Estate Conversion has taken place.


From 1303 until 2008, the number of people who are represented by “none of the four Estates” in control of the course of civilization has dramatically decreased from perhaps 98% of the population in some 14th Century and 15th Century kingdoms to 90 percent of the population of France in 1789 to half the population just a few decades later in the United States.


That percentage has declined in the periods 1837, 1950 and 2008. There is still perhaps still 20 percent of the population, “the poor” and the those economic and social “radicals” who are living ‘off grid.”  They are effectively left out of the role as citizens regardless of legal or theoretical “rights.”


Before leaving the discussion of the Anatomy of The Estates Matrix, two important items are left to consider: The Percentage numbers in each cell and who replaced MainStream Media in the Fourth Estate.


The Percentage in Each Estate


The information most subject to debate are the percentages the total population that fall within each one of the cells on the Matrix. As noted above, the percentages in parenthesis in each cell of The Estates Matrix is the percentage of the population in a kingdom, principality or nation-states that identifies with, votes and takes actions in the marketplace on issues primarily in the interest of one of the four Estates plus No Estate.  Now that the full scope of The Estates Matrix has been laid out, one can more carefully consider these numbers.


For example, consider the percentages in the 2008 column. There are more public (Agency) employees than the 8 percent of the population, however, many of the individuals in the larger groups (teachers, public safety workers and scientists) may not vote or take actions to represent the best interest of the Agencies where they work. This is particularly true for the Agencies that are dominated by political factions. Recall that political parties, political actions committees and similar entities are Institutions, not Agencies.


The same is true with the Enterprises: Far more than 15 percent of the population is employed by Enterprises but that does not mean that even the leadership or the stockholders of specific Enterprises vote or take actions which are in the best interest of the Enterprise. The legal responsibility of the managers of Enterprises to optimize profit -- which really means optimizing short term profit -- would create an intolerable condition if carried to extreme.  That is especially true with a largely unrecognized and thus largely powerless NEW Fourth Estate.


Again, with the Institutions, most citizens are members of many Institutions.  An individual may belong to a church, a political party, a labor union, a bowling club and many others.  Citizens do not and could not take actions which were in the best interest of each of those Institutions. This makes the 45 percent +/- of the population that primarily takes actions in the interest of the individual citizen and Household particularly important. This is overwhelmingly true because 70 percent of the economy of the US of A is based on consumer consumption.  Unfortunately the great majority of these, as pointed out in PROPERTY DYNAMICS, are RHTCs. They must devote all their energies to keeping up and cannot participate actively or intelligently in the Institutions, including political parties, much less in Enterprises and Agencies.


Who Will Fill the Void Left When MainStream Media Abandoned the Fourth Estate?


First, no one says the Fourth Estate is completely vacant. “The alternative media” are attempting to fill some of the void but they lack an overarching Conceptual Framework in which to focus their activities.


Next, there are millions of informal grassroots “networks,” especially ones focusing on single issues and on culture war topics. Most of these networkers (bloggers, newsletter contributors and readers, etc.,) do not know they are in the Fourth Estate because they lack an understanding of the need for an Estates Conceptual Framework.  In addition many of them are disoriented and “global” because they are on the web and they welcome all comers as a sign of “growth.”

Networkers often lack a territorial anchor much less an understanding of the organic structure of human settlement patterns.

Finally, there are some who believe that The Middle Class exists outside the rhetoric of political posturing.  These Middle Class true believers do what they can with supper clubs, quasi study circles and other face-to-face groups. In addition there are a few Institutions that support these interests.


The most important aspect of the Fourth Estate Conversion is that few yet realize that, as the First, Second and Third Estates converted to Organizations (Agencies, Enterprises and Institutions) and as MainStream Media became part of the Second Estate, citizens (individuals and Households) were left with no focused voice.  They are just voters, customers and members.


The greatest potential for a robust Fourth Estate lies in the citizens (Individuals / Households) that were once in the Middle Class – especially RHTCs – who are no longer represented by the Institutions of the Third Estate and citizens who are bootstrapping themselves up from No Estate.  All these citizens are in danger of falling back into No Estate due to the aggressive work of the denizens of the Second Estate (especially MainStream Media) and Third Estate.


How do citizens secure a place in the Fourth Estate?  By continuing what they have done to get to the threshold.  They are at the door via new ways to communicate outside the other three Estates and especially outside MainStream Media.  They started slowly with letters, handbills, essays and self-published books.  The telegraph, the telephone and the FAX allowed them to expand their scope and set the table for an exponential leap.  The Internet and Blogging exploded from 1986 to 2008. By 2008, citizens (individuals and Households) have the tools and the potential to control what was for a brief period of time the role of journalism.

In their rush to sell more “stuff,” the Second Estate has armed those who have to potential to end Mass OverConsumption and Business As Usual.

Citizens, due to the emergence of electronic communications, the Internet, telephone and the skepticism about what they read or saw or heard in traditional “journalism” outlets, can emerge as the new Fourth Estate.  Could this be the second coming of Bacon’s Rebellion?


As suggested in PROPERTY DYNAMICS the majority of the citizens (individual/Households) are now so occupied by Running as Hard as They Can (RHTCs), they have little time to effectively participate in governance or in political activities as the Fourth Estate drifts without a rudder.  We will revisit this issue in PART IV.


-- December 10, 2007



End Notes


(10). For an interesting discussion of this perspective see “Who Rules Virginia?,” 29 October 2007, on the Bacon's Rebellion website, and “The Political Economy of Growth,” 1 November 2007 in the Bacon’s Rebellion blog. The latter reviews the issues raised over 30 years ago by Harvey Molotch in “The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place.” This essay, referenced in The Shape of the Future, provides insights useful in discussions presented in PARTS II, III and IV.     


(11). The following is an edited excerpt from a recent note to a WaPo editor and writer. (See APPENDIX TWO.) Billions of dollars are being spent every year to stall the advent of broad citizen understanding of reality. The most significant Business-As-Usual “investments” in obfuscating the future are:

  • Sponsored science

  • Masquerade research

  • Agenda think tanks

  • Deceptive advertising

  • Institutional image ads

  • Special interest lobbying, and

  • Political contributions  

These categories make up the “venture capital” of Mass OverConsumption. It worked for tobacco, cotton and sugar.  It is now working for Autonomobiles, petroleum, corn, big grid energy, toll roads and other exponents of Mass OverConsumption. The myths and illusions that the investment in misinformation buys obfuscate reality concerning every aspect of Business As Usual. Even the meaning of reality is muddled and in dispute.


(12). One of the concepts to be explored in TRILO-G will be the need for science to move beyond “peer review.”


(13). The genetic roots of this system go back perhaps 3 to 5 million years but the evolution of the three Estates comes into focus over the past 13 millennia and is made intelligible by the work of Jared Diamond and others.


(14). It is interesting to speculate at what point in the evolution of the Three Estates that members of a band, clan or tribe became so unimportant as to loose standing and status.  At the outset, everyone was important to the survival of the group, as noted in PART III.


(15). This last sentence and other statements in the Anatomy of The Estate Matrix are intentionally broad generalizations.  The advantage of using The Estate Matrix as a Conceptual Framework is that the idea of the three, and later four, Estates grew over thousands of years and by 1302 was well accepted in Europe. The Estates were a major topic of discussion before and especially during the French Revolution. It was still in wide enough use in 1837 for the Fourth Estate moniker to stick as a description for print media and to survive to this date.


(16). The percentage numbers are broad generalizations, especially in Column 2.  The role of citizens in the Cantons (and nation-state-wide) in Switzerland, in city-states such as Sienna and in other jurisdictions varied widely over the five-and-one-half centuries from 1300 to 1790. All the statements, but especially these percentage numbers in The Estates Matrix, are “order of magnitude” approximations intended to establish a Conceptual Framework.  They are not a definitive articulation based on multi-disciplinary research.  Suggestions on evolving the language and these quantifications are welcome.


(17). There is one specific complication associated with the “identification with” percentage: It is a “Household identification with percentage” up until Column 6 (1950).  (“Household” is defined in GLOSSARY. Column 6 shifts to an individual citizen “identification with percentage” for Estates One through Four.  The reason is straight forward: In Column 5 (1837) women did not have a vote in most societies that now comprise the First World.


Because this is an “order of magnitude” percentage, trying to sort out the influence that women had in the market place and in the voting booth for the time frames before 1950 is beyond the scope of this inquiry.  Adding a 1920 Column to reflect woman’s suffrage in the US of A would not clarify the important Transformations and Conversions that are the focus of The Estates Matrix. The influence of women in the market place and in the voting booth before they had the right to vote could be part of a future refinement of The Estates Matrix.


(18). Here is a brief summary of how the territory that is now the European Union got to 1302.  This summary is over simplified but provides a sketch for those who slept through or have forgotten high school World History:


With the decline of the Roman Empire in the fourth century AD, a complex array of empires, kingdoms, principalities, city-states, religious groups, trading partnerships and tribes held sway over territories in what became the European Union. The Christian Church in Rome grew in power.  With this expansion of influence there also emerged the widespread belief that the world would end at the Millennium.  When the world did not end, “leaders” of all the Organizations that existed at the time “hitched up their drawers” and tried to create systems of governance and management to achieve their Organizations' “this worldly” goals.


These were not “dark” ages (either before or after the Millennium) except in the sense what happened is not simple, easily summarized or clear to contemporary observers.  (They were brutal times but the last 80 years been brutal as well with the first two World Wars, Atomic Bombs, Genocide of unprecedented scope, etc.)  By the early 14th Century, events such as Runnymede / Magna Carta (1215) in England and the calling of the First Estates General (1302) began to establish frameworks for governance at the municipal, provincial and nation-state levels.


The Wikipedia entry on “Estates of the realm” provides an overview of the “Three Estates,” not just in France but in Scotland, United Kingdom and elsewhere in what is now the European Union.   


(19). The Black Death arrived from Asia Minor in 1346 and ravaged Europe in recurring epidemics during the rest of the 1300s.  As David Herlihy has documented, The Black Death weeded out much of the Organizational dead wood that had accumulated in Europe in all three Estates after the turn of the Millennium.  This “Transformation” – the term coined by Herlihy (See End Note 21) – was followed by the “redevelopment of Europe,” the reinvention of Planned New Communities and the emergence of other economic and social strategies used to resettle territory laid fallow by the Black Plague. These tools and resources were later employed by Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, Netherlands and others in the colonization of the “New World.”


(20). For an interesting perspective on the forces that caused changes between 1607 to 1790 in the territory that became US of A see “Berkeley the Butcher,” 4 September 2007 and Blog post “”Nathaniel Bacon Vindicated, Gov. Berkeley Shamed,” 4 September 2007.


(21). We call these developments “Transformations” not in honor of science fiction robots or the toys that mimic theoretical supernatural silliness. We use the term “Transformations” because that is what David Herlihy called the first one in his important book on the Black Death. Herlihy, David; "The Black Death and the Transformation of the West"; Cambridge, MA; Harvard University Press; 1997.


(22). On page 14 in Chapter 1 of The Shape of the Future we summarize the third Profound Transformation as follows:  The progress of industrialization, urbanization and democracy has caused the human settlement pattern to:

  • Transform to primarily serve urban -- as opposed to nonurban -- distributions of human activity

  • Become incredibly more disaggregated and complex

  • Physically expand exponentially so that it is now scattered across most of the habitable space on Earth

The underlying basis for this change in the human settlement patterns (from nonurban to urban) has been cited by Peter Drucker as the most important change in human history. Citizen understanding of the economic, social and physical context has not kept up with this phenomenal change. Chapter 1 Box 2 provides further insight into the evolution of human settlement pattern components.  The text and graphics of Chapter 1 Box 2 is reproduced as APPENDIX ONE.


(23). The continuing existence of “nobility” and a royal family in Great Britain and in other nation-states such as Denmark and Sweden make the Conversion of the Estates more difficult to follow clearly than in the US of A.    














The Estates Matrix: 700 Years of Profound Transformations and Estate Conversions


On the road to contemporary civilization, morphing estates have fundamentally changed the management of society. One recent conversion is the MainStream Media's abandoning of its fourth estate responsibilities.


This Backgrounder is presented in four Parts:


I. The Morphed Estate


II. The Estates Matrix


III.  The Rise and Fall of Journalism


IV. The Road Ahead



Ed Risse and his wife Linda live inside the "Clear Edge" of the "urban enclave" known as Warrenton, a municipality in the Countryside near the edge of the Washington-Baltimore "New Urban Region."


Mr. Risse, the principal of

SYNERGY/Planning, Inc., can be contacted at


Read his profile here.