Guest Column

Michael H. Smith


Minimum Wage, Everyone Pays

The minimum wage hurts small business, costs poor people jobs, and drives up costs. The winners are those hostile to competitive capitalism.


Even the strongest supporters of the minimum wage concede that it costs jobs. What they won’t admit is that higher labor costs also raise retail prices while sending more jobs overseas.


Federal government statistics show that raising minimum wages costs thousands of jobs — hurting the very poor it supposedly helps. The Labor Department figures also show that hardly anybody actually works for the minimum wage — about two percent of the workforce. Most are either teenagers living at home or old people — very seldom heads of families.


The family-owned grocery in Stanardsville in Green County would likely close down, putting the teenagers from the high school across the street out of work. They, and the elderly who walk to shop and work here, would have to find a ride to the huge foreign-owned chain store miles away.


If it’s so bad who wants it?


• Democrats who see a way to destroy Republicans by getting RINOs to defect.


• Labor unions, bent on destroying low pay jobs to reduce competition for over-paid members.


• Huge global corporations, to end competition from Mom and Pop businesses.


• China and others who will see more business for them and less competition from us.


• Illegal immigrants and other "undocumented" workers who will take jobs from tax paying legal Americans.


• Leftist, socialist haters of free market capitalism, media, academia and Big Entertainment.


• Government itself, which always wants to grow.


• "Useful idiots" -- bald, pony-tailed, leftover 1960's hippy-type radical college professors and ignorant, emotion-driven Americans.


• Some liberal Christians who shirk their duty of charity to let government do it.


• Politicians, using the poor for political gain, as a useful perpetual victim class.


Of the working poor, the ones for which we have the most sympathy are single moms who do indeed struggle to make ends meet. Unfortunately they broke three rules Daniel Patrick Moynihan identified way back in 1962 as necessary to prevent 90 percent of poverty: 


• Finish high school, 


• delay having babies until married, 


• get married and stay married.


If you want to help the poor earn more don’t expand government programs. They do more harm than good, and are hideously expensive. Instead, empower churches, private charities and industry to help restore the family as the prime training ground for the virtues necessary for success: good manners, acceptance of authority, getting along with others, learning to work hard, industry, thrift, honesty and self denial.


The instant it was clear that Nancy Pelosi was going to be speaker of the U.S. House, the usual suspects, uber-leftist organizations like ACORN and Big Labor, who have been waging this war on America for decades — launched their latest assault on common sense, the Constitution — and the poor, by dragging out their tired and always proven wrong old nostrum, hking the minimum wage. They know it doesn’t work but count on the emotion-driven public going for it.


Lemmings in the Virginia Legislature are lining up right behind Congress to jump off the cliff — and take our economy and the poor with them. Looks like a done deal.


"It’s not fair that the ‘working poor,’ struggling to raise a family on minimum wage should be starve when corporate executives and rich oil companies get even richer on the backs of those same poor!" Of course, that is a Big Fat Lie. But, also, few have the will to resist — even when they know better. Thanks be to liberal government schools.


The free market has cut the poverty rate in half everywhere in the world where private property is honored. In the free market employers compete for the best workers, so they can negotiate for wages, benefits and working conditions. Nixonian price controls always cause a vicious circle, a dwindling spiral— just like all socialism. It shrinks the legitimate taxpaying economy and jobs. Socialism always increases inequality. To escape it many more will join the underground economy. More "undocumented" workers— including illegal aliens— shrinks the tax base increasing the burden on above-ground, taxpaying workers who are then more likely to lose their jobs to those same illegal workers shifting the burden to them.


In Virginia so far, five bills have been dropped into the legislative hopper for consideration by the 2007 General Assembly. All say, "to amend and reenact § 40.1-28.9 of the Code of Virginia," pertaining to the already unconstitutional law controlling what employees and employers are allowed negotiate for wages.


Bills differ only in detail. All tie Virginia’s Unconstitutional Minimum Wage Law to the federal Unconstitutional Minimum Wage Law. All would raise the minimum wage over the next few years, and tie Virginia’s to federal minimums. The bills are all offered by members of two out of the three parties in Richmond, democrats and the new third party, the Bi-Party. The Bi-Party is composed of sell-out RINO’s (Republican In Name Only). Real Republicans are not represented.


House Bills are: HB1634 delivered by D. W. Marshall, RINO-Danville. HB1651 emanates from Albert C. Eisenberg, D-Peoples Republic of Arlington. HB1654 was tossed in by David J. Toscano, D-Socialist Hell-hole Charlottesville. 


Senate bills are: SB-758 served up by Walter Stosch, RINO-Henrico. SB-766 was launched by Locke, D-Hampton. (Her namesake, John Locke, must be rolling in his grave.) 


Virginia’s Legislature has an excellent website. Go to: for all the juicy details. Readers need to pester these poltroons to kill these bad bills — minimum wage is bad for all of us!


-- January 8, 2007

















Mike Smith describes himself as an Ignorant Hillybilly broadcasting meditations on culture, economics and government from high atop Turkey Ridge in Greene County, Va.


He can be contacted here: 
