Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


Ten Reasons to Vote

Against Jim Webb


They all start with, "He can't be trusted." 


As much as I enjoyed Jim Webb’s writing about the Naval Academy, Vietnam and the Scot-Irish, I am truly disappointed in the scripted, socialist, liberal positions he parrots in this race. I wrote an op-ed earlier in the year, "Why Not Webb", pointing to his potential – and the opportunity to unite Virginians for common purposes. This campaign is bitter fruit from a former officer and gentleman who should have known better and done better. Thus, here is why I conclude to not vote for Webb.


1. Webb can’t be trusted. Jim Webb has been a Democrat-Republican-Democrat. Who knows what party he will serve if he gets elected? Maybe a Libertarian, a Green, or a LaRouche Conspiracy Theory Democrat? The Parties change glacially. Webb is like mercury. He can’t choose between solid Republican or liquid Democrat. His commercials play him being an independent, but his money all comes from liberals. If elected, he’ll serve the Liberals.


2. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb was given the high honor of appointment to Secretary of Navy as a young man by President Ronald Reagan. He quit in anger after 10 months. He spoke harshly against Reagan. Yet, he used photos of Reagan to boost this campaign for senate – even though First Lady Nancy Reagan asked him to cease and desist. No respect for the President’s widow. No loyalty to his mentor.


3. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb says that “of course, higher revenues are needed.” He will roll back the Bush-Allen tax cuts that got our economy moving again. Everyone will get a tax hike. Every family with a child will pay more. But, Webb won’t tell what other taxes he will raise. What is he hiding from the voters? Mark Warner promised not to raise taxes but increased taxes.  Tim Kaine promised not to raise taxes but tried to increase taxes. Webb…


4. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb says vote "NO" to Virginia’s Marriage Amendment. He won’t support a Federal Marriage Amendment. So, Webb says marriage is between one man and one woman, but he won’t actually support protecting it from tyrannical judges. The Supreme Court of New Jersey just ordered the state legislature to create homosexual marriage or civil unions. Webb won’t stand up and be fighting for marriage.


5. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb says he is a conservative. But he doesn’t support the strict construction, traditionalist judges appointed by Bush and voted by Allen. Webb will support the same out-of-control judges as every other Liberal Democrat. The results, as in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida, and the Ninth U.S. Court, will be more activism like taking "God" out of the Pledge of Allegiance and imposing homosexual "marriage".


6. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb was right to know how hard making a lasting peace in Iraq would be. But he was wrong to not support deposing the mass murderer Saddam Hussein as a clear and present danger to the U.S. Webb has no plan that can help our Army train, equip and aid the Iraqi Army to win control of their country any faster or better. A Democrat timetable to withdraw is a calendar for surrender. Just like Democrats quit on Vietnam and scorned Vets. Webb is the candidate for the liberals, like John Kerry, who betrayed his own comrades in arms – and are doing it again.


7. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb makes much of his clan’s former roots in Southwest Virginia, but he betrays his "people" when he abandons the faith of his fathers and supports abortion on demand. Clannish Christian Scot-Irish (I’m a Maley) know abortion is an abomination against the sanctity of life. Educated men know that the Supreme Court decision to make up a Right to Abortion as a bogus Right to Privacy was an arrogant abuse of power – that kills the most innocent – but Webb applauds Roe v. Wade.


8. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb says he will stop illegal immigration, mimicking Sen. George Allen’s leadership in the Senate to stop all the illegal aliens from crossing the borders now. Figure out what to do with illegals residing here after you stop the invasion. But Webb’s current political party, the Democrats, voted overwhelmingly for amnesty now, amnesty forever, and wide open borders.


9. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb was brutally honest in criticizing President Bill Clinton’s immoral, corrupt administration. But his words don’t mean much when he turns on them to go beg Clinton to raise money for him. Webb represents Hollywood Liberal social values and the failed economics of every socialist con – from the minimum wage hikes that kill jobs to Socialist Security which provides little to seniors - and will fail completely in the future.


10. Webb can’t be trusted. Webb is widely criticized by many of his Naval Academy classmates and fellow graduates for being a hothead, a loose cannon, a writer who says too much too loosely and lacks the steadiness to stay in charge and lead.


Webb enthusiastically endorsed Republican George Allen over Democrat and fellow Marine Chuck Robb in 2000. But Webb challenges Allen out of the clear blue and counts as his closest allies the very politicians he despised a few years ago.


Sen. George Allen remains true, promises made – promises kept, as always, conservative. What can that mean against future political winds? The will o’ wisp is Webb and the oak is Allen.


Finally, I must say, as a West Pointer, he is another "squid" from the Naval Academy, like Jimmy Carter, who deserves to lose. Beat Navy. Vote for Sen. George Allen.


-- November 6, 2006










James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.