Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


Ten Reasons to Vote for Allen


From taxes and immigration to judges and World War IV, Sen. George Allen stands on the right side of the issues.


The official election season for 2006 is on. The heat of summer brought no light or illumination to the Allen v. Webb race for the United States Senate. There was the "macaca" brouhaha, but the rage about imputed racism spoke more about the overflow of liberals’ hearts than the inner man that is George Allen. So, in the sobering days of September when it’s back to school, back to work, and back to endgame politics, let’s look at 10 good reasons to re-elect George Allen as senator from the Commonwealth of Virginia.


1. Immigration. Allen gets it. He voted against President Bush’s shameful amnesty bill. Close the borders now. No excuses. Immediately. Then, sort out what to do with 12 million or so illegal immigrants – after the borders are sealed.


2. Taxes. Allen voted for the tax cuts that have fueled the economy out of the Clinton/9-11 Recession. Allen supports an end to the Death Tax. He will continue to vote for lower taxes.


3. Energy. Allen has done his homework and supports the achievable alternatives to make the U.S. independent of Middle Eastern oil. His initiatives using Virginia’s coal, crops, off-shore oil and gas and technologies will bring wealth, jobs and more energy resources to Virginia.


4. Judges. Allen stood strongly for the conservative, stricter constitutionalist judges nominated by President Bush. Allen understands the threat activist judges are to the Rule of Law under our Constitution -- although, he hasn’t prepared articles of impeachment for any tyrannical judge yet.


5. WW IV. Allen understands that the war in Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom) is part of the greater World War against Islamist Terrorism. He knows that removing Saddam Hussein was necessary to preserve and protect U.S. security. He has visited the war zones and wants the Generals to decide when troops can come home, not cut and run on an arbitrary timetable.


6. Trust. Allen has been a consistent, courageous conservative since he was elected delegate to the General Assembly from Mr. Jefferson’s seat. As Governor he set the example for "promises made, promises kept." His reforms for truth in criminal sentencing and parole and for establishing educational standards have served Virginia well and are standards for national leadership.


7. Jobs. When Allen was Governor, he kept Virginia open for business. He works to limit federal regulation and taxation that kills jobs.


8. Environment. Allen supports good stewardship to preserve open land and clean water. He is instrumental in getting rid of the mothball fleet environmental hazard in the James River. He works for federal resources to help clean The Bay.


9. Trainable. Allen changed his position on hate crimes when he learned the threat to liberty for Christian free speech lurking in including "sexual orientation" in hate crimes legislation. Maybe he can continue to mature his thinking and vote against all hate crimes legislation, minority quotas, set asides and race-based privileges – like his regrettable Virginia Indian Tribes bill.


10. Resolute on Life and other issues. George Allen has always been a legislative champion for the right to life of the unborn babies. He understands when life shouldn’t be snuffed – like euthanasia – and when life may be taken, regretfully and solemnly after due process – capital punishment. Allen supports defending traditional marriage as one man and one woman.


-- September 11, 2006










James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.