Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


The Real Race Problem

Which is worse: calling someone "macaca" or painting whites as racists in order to perpetuate the cult of victimhood and keep minorities on the liberal plantation?


After painting his opponent as a Hollywood guy out of touch with the audience in far southwestern Virginia, Sen. George Allen singled out his opponent's video stalker for attention. He mangled or made up a name for the University of Virginia student, adding “Welcome to Virginia and America.”


The audience was all white. The young man from Fairfax is of Indian (Asian) descent and dark skinned.  Mr. S.R. Sidarth, took offense. He thought Allen was trying to highlight his race in an all-white crowd. Thus, a racial "incident" took place.


Sen. Allen apologized for any offense taken. Then, he met with an Indian-American political group, which is standard fare for groveling post-faux pas for Republicans. Said Mr. Sonjay Puri: "If you read his comments in their totality, it becomes very clear no matter how you explain the phrasing, it is insensitive to a young kid who is of Indian-American descent.”   Futhermore, Mr. Puri indicated that Allen will need to do more.


Poor George. He will tie himself in knots trying to please everyone, and anyone, from a "protected class of persons" who takes offense – for political or personal gain. George Allen can not escape, as long as he is a Republican and Conservative, the tag of having a "Race Problem."


Former Atlanta mayor and U.N. Ambassador Andrew Young just resigned from Wal-Mart. When asked about Wal-Mart closing down mom-and-pop stores, Young said, "Well, I think they should... I think they've (Mom and Pop stores) ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs; very few black people own these stores.”


But, Mr. Young is Black. He is a Liberal. Mr. Young will never have the tag of a "Race Problem". The real Race Problem in Virginia reflects that fixed incongruity that white, Conservative Republicans have race problems and minority, Liberal Democrats don’t. The truth doesn’t matter, only the politics.


The Real Race Problem in Virginia is the political expediency and necessity of keeping alive a problem of White vs. all minorities racism. The actual manifestation of de jure and de facto racism, especially white against blacks is at its lowest point in 400 years. The real danger of discriminatory behavior, prejudiced speech and actual violence against minorities is diminished, yet the rhetoric of racial fouls is increased.


The more the old kind of racism decreases the more hypersensitivity to racism increases. Several populations of Virginians keep it this way. Liberals, Move-Heres and Professional Blacks don’t acknowledge the transformation of the human heart for the overwhelming majority of white Virginians, the ones who consider themselves "Southerners," to replace racial prejudice with Christian agape and philos, and sometimes eros, love. The morally ascendant ideas of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. triumphed -- at least among conservatives.


A few observations are in order about the groups who perpetuate the stereotype of Southern whites as racists:

  • Liberals worship a trinity of race, class and gender(s). Liberals see themselves as part of groups, not as individuals. Thus, young Mr. Siddarth thought Sen. Allen was mocking his skin color, when Allen may have been mocking his absurd looking haircut. Liberals see race in every issue. They impose differences in diversity which promote the intolerance of tolerance to advocate some groups and silence politically incorrect groups. The racial climate liberals encourage on Virginia’s college campuses is appallingly similar to Jim Crow segregationist ideas.

  • "Move Ins" are foreign to the Southern sub-culture. The better universities offer courses in different aspects of Southern you-name-it, but Move Ins don’t get it. They are foreigners from the North or from alien countries. Many Yankees suffer from the comic book, one- dimensional prejudices they learned in public schools. Their ignorance of history and the complexity of white and black relationships interwoven in almost 400 years of the South is manifest. This is compounded by an unearned moral arrogance about slavery and segregation. Many first- and second-generation Immigrants suffer from the superficial view of the South promoted by Hollywood and maintained by Liberal-dominated government schools in NoVa.

  • Professional people of color make a living by the color of their skin. The Civil Rights organizations that didn’t make a transition after equal rights were won became race pimps for permanent victim-hood and hand outs on the Democrat political plantation. The corporate, government – especially in education, offices for minority this or that must maintain that race matters to keep their jobs.

Real racists that remain in Virginia come in every color, ethnicity and creed. The good news is that the few bigoted racists are proscribed from wounding others more than ever because of the social stigma. Child molesters are held in higher regard than racists. The answer to accusations of racism and a race problem, when none exists, should be limited to several words. Harry Truman would know what to say. The real race problem comes in the words that are the overflow of the hearts of the race baiters. Too bad that the Liberals, Move Ins and Professional Racialists have wax in their ears and hear not.


-- August 28, 2006










James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.