Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


"June Will Come Soon" 


June is a time to celebrate life, youth and rites of passage -- and a time to count our blessings as free men.


“June will come soon and we will lieutenants be,” is a line in a West Point song. My June Week graduation was 34 years ago. Seems like yesterday. Our youngest child, Maggie, just graduated from The University. Many of her friends are getting married. So, for this piece in June I’d rather chat about graduations and the future than keep up the drumbeat on taxes.


I’m sick of writing about taxes. I’m tired of naming names, His Lordship Sir John Chichester - first among fellow travelers, for apostate Republicans, RINOs, who make all Republicans look foolish, childish, churlish, disloyal, economically ignorant, politically tone deaf, and worthy of almost every mocking thing a Democrat could dream to say.


So, I’ll just close my eyes and hope that there is a state budget by July 1st. If not, then I’ll be back to writing about Constitutional crisis, tax folly, scam and stupidity - later.


June is for graduations, despite the colleges turning to May, and weddings. And summer. The glow of joyful occasions, those monuments to life passages marking welcomed ends and new, bright beginnings, are full of hope.


The celebration of living in joy and love makes for dreamy hours of well being. More than a mid-summer night’s dream, June whispers the "future will be fine". There are warm days, blue skies adorned with glorious clouds, and restful relaxation in the company of family and friends.


My wife and I treasure the honor of attending the graduation parties and weddings. We cherish sharing the moment. We are thrilled seeing young people with a purpose. We marvel that they are still innocent amidst the vulgarity and crudeness of our culture. The kids have to earn sophistication and real worldliness wrung from life’s inevitable hard times. Yet, they are ready to take on the world. From the bottom rung of the job ladder, everything looks up to them. All things seem possible: Everything wonderful will happen. ... It won’t, but that is for another season of life.


The future is just another tomorrow. Yet it holds promises of great potential. Virginians are children of the Enlightenment, so we believe in progress. Conservatives embrace change, especially technology, as a way to make life better. Our distinction is our desire to shove the best of the past into the future. Learn from history and dump the bad. Yet, never expect the perfection of man. Simply try to forge the best from the fallen, sinful persons we all are. Make government reflect the reality of human nature by limiting it as much as possible. Governments of men will act like men. Power corrupts. Men seek power for themselves. They will say anything, do anything, be anything to get power – and become the very tyrants they hated, the day after they deposed the former tyranny.


June in Virginia isn’t a time for tyrants. Early summer blossoms in our flower garden. The feast for the eyes is sweetness for the soul. God made this season of blooms. God created all things. The one, living God described in the Judeo-Christian Bible is sovereign. Our rights come from this Creator, not His creations. Our blessings come from Him. Our hope is in Him for this life and the everlasting life that continues this consciousness, like walking through a door, to a much better place. No tears. Even as sweet as tears of joy are. No tears.


Enjoy this blessed June 2006. Our time is now. Even for us folks who see the days diminishing, as much as graduates and newlyweds see the days expanding.  Virginians can rest this June and dream of a better future. Maybe consider a little about how to get there.


The next 400 years can be better for Virginia’s families – to live, work and play. Based on firm foundations of the first 400 years of English-speaking civilization. For liberty and opportunity. Like the Conservative Convention. I’m on the Steering Committee.  Conservatives who care about Virginia’s future should set November 11th, 2006 aside.


The Virginia Conservative Action PAC (VCAP) is sponsoring a one-day convention in Richmond. VCAP has Presidential candidates Allen, McCain, Frist, and Romney scheduled to speak. Huckabee might make it. Delegates will sit by city and county to vote in straw polls and for a Conservative issues platform. It’s time to build a Conservative consensus for the future of our Commonwealth. Stay in touch (


-- June 12, 2006










James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.