Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


Can You Say "President" Allen? 

After voting against the illegal-alien "Shamnesty" bill, George Allen is all but guaranteed the GOP presidential nomination. He stands with 60 percent of the electorate on all the big issues.


Sen. George Allen won the Republican nomination for President of the United States of America this week.


He won by voting with the Republican majority and against the Democrats, a Republican minority and President Bush on the "Shamnesty" Bill for Illegal Aliens.


The other Republican senators running for President voted for Illegal Immigrant sham. Only Gov. Huckabee of Arkansas, who obviously didn’t vote in the Senate, can challenge as a conservative, for the nomination. The Republican nomination is Allen’s to lose now.


MSM darlings like Giuliani and McCain won’t make the muster in the Republican primaries. McCain can dedicate a building at Liberty University to suck up to Rev. Jerry Falwell, but it won’t work. Senators Frist and Brownbeck, who had a chance to carry the Conservative banner, have committed the unpardonable political sins on illegal immigration. They can be redeemed, but not in time for ’08. The politicians and their MSM concubines (or is that reversed?) don’t understand the depth and breadth of understanding the American People have on the issue of Illegal Immigrants.


The People get it. The Liberal Left, like the Conservative Right, constitutes only one third of the nation. So, when 65 to 70 percent of Americans support George Allen’s position to stop the illegal invasion first, enforce present laws, then work out what has to be done in the future, he has picked up the Right, the mushy, apolitical Middle 20 percent and even the left-leaning. All but the hard core Socialists.


The Immigration issue, like the healthcare issue in 1994, will strike a chord with two out of three Americans. The more they learn, the less they will like. The more they understand, the more their anger will increase. The closer the legislation comes to reality, the more they will feel betrayed and the harder they will fight back and break longstanding loyalties with party and incumbents. The more they are patronized by the politicians and the MSM, the deeper the resentment and genuine anger.


But Sen. Allen dodged all of that. He is set, barring a major misstep, to win the nomination. This issue was the tipping point for the landslide. On other issues, like abortion – even though he stays away from it for the most part – as in opposition to partial-birth abortion, support for the traditional and normal institution of marriage, ending the death tax and lower taxes and less spending, Allen’s stands will poll over 60 percent across the nation.


Sen. Allen is on the wrong side of a few issues for ideological Conservatives, but not many. He will vote the emotional, irrational majority-polling side of Indian tribal recognition, racial government and special privileges for assimilated citizens in Virginia and extending Reconstruction and Judicial tyranny with the Voting Rights Act renewal.


But, since Allen got his head right against adding sexual behavior to "protected classes of persons" for Federal hate crimes, there is hope for his education. Likewise, changing the guard on his gate guards was

better. Sen. Allen was ill served in the past by an inner circle who denied access and screened feedback too much.


Finally, if Allen faces HRH Hillary Rodham Clinton in ’08, it will be like Reagan vs Carter. She can run to the moderate middle all she wants. The MSM can run scary stuff about this loony Right-winger all they want. But, issue by issue, Allen will be in agreement with 60 percent of Americans. Not bad for an election.


What is best for the Nation? I have a concern that Allen’s toughest life lessons have been learned in competitive sports and the ethereal world of politics. Sport is a good teacher. Yet great leaders overcome substantial obstacles, face hardships, and challenges – Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, FDR, Truman, Reagan to name a few – before the inevitable testing in office.


Sen. Allen is a great, charming politician. I don’t know the inner man, though, and I wonder. I hope he finds wiser counsel than those who pushed him to pander Left in the past. I hope he finds folks with vision over Wilsonian wishful thinking for understanding the tough neighborhoods of the globe. I wish him Godspeed.


Since Sen. Allen will win the Republican nomination in the Summer of 08, the Republicans in the Virginia General Assembly need to change the law on senatorial succession. If the absent Senator has a year or so left on the term, there should be a general election. Letting Gov. Tim Kaine appoint a Democrat for 4 years of a six-year term would be terrible. Fix the law.


-- May 30 , 2006











James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.