The Club for Growth

Phillip Rodokanakis


Governed by Demagogues

Virginia politicians are not simply spinning the truth — they’re engaging in outright demagoguery. And they will continue  as long as the electorate remains apathetic.


“There is nothing in the world more shameful than establishing one's self on lies and fables.”

      --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)


It has been widely reported that more Americans are voting for FOX’s American Idol, than they do in presidential elections. I am certain that this little statistic has not gone unnoticed amongst our politicians.


Obviously, if the majority of the electorate does not bother to vote in presidential elections—never mind state and local elections—it sends a message to politicians that they can get away with lies, falsehoods, and distortions of facts. They figure that the voters are not paying particularly close attention and even if they are, the likelihood of holding them accountable is miniscule.


This trend is manifesting itself in the way politicians openly switch positions without facing outrage or suffering any other adverse consequences. On the contrary, they feel emboldened to espouse various positions just to get elected and, once safely in office, doing a 180 degree turn from the positions that got them elected.


Obviously, the master of bait and switch politics was former Gov. Mark R. Warner (D). He campaigned on a promise not to raise taxes and then spent the rest of his term trying to enact one tax increase after another—until he finally succeeded the third year of his governorship.


Warner would not have been successful in enacting the 2004 tax increase, had he not been helped by the Republican controlled state Senate. The Senate leadership is completely out of touch with the Republican grassroots; it has continued to champion tax increases, in the face of an exploding state budget.


Even though state spending has just more than doubled from the mid-1990s, the Senate leadership keeps on harping for more taxes so that they can continue their outrageous spending spree. Warner and the Senate leadership, along with a small band of renegades in the House of Delegates were responsible for enacting the largest tax increase in the history of Virginia.


Ironically, just about everyone of the so-called leaders of the Senate Republican caucus were elected on a promise to bring fiscal responsibility to the state budgeting process and not to raise taxes. An apathetic and unengaged electorate does not seem to care whether their elected officials can be trusted to tell the truth—after all, Warner left office with a high approval rating, irrespective of the many lies and falsehoods he was caught in during his tenure.


So, it is little wonder that Warner’s successor, Tim Kaine (D) is continuing on the same path of lies, distortions, and half truths. He, too campaigned on a promise not to raise taxes, but even before he got sworn into office, he had switched positions and was trying to enact another tax increase on top of the last one. Kaine is again being helped by willing Senate leaders who clamor consistently for more taxes — a total about face from the positions they espoused when they last campaigned in 2003.


Furthermore, Kaine is taking the art of political spinning to a new level. For example, even though the House of Delegates proposes spending increases of 19 percent in the next two-year budget, Kaine talks about "cuts" in education and law enforcement. That’s not a simple distortion of facts — it is an outright lie!


Kaine’s colossal prevarications raised some eyebrows in certain political circles. They even forced the Speaker of the House to author an unusually harsh Op-Ed. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the majority of the voters have not been paying any attention and Kaine, like his predecessor, will not be held accountable.


H.L. Mencken (1880-1956), a journalist and social critic, defined a demagogue as “one who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots.” An unengaged and uninformed electorate remains oblivious to the facts, so that politicians can get away with spreading untruths, while facing little or no repercussion for their actions.


Until the voters become engaged again, we are destined to be ruled by demagogues and opportunists who say whatever suits them at any particular moment. It is said that we reap what we sow; as long as we do not demand higher standards from our politicians, we are doomed to be represented by deceivers — folks who will do and say anything just to get elected and lie repeatedly once in office. 


-- April 17, 2006








Phillip Rodokanakis, a Certified Fraud Examiner, lives in Oak Hill. He is the managing partner of U.S. Data Forensics, LLC, a company specializing in Computer Forensics, Fraud Investigations, and Litigation Support. He is also the President of the Virginia Club for Growth.


He can be reached by e-mail at


Read his profile here.



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