Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden


Time to Choose:

Are You a Peasant or a Patriot?

The royals running Virginia's House of Lords, er, Senate, think the populace is too supine to protest another tax increase. 


The majority of Republican Senators in Virginia’s General Assembly will shut down the government because they can. These Republicans are RINOs. But, since that term is tossed too quickly and easily dismissed, let’s call them the Royal Republicans. They think they’re in the House of Lords. Especially, His Lordship Sir John Chichester. Like all Royals they think power is their birthright and theirs alone.


The Royals know the first principle of power: Use it or lose it. Acting naturally, they’d stomp their feet, hold their breath until they turn blue, and whine loudly. But, that won’t get them their Transportation tax raise. Shutting down the government can create a crisis. Maybe that’ll work for them.


Indeed, it might work because the General Assembly Democrats and Democrat Gov. Timothy M. Kaine will go along enthusiastically. The Democrats and the Royals will shout that it’s the fault of the House Republicans. Like President Clinton, who refused to sign the federal budget in ’95, they’ll deny blame and shift responsibility. Like Clinton, the Royals have most of the Mainstream Media shilling for them. The MSM will go nuts blaming the House Republicans for not raising taxes... as if the House passing a fat budget which spends every penny coming in didn’t meet the letter and spirit of Virginia’s Constitution and Code... as if the Royals' budget that embeds tax increases in their revenue estimates isn’t unconstitutional. But the Royals count on few Virginians knowing or caring about the Rule of Law.


The Republican Senators count on Virginia’s voters to stay stupid about the law, passive about more taxes and cowed with hysteria to do anything to fix transportation problems. After 17 Republican Delegates rolled over and raised taxes in ‘04 – creating a $1.4 billion SURPLUS -- only six candidates challenged these tax and spend apostates in the Republican primaries.  The ’05 Republican candidate for Governor endorsed every incumbent. The Royal Republicans are counting on weak challenges in the Senate, if any, in ’07.


Mostly, the RINOs expect Virginians to not get smart on the issue. The MSM won’t report comprehensively and accurately. Furthermore, the Senators will fuzz facts to say the House is cutting essential services. The Senators will pull their pet trick to challenge any tax critic with a thundering, “What would you cut from the budget?” Yet, they never expect to be challenged with “What does your extra spending buy – specifically?” For example:


Both Houses spend $11.6 billion on Education (the House increase is 19 percent), but the Senate pumps in an extra $64 million. For what?


Both Houses spend $3.7 billion on Higher Education (the House increase is 20 percent), but the Senate loads on an extra $47 million. For what?


The House spends $3.34 billion on Public Safety (up 15 percent), and the Senate adds $8 million. For what?


Both House and Senate spend about $800 million (up 18 percent) on Health. They spend about the same on the Environment. After all those spending increases – there is another, new $1.5 billion surplus. Yet, the Royal Republicans insist you peasants cough up additional $1 billion a year for transportation. They’ll shut down Virginia’s government to make sure you knuckle under.


While the Royals are at it, they’ll stick you with an unelected regional taxing authority. Virginians rejected this twice at the polls. These taxing authorities are a new level of government. You wouldn't elect regional officials directly but they could raise your taxes to pay their salaries, staff, perquisites and friends for legal, environmental and engineering services, etc. -- even though the Governor, the General Assembly and VDOT have all the authority in law they need to plan major projects, institute tolls, and manage the results – right now!


Passive peasants won’t fault the Royal Republican Senators. Energy prices to heat homes and drive cars can rise without relief. Property taxes can soar with little or no relief from greedy city and county governments. Count on the peasants to swallow the last tax increase and eat another.


When the Senate’s Royal Republicans and Democrats refuse to pass the budget without new taxes, the news will explode with alarm. The Senate Royals count on the weak Republican delegates of '04, the turncoats, to roll over again. Can the Republican Royals pull their shell game twice? It’s really up to Virginia’s peasants, you, whom the Senate Royals hold in such contempt. Your voice in ‘06 and your votes in ‘07 will speak across the centuries and past the graveyards of the Founding Fathers. Are Virginians Patriots or Peasants?      


-- April 17, 2006











James Atticus Bowden is a military "futurist." His novel, "Rosetta 6.2," should be published in mid-2006. A retired United States Army Infantry Officer, he is a 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds three elected Republican Party offices in Virginia.   


Contact him through his website, American Civilization, and blog, Deo Vindice.

Read his profile here.