Guest Column

Blue Dog Tales


Warner Watchdog

To most Virginians, Mark Warner may be out of sight and out of mind.  But the Blue Dog faithfully keeps tabs on the former governor's national ambitions.


In a recent Al-Jazeera opinion editorial, Sajjad Khan wrote:

Who said politics was boring, as Mark Warner, the former governor of Virginia said recently that politics was not a battle between right and left, or between conservative and liberal, but between the past and the future.

Al-Jazeera? Holy Moses and the Promised Land! It's the struggle between good and evil, not the past and the future…


File that under Is Truth Stranger Than Fiction?


Recently, a Connecticut newspaper, The Norwich Bulletin, wrote, "He's (Warner) received so much attention his potential presidential rivals are subtly trying to debunk the notion he is a Southern Democrat. They've nicknamed him Nutmeg Mark - a reference to his Connecticut roots."


Nutmeg Mark? Heh-Heh Heh.


Except for the Internet news sources and the political blog circuit, nobody knows this Blue Dog has gone barking mad about fiscal policies in the Commonwealth.


Attack-dog politics - who me?


After forwarding another Mollycoddle miscue - a Forward Together e-mail, Bacon's Rebellion's Jim Bacon wonkishly wrote that the Blue Dog is the officially designated and most certifiable "Warner Watcher" in the Commonwealth and beyond and to the end of time.


The Warner Forward Together e-mail stated, "The Republican candidate, as you remember, spent all the time trying to scare the voters of Virginia. He talked about what he was against, not what he was for."


Jim Bacon slyly wrote the Blue Dog: "Shame on Jerry Kilgore for trying to scare voters into believing that Tim Kaine wanted to raise taxes!"


Oh, Jim-Boo! That's not the least scary! You need to check out Mollycoddle's talking head at the Forward Together blog.


That's truly bizarre blogflogging fodder! File that under Your Lips Move, But I Can't Hear What You're Saying.


Mollycoddle for president is a bone-chilling thought, yes, indeed, with his Virginia bipartisan miracle hocus-pocus. It's a downright frightening tax-and- spend fiscal possibility for 2008.


But so much for presidential scare tactics, because Democrat Mark Warner is only a three percent solution, according to the CNN/Gallup Poll of nationwide Democratic presidential hopefuls taken in late December.


However, Warner's Forward Together PAC has begged and pandered $4 million from unsuspecting and overeducated Democrats from around the nation with his Hello, my name is Mark Warner, and I'm an unemployed, but self-promoting politician song and dance.


Mark Warner also wrote about expanding his "so-called Southern conservative" Democratic family with "disaffected Republicans and independents - the people who are afraid of the rightward drift of the Republican party in this country."


As quick as a dog can lick a dish, I firmly resolve the Blue Dog gets his drift. Because ex-Governor Mollycoddle must be referring to the Virginia RINO machine and its members, senators Chichester, Norment, Hanger and Potts.


Those doggone-it, egg-sucking hounds from H-E-double hockey sticks!


Warner, a so-called Southern Democrat and the ... err, presidential alternative to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, said recently, "Talking about taxes in Richmond is kind of like talking about Ulysses S. Grant."


Oh, Mollycoddle! It’s no wonder you’ve hired spin-doctor Jerome Armstrong - a member of the Blog Legion of Super Heroes - to upgrade the art of presidential Web warfare for you.


The Club for Growth's Peter Ferrara recently published an opinion editorial concerning Warner and the Republicans-in-name-only. Ferrara wrote, "Virginia's Republican House opposed any tax increase. But about a dozen overcooked senate Republicans, including the aging Senate Republican leadership, insisted they would not pass any budget - effectively shutting down the state - unless an even bigger tax increase was passed."


Is the scenario a possible fright night screenplay for "The Mark Warner Story" and upcoming presidential campaign?


Ferrara concluded, "If Warner or any other Democrat is elected president in 2008, they will bring this big-government road show to Washington."


No doubt, Peter, no doubt - because Warner's miracle claim is unadulterated bunkum in reality-based Virginia.   

Grrr-Grrr! Is the Blue Dog's bark is worse than his bite?


Wait and see, because Mark Warner is my bone of contention and the focus of the Blue Dog's book, Adventures in Warnerland. It's nothing more than the Blue Dog's political contribution to Warner's Forward Together PAC ... err, I meant to say like a Blue Dog contribution to Mr. Warner's fire hydrant.


How 'bout dem dogs?


– April 3, 2006       












Steven Sisson is a fiscally conservative, Mountain-Valley Democrat, party activist, columnist and serious amateur genealogist. His work is published in the Augusta Free Press  

His e-mail address is:



Read his profile and back columns here.


Read about his book,

"Adventures in Warnerland."