Deo Vindice

James Atticus Bowden



It Could Be Worse 


Tim Kaine may be liberal, but he's also pragmatic. The Commonwealth will survive the next four years while Republicans figure out what they really stand for.


I thought that the ploy to play social wedge issues, the death penalty and illegal immigration, would take Republican Jerry Kilgore to a very, very slim victory for Governor. I was wrong.


I’m sorry for the loss for a decent man and his fine family. Yet, after a few more years of bad times for Virginia Republicans, it may all turn out quite well for Virginians. Our Old Dominion will be on the road to its destiny.   


Congratulations go to Governor-elect Tim Kaine.  He can’t do too much damage in four years while the Republicans find their soul, back bone, guts, brain, heart, vision, voice, feet, arms, and sufficient male genitalia. Kaine is cut from the same cloth as Ex-President Bill Clinton and Gov. Mark R. Warner as an ideological liberal, but pragmatic politician.


Kaine has the same situational ethics affinity for temporal truth, so he may be newsworthy for four years. He got elected by promising to set aside deeply held religious views to both support and thwart the Will of the People through laws. Meanwhile, Republicans can get ready to govern.


Note the difference between ‘Republicans’ and the ‘Republican Party of Virginia’. The bad times Republicans face includes the ‘Party’ as only one of the factions. First, Republicans will go through the blame game with explanations serving every agenda. Meanwhile conversations behind closed doors will determine the first steps towards redemption or more long jumps to political hell.


Sen. George Allen, Virginia Congressmen  - especially Tom Davis and Eric Cantor, Lt. Gov. Bill Bolling, Attorney General Bob McDonnell, Speaker of the House Bill Howell and his leaders, state Senator His Lordship Sir John Chichester and his lackeys will chat in different combinations. Or, not. Frankly, I don’t know if Sen. John Warner will care or get involved. The leaders will make their alliances.


The state leaders will make some key decisions. If leaders decide to offer a legislative agenda – plans for transportation, health care reform, illegal immigrants, etc., then the hemorrhaging of Republican support will slow. If leaders decide how to stand up to the coming tax hikes for transportation, then the differences between Republicans and Democrats may be made visible again.


Meanwhile, the Republican Party of Virginia will pursue the court cases to bring closed party primaries to the Commonwealth. If the Party doesn’t deliver the preponderance of money or votes to elections, it’s merely a cheerleader to the politicians. The city and county committees and congressional district committees are a long, long way from producing enough bucks or ballots to be more important than the candidates’ own election committees.


The Republicans, the elected officials who count and the Party people who care, will decide through the unpleasant budget battles of '06 and '08, the contested Party nominations of '07, the division or unity of the Presidential race of 08, and other issues that appear as fast as thunder clouds in summer, to be the more conservative or more liberal - with a vision, principles and practical solutions. Virginians will judge the Republicans. The Red State of Virginia is not Republican at its core. The Old Dominion is more conservative than not.


Candidates who run on their political label, ‘R’, only – lose. Candidates who run as social conservatives only – without pragmatic plans to fix problems – lose. When Republicans offer the Good People of Virginia a choice to vote ‘FOR’ coupled with social conservatism we all win. 


Virginia has a winning, wonderful destiny to seek and achieve. It’s time to start thinking of the Commonwealth as the sovereign state the U.S. Constitution says it is. Virginia should lead the Nation in its economy, education, environment, health, security and, most of all, liberty and opportunity. It’s all achievable.


But, it will take bad times for Republicans to get enough of the right elected leaders and a more powerful Party to make Virginia’s best vision real. The struggle is worth the name-calling intramurals, the MSM mockery and pernicious Liberal (calling themselves Moderate) treachery. Just like this election loss for the Governorship was more than balanced by the win of two reliable, promising leaders in Bill Bolling and Bob McDonell. It’ll all work to good for Virginia.


Like, how right it is for Virginia to not allow governors to get re-elected to consecutive terms. We limit the power of a powerful office on purpose. Virginia’s Constitution is correct. Let the other 49 states follow our lead in limited government. The other states should get used to following Virginia forward.    


-- November 14, 2005











James Atticus Bowden has specialized in inter-

disciplinary, long-range "futures" studies for more than a decade. He is employed by a Defense Department contract for the Future Combat Systems. A 1972 graduate of the United States Military Academy, he is a retired Army Infantry Officer. He earned graduate degrees from Harvard University and Columbia University. He holds two elected Republican Party positions in Virginia.

Mr. Bowden's e-mail address is:


Read his profile here.